Monday 3 May 2010

New EQ7 coming soon!

EQ 7 is being launched soon. That's right. The best Electronic Quilt designer software has been upgraded. Now, I know what you're all I computer proficient enough to work with the new EQ7??

Well...I hope so. I have EQ6 and I have gone through periods of trying to teach myself the basics, because if I managed to master it would make my life -so much easier-. With the new EQ7 being launched soon...I think its time that I took some serious lessons and came to terms with using this great software.
You can visit the Electric Quilt website here:

Thursday 22 April 2010

In The Pink is launched

In The Pink is launched!

Red Delicious was so rewarding, I thought I'd do it all over again. In The Pink is a bed quilt, inspired by tulips, released in 6 parts. (87 x 87 inches). As with RD, each installment is free during it's month of 'currency' and is then replaced with a new block.
Each installment will be released on the 15th of the month.

Being a 6 month BOM, there's plenty of time to make this quilt by Christmas....and it's also a perfect stash buster as well as being suited to new modern prints. Applique and pieced. This time around, I've learnt a few things about BOMs and hopefully will be able to bypass the previous issues many of you encountered with

All blocks are available from my BOM Yahoo Group or my website.

Hopefully this will allow access to run as smoothly as possible. Any feedback would be most welcomed. For more info, visit my website.

I am already toiling away on my next BOM...

Computers, urggh!

I don't know why, but my blog banner above is refusing to behave. Conquering this is beyond my skills I'm it may remain plain until someone comes to my rescue.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Just a little clarification…

I’ve been receiving emails and queries about my last post title: April Is The Cruelest Month…and have been told that it’s a little over dramatic and off putting. So I thought I would share with you exactly what I meant when I wrote this as a heading.

The Waste Land is a very well know poem by TS Eliot and “April is the cruelest month’ is the famous first line of this poem. When I used this title, I was using it tongue in cheek.

Working with computers definitely feels to me like a waste land all of my own. I found cross referencing this poem a welcome respite from the hours of wrangling and attempting to get work out of my hated machine (my ‘computer’). As a child in school in Europe, I was forced to memorize m-a-n-y poems…and sometimes certain lines strike you during moments in life.

As for my hate / hate relationship with my computer…things are on the mend… I am moving into the ‘breeding lilacs out of the dead land’ part now.

from Wikipedia ;

The Waste Land[A] is a 434 line[B] modernist poem by T. S. Eliot published in 1922. It has been called "one of the most important poems of the 20th century."[1]

APRIL is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.

On another note:
It's a week to go until AQC. I will be there every day, hoping you meet some of you. Please do come up and say hello. I am especially looking forward to catching up with those of you making the Civil War Bride Quilt... (err, I'm still in the beginning stages...)

Sunday 18 April 2010

April is the cruelest month....

OK, I might be exaggerating a little, but April appears to be conspiring against me and my new BOM, In The Pink.

My computer suffered a glitch and I have been off- line for a week. Apologies, apologies...I'm as eager to send ITP out into the world as I hope some of you are to receive it.

Fear not all eager BOM makers, In The Pink is finished and ready to be launched in the next 48 hours. The files are written up and ready.

So hang in there, it's coming! (and so is my DD...who's in charge of the computer). I only design the BOMs....

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Distractions, lovely distractions!

How can I get any work done around here?

Did my indoor cat get out when I left the back door open?

We searched and we called and we did a quick look around our yard (we have a neighborhood bruiser who likes to beat up all the neighbor’s cats. He frequently harasses our cat through the window). We called, we used food, we tapped things….and then we found her sheepishly sitting in my DH’s seat, too lazy to respond. She likes to think that SHE is the head of the house and sits in my husband’s seat whenever he is not around! (she’s not brave enough to do it when he is).

Then it rained lightly (the weather is all over the place at the moment – very hot, sudden change, cool in the morning, warm afternoons) and it looked as if a rainbow was in our garden, all the rain drops hanging off the tree leaves were illuminated in a beautiful glow.

Then I decided to go and see how my DD’s cherry tomatoes and silver beet were coping with the weird weather, and marveled that they have grown at least 3 inches overnight.

Then the birds started singing like crazy because our local street cat who we call “R” was up to no good on the fence line. I went out to save some nests from destruction and R mewed and bellowed and complained how hard his life was.

All he wanted was a cuddle and a scratch. He is a good cat really; he just needs more love and attention. I don’t think his owners take enough notice of him.

Ok…back to work. For anyone who’s still interested, the next BOM will be launched April 18th

Monday 29 March 2010

It's Easter

I love Easter and I love birds. As we have entered the Easter season, I’ve been thinking about how important it is to stop and enjoy the beauty and wonder of creation more.

I have a morning ritual involving a cup of coffee, a window and a tenacious birdy. Finally I have managed to snap a shot (it’s a bit blurry) of the morning ritual unfolding.

You can see how tall the conifer is, it dwarfs nearby roof houses and each morning a bird comes along and tries to perch on the topper most branch.

I love this moment. Every day I watch on with baited breath. And always there are some not so brave bird spectators that come to a nearby roof and jealousy watch. It’s a great moment when the birdy finally manages to get some balance. Often he will sway wildly in the wind on that little branch. I’m amazed it hasn’t snapped. I hope it never does.

I'm back at home and un-packed after 2 great workshops this past week....what a week it's been. Both workshops were warm and inviting and as for the students...well I couldnt have asked for a nicer group of ladies. Teaching is so enjoyable! Thank you !

Not only did I get to spend three days non stop doing what I love, but I also met an incredible inspiration of mine:

Kathy of Material Obsession!

Yes, after reading her books...and drooling over her stunning designs...I met her in the flesh! And she's so much more than I could have ever guessed. Also, my DD has been on at me to make a Dresden Quilt...and now I see a Desden quilt in the horizon, but rather than a traditional affair it will be inspired by Kathy's Garden Party. Do go and have a look yourself!

Kathy, your work rocks!

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Early Starts, busy March!

It's another early morining start for me. I'm up, my DH is packing the car and I am about to head out for a 2 hour drive to today's workshop!
March has turned out to be a seriously hectic month, so apologies for the few posts.
I feel like I've been spending all my time in 'preperation' or 'recovery' or 'on the road' as I have had several workshops back to back. I have also had lots of organising and ordering to do. And of course, there's always the family things we all know so well that have to be taken care of too.
As I make my morning coffee and look over my sleeping monitor each morning I know that time is ticking...
Many of you are eagerly waiting for the next BOM to start...I know, I know, apologies for the delay, but it couldnt be helped...and I just won't launch until I am satisfied. The good news is that its coming, next month.
So hang in there!

Monday 22 March 2010

Red Delicious takes it's first prize

Congratulations to: Laurie Schoenebeck, North Wisconsin, USA
Third place ribbon in the Appliqué Wall Quilt-Quilted on Home Sewing Machine Category

I do believe that this is the first Red Delicious quilt to have won an award…and I am so happy to know about it!
If anyone else has won or exhibited Red Delicious, please share. It makes me so happy to know that Red Delicious is out there being enjoyed and that each quilter makes it their own in their own unique way.

Thanks so much Laurie for sharing this!
How is your Red Delicious coming along? Are you finished yet?

Tuesday 9 March 2010

and the winners are...

Here's what the Quilt show had to say:

Table Runner Contest Winners are Here! Thanks to all the talented TQS members who entered our recent Table Runner Contest. There were so many beautiful pieces; it was very difficult to select the winners!

Based on your nominees for the top six entries, ARJJ chose the top three winners. All three are shown here. A big round of applause goes out to the winners for their outstanding work.

Watch this space: We'll soon be sharing the patterns for the top three winners with our TQS Star members, so you can create a winning table runner of your own...and be sure to keep an eye out for our next contest, coming in May. Once again we'll be offering a monetary prize to the top three winners.

1st Place: Esther the Easter Chicken by clhughley

Mine!! 2nd Place: Tulip Delight by EstherAliu

3rd Place: Round Robin by Bridget473

How great are these table runners?

Very happy to be placed 2nd.

Ok, I am actually Very Busy working, so back to it!

Sunday 7 March 2010


Sunshine and Shadow has been accepted for Paducah this year
Congratulations to everyone
(and especially Lisa Walton- another from Australia who made it in)
UPDATE: Wow! what a great response, thank you for your well wishes. I've never won anything in Paducah, however I enter because I feel that more important than winning - is being present. Especially with stenciling which is not a well known quilting technique. For me, just hanging amongst the big names I so admire is exciting!
Of course, I'm always trying to better my work, but making my own original designs and showing them is reward enough.

Thursday 4 March 2010

The end is in sight!

Finally the end is in sight!

Whenever I 'plan' something, I can be sure that my idea will be diverted into something else. I had some pretty strong ideas for the next BOM...and no matter what I do...or how I work it, the same design elements continue appearing, demanding to be the centre focus. What is this insisting design? Where is the BOM?? All will be revealed soon.

At the moment I'm finishing up and playing around with details to make sure everything is just where it's supposed to be.

I've been somewhat preoccupied in finishing this stash busting bed BOM quilt these last few weeks. I've gone through my fabric piles, I've been designing and re-designing and pinning blocks on any available wall.

My DD's (who are both all grown up and perfectly capable of moving out and running their own homes) left me this nice postcard on the fridge earlier this week. I thought I'd share it with you as I'm sure many quilters can relate.

More soon....

Sunday 28 February 2010

Totally Delighted!

The Quilt Show: is running a Table Runner Contest!
I have entered my own Tulip Delight and have been really delighted with the positive feedback.
There are some great table runners there, so if you'd like a look, stop by The Quilt Show site and check it out by double clicking on this post title or via my side bar. Log in and look under the"contests" tab at the top of the screen.
In other news, I'm working busily, very busily to get the next BOM launched (it has a mind and a will of its own) - I'm always struck by how determined a stash of fabrics can become - design wise.
More on that soon....

Monday 22 February 2010

Mess means progress

Guess which end of the table is mine?? It's been a hot weekend - exactly the kind of weather which deflates all my good ideas....but I toiled on regardless, sketching designs in front of the air con. Yes, I'm finally getting there.

Having a whole sewing room to myself isn’t enough, I branch out into the kitchen too. Well, I want to be where the action is.
I begged my DH for a bigger dining table. Both my DD’s vehemently protested – they knew it would turn into a work space. And it has. This means I’m busy. The messy half is mine. The clean half is where my family has to squeeze in to eat meals.

When my DD’s are really annoyed with my creativity nests, they swoop the whole lot into empty washing baskets and put them back into my studio. But these creative spaces are necessary; you never know when certainty will strike!

Meanwhile, my cat cooled off in a box beneath the air con. It's a bit cooler today which is good luck because we are cake baking my DH's birthday cake - which is tomorrow. My DD's now have a tradition of baking a Meringue / Pavlova for my DH's birthday every year, and every year its a different recipe. Hopefully this year's will end up being the best.

Sunday 21 February 2010

Freudian Slips

I have a journal for jotting down phrases that I want to hear again and again (I have a journal for everything) and just yesterday my DD was having a look through when she noticed this slip… have I been quilting too much or what???

Sew/ Sow, so what's the difference?

Pretty much any time is sew time in my household. I think I need to get some housework done.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Where's the new BOM?

(stitching, testing, re-cutting...and stitching again)

It's coming...soon! AND it's another Stash Buster!
I take my BOM's very seriously and am currently in the process of checking and double checking the design. Although there are many new great fabrics on the market I would love to get my hands on - I am again limiting myself to my stash - because I know that like many of you, new fabric is just another few inches taken on the shelf. If I dont like the colours - I will just have to live with it.

The next BOM is pieced and appliqued and is a bed quilt.
This time around I am making the BOM ahead of time (with Red Delicious I was making it step by step with you) and I think I would rather be waiting at the finish line. Sometimes the months just flit by or are too hectic and I didnt love the last minute sewing to get the next block out on time. So this time, I am going for organised! (also, my DD who types up the Adobe instructions demanded that it be this way as she wasnt keen on my last minute habits either!)
The next BOM is coming along nicely, and I cant wait to share it.

When I do, it will be announced on this blog.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Giving and Receiving: My Thoughts

Quilters worldwide really are the best of people. I’ve been thinking about this lately. I feel that I have an obligation to give, since I am such a great receiver. What do I mean?

If we would all share our time and knowledge freely with each other, how great a place would the world be? I know we all have to make a living, but if we all stopped and decided to give something (whatever we can – I believe we are all blessed in some way to benefit others) it would make life so much more rewarding.
I am not asking for people to give away their livelihood or something that they don’t have, just being generous with what they can afford to share – like time, information or a skill.

It might ‘only’ be a smile…or an apple (!) or a recipe (I have used many of those!) whatever it is, it makes a difference.

The other day I was taken aback by a stranger’s kindness. Then I was shocked that this deserved a comment. It seems that we are living in a consumerist – selfish- time where any act of kindness and generosity is so extraordinary that it feels like an exception rather than a daily reality. That’s a really sad place to be.
When I stated blogging I had no idea that there was such a rich community of givers out there – sharing their time, sharing their passion and freely allowing others into their inspirational space.
It is so wonderful to be able to glimpse into someone else’s kitchen, or studio or chooks or just appreciate another’s handwork. I feel like I know so many of you out there even though we have never met or maybe even communicated with each other.
Sharing the things that matter most to us really gives an insight into how different – and similar- our lives are, wherever we are in the world.
I am indeed lucky to be part of this world of friendship.

Monday 1 February 2010

Red Delicious Cushion...putting it together

The fronts are done and now its time to assemble your Red Delicious cushion. If you have a different way of sewing a cushion together, go ahead and use it.

This is how I like to construct my cushions. I prefer to sandwich the front applique piece as if it was a quilt. I add the backing of the cushion at the last stage - attaching it to the cushion with binding- just like a quilt. I do not 'bag out' my cushions.

Applique is in place. I've used zig zag stitch on all fused edges.

Blanket stitch is fine too.

(Yes, my old Elna - 1950's model- still makes the best satin stitch)

Once edges are stitched down, create a 'quilt sandwich' and baste

This is a snap of the basted quilt sandwich,

the pomegranate motif is stitched down

I started quilting by outlining all shapes with red thread

I wanted a modern feel for this quilt front. I quilted curve spheres - almost like repeating goblets and filled them with feathers. In between the curves, I filled the area with straight stitching. All the straight stitching area appears 'white' in the photo but actually every inch is quilted!

When quilting is finished, trim edges.

Cutting the back:

15 1/2 inches x 15 1/2 inches


15 1/2 x 6 inches

Select your zip: 15 inches

* Do measure the front of your cushion before you cut so that your measurements actually match your cushion front!

Attach zip to large square first. 1/2 inch from edge. On the photo you can see that I double turned the seam allowance and top stitched onto the zip.

On the small rectangle, fold lengthwise in half. Fold towards the zip - raw edge outside. Draw a line 1 1/2 inch away from fold and attach edge of the zip to the line you have drawn (I've drawn the line so that when you turn onto the right side, the line is straight.)

Stitch in place.

Right side. A fold of fabric is overlapping the zipper

so that the zip remains hidden

This is how the finished cushion back looks.

Trim edges to correct size to match cushion front.

Prepare binding. Cut 3 strips 2 1/4 inch wide WOF

Join with mitred seam and follow as you would bind a quilt

Stitch down the binding.

Turn towards back and hand finish.

Bad photo timing - daylight was fading but at least the quilting stands out!

The finished cushion.

I gave myself 2 hours to finish but ended up taking 3 hours

and by then daylight was fading fast.

Friday 22 January 2010

Introducing Red Room's newest arrival....cushions!

Blossom and Apple-icious are now launched.

I have gone with a flower theme again (no suprises there...) and for those of you who like something more understated, apple-icious has a more contemporary feel. Now your Red Room is adorned with a wall quilt, a table runner and cushions. Not bad for what was once a red stash!

Next week I will adding a guide to making up the cushion, right here on my blog.

I know you're all going to do wonderful things with this newest block... I can't wait to see!

If you're not a member of the Red Delicious Yahoo Group, you can access this pattern via (both links on left side bar) or by double clicking on the title above.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Red Room Cushion coming along

So I have been doing something productive. This pic is of the applique front of the Red Delicious Red Room theme cushion. In the next few days I will complete it and post the pattern up.

Otherwise, I've been reading through the notes on Red Delicious Cake and when I next bake a cake (Feb most likely) I will again get my DD's to make RVC this time with the suggested cream cheese frosting and report back.

As usual, I've discovered more fabric than I even knew I had. I pulled out some mermaid and unicorn prints which I thought were so sweet that I felt like they belonged in a girly bed quilt - immediately! ...and they did, 10 years ago when my youngest DD was 9! How time flies....and a fitting reminder to keep me on my stash busting mission. It is hard, but pulling out ten year old projects is proof that with fabric, out of sight is out of mind - and you can't possibly keep the mountain of fabric I have in sight.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Red Velvet Cake

This is a close up of one of my roses....that tear on the lefthand side of the rose is where my cat had a nibble and I had to sacrifice the petal. Someone referred to her as a hooligan the last time she tucked into my plants and I wholeheartedly agree! I couldnt think of a better term myself!

Ok, so I've had lots of requests for RVC in my InBox, so I've decided to share the recipe my daughter used. The best recipes are shared recipes in my opinion and this cake is missing something, so hopefully one of you out there know what it is - it's such a pretty cake it would be a shame not to get to the bottom of that extra special ingredient!

I know there are lots of 'packet' recipes online for RVC, however we (well my DD's - I dont cook much)make everything from scratch.

Red Velvet Cake

Oven: 175c for approx 30 -40 minutes
2 greased sponge cake tins
If using a bundt tin, ensure that you do not overbake

1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 large eggs
2 tablespoons cocoa (Dutch Cocoa is best)
3 tablespons (60 mls) red food colouring
3 tablespoons >>secret ingredient<<
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla treacle or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup buttermilk
2 1/2 cups double sifted plain flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking SODA
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Measure everything out so you can easily add it to the bowl as you mix.
Using a cake mixer (or beater) cream the egg, oil and sugar
Still mixing, add the cocoa, red colouring and secret ingredient. Finally beat in the flour until just mixed.

Add lemon juice to baking soda, it will foam up -immediately fold through batter with a spatula until incorporated - do not over mix.

Pour into cake tins

Bake for 30 - 40 minutes in a fan forced oven. From 25 minutes onwards, check the cake is done with a skewer - remove cake from oven as soon as the skewer comes clean. Do not over bake. This is a moist cake.

When cool, fill and decorate with any white frosting or freshly whipped thickened cream. If you want, cut each half in half again so that your cake has 4 layers.

*You can now purchase 'natural' red colouring, which I recommend
*Vanilla treacle is a gourmet vanilla syrup concentrate
* I have no idea what the secret ingedient is. My DD's think it must be a syrup or essence of some kind, because this cake is missing 'something' but we cant for sure know what! If you have a RVC recipe with a an extra something this one doesnt have - please share!!!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

January Relief

It's been scorching hot - too hot to quilt, too hot to sew...even too hot to design or go online. I've been spending my days in front of the air con catching up on my reading list.

Finally - my DH and I have no holiday commitments - the children are all grown up and arent we pleased! We are spending January as we like, and after our morning coffee we sometimes just decide to take off for a day or two. It's been so nice. My DD's of course always want to know where we are! I think this is hilarious.

Today has been mild - such a relief and I've been progressing with my BOM design.

Also, last week it was 35th wedding anniversary. My DD made an american cake - a Red Velvet cake. It's a chocolate cake which is red - except it doesnt taste at all chocolately - I can't tell you what it tastes's almost undescribable and I think thats the allure of it. Also, apparently the 'real' Red Velvet recipe is something of a mystery - there are so many variations and none list the elusive 'secret ingredient'. So if anyone out there can advise - please do.

It's a beautiful looking cake and the texture is moist ...but when you eat it, you can feel that something is 'missing'....but can't put your finger on what exactly.

I am more traditional myself and actually requested a chocolate walnut torte - but anyhow, like always, no one took any notice. Maybe being away at the time meant that my influence was diluted - I have to admit that I love to hang around and offer 'suggestions' whenever any baking goes on in my kitchen! Much to the displeasure of of DD's.

What's New?
Still sorting out dates for the year ahead, however:
Red Delicious is not finished - there are 2 cushions to complete the Red Room which are in 'production' and will be posted by the end of January for free.
The next free BOM's launch- (I am still deciding on size and a working title) -more on this later in the month, but I can say that it is a bed quilt - I'm leaning towards 70-80 inches at the monent, I really want a quilt that will be used.
I am all over the place in January - however things are shaping up and I do read all my emails so keep them coming, it great to hear from you.

Friday 8 January 2010

BOM 2 progress

Ready to go:
but no fabrics or colours yet!

Moments like these, I really wish someone would just send me some fresh fabric design prints to work with… and take all the hassle of ‘finding’ the right fabric away for me.

I feel like I’ve seen everything! (stash fatigue) and I work better and faster when the details are taken care of.

I’ve been going through my stash – again- I found some great blue / green / yellows which are screaming to be made into an oceanic hues quilt…and then I found the black and white stash box and remembered that monochromatic quilt I’ve been meaning to get around to making and that is somewhere on my To Do list…but nothing was really jelling with the design I have created for the next BOM. Dilemma!

I really thought I had reached the point where I would have to purchase something new and fresh today…when I stumbled across these prints, which really speak to me and fit in with the design. I had no idea I would veer towards these pinks, but it all looks like it will work (at this stage).

Now I have to put away my boxes, tidy my work space and measure out to see if I have enough of each print to go ahead.
With 2 DD’s in the house, I am forever finding ‘perfect’ fabric prints that have had chunks mysteriously cut out of them before being neatly re-folded and put back on the shelf! And it always happens when you have only enough fabric in supply down to the last inch!
I am quite excited to cut in myself and get started as I have already fallen in love with the design and no...its not a wall hanging this time around, its a bed quilt.

Will keep you posted ...

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Hello 2010!

Welcome 2010!

For those of you who follow my blog, thank you for joining me as I explore my ideas and thoughts online - it's great to hear from you and know that you're out there.

I was amazed to return to my computer this past week for the first time in 2010 and notice that I have had over 200'000 visitors. That's a big deal for someone who types as slowly as I do!

I still remember my first post (and some of the things I havent got around to doing yet from that same week!) and I've got a lot of ideas and lists to get through this year, and I hope to share my progress through these items online...and I'm so glad that you're joining me in the journey.

It's been nice to have a week off over Christmas and New Year to relax my mind somewhat and have some creative downtime - it always re-focuses my ideas (Ok, any excuse!). I've been through my fabric stash again and I'm feeling enthused. I found some great crochet patterns I've been meaning to get around to and I'm sorry that it's too hot to handle yarn right now because I have a serious handwork 'craving' which I'm re-directing into my UFO box.

There's lots to say and do - but I'll start with sharing my dining table with you - it's covered with ideas and measurements as I fine tune the next Mystery BOM design.

When my children were in school, I used to refer to the 'two' calendars running through our lives - 'term dates' and the 'ordinary' year. Now, I still have two 'calendars' : my creative year and it's cycles and the 'ordinary' year.

Well, my creative year has definitely started!

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Thank you for sharing 2009 with me online
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

The year has just flown by – I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way. Christmas feels like it’s crept up on me this year, I’m grateful that it’s forecasted to be a cool day so I can bake without becoming too flustered- I envy all of you enjoying a white Christmas this year.

It’s been so much fun sharing my quilting journey with you online, I find that blogging helps keep me focused and committed to statements I make at home, such as ‘ I’m going to be stash busting’. Of course, sharing Red Delicious with you all has definitely been a highlight – as has working through my fabric mountain.

Thank you to everyone who left comments, shared your thoughts and opinions and emailed me throughout this year. It’s so nice to connect with you as I go through my fabric and design folios.

I have a lot of ideas and plans for next year…and my New Year’s Resolution is to be better organized, and attempt to finish my ‘To Quilt List’. I don’t know yet if that’s possible – but I’ll keep you posted, that’s for sure.

Thank you all for your support, have a beautiful Christmas and New Year,
Love Esther

(this pic is from a Hallmark card, design by Lucy Cromwell – I just love her card designs, and it’s one poinsettia that’s indestructible!)
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