Wednesday 25 October 2017

WOW: Counting Down..

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
It's nearly time for my big reveal- what will my BOMs for 2018 look like?
I simply can't wait to show you, stay tuned..

Wednesday 18 October 2017

WOW: A Celebratory Morning Tea

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
I've decided that blogs definitely can have birthdays and that 10 years old is occasion enough for a cake and some flowers. True, the cake is store bought  - but perfectly nice. Actually, it's probably nicer than any I could have made myself. The sponge is deliciously light. Much lighter than my own efforts have ever yielded. And the cream is fresh and the strawberries unseasonably ripe. I think they're from Queensland which explains it. Local strawberries this time of year are often so sour.

My DH suggested we should take the family out for a nice meal at hotel we frequent for special occasions. And I considered this, but then decided I'd rather splash that cash on fabric. Happily for me it arrived in record time (36 hours?!) after I carefully selected it online. And I've since gone and ordered some more so I'll have plenty to play around with.
And now it's time for me to return to the business of next years block of the month quilts. Oh my goodness, do I have something to celebrate! I can't wait to show you all my designs for the 3 BOMs coming in 2018.

What's Your WOW?

Saturday 14 October 2017

Current Free BOM: On My Window, Flowers Bloom

OMWFB: Part 3 of 4 is Launched!

On My Window, Flowers Bloom 
An applique wall hanging, finished size 38 x 48 inches.

This is a FREE BOM
Running from August 15th - November 15th 2017

 This is a Free BOM in 4 parts, we are up to Part 3 
Release Dates: August 15th - November 15th

Download it: 
Right here on my blog each month or over in my BOM Group

--free download no longer available--

Members of my BOM Group can download the file from the Group "FILE" area

Wednesday 11 October 2017

WOW: 10 Years Already?

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
This is a detail from my wall hanging Lily Rose. I've posted it today because I'm in the mood for flowers. And cake. Possibly both. On the one hand, I think having reached 10 years of blogging is something to be celebrated in style. And ironically, the fact that I have continued blogging in the face of my growing fabric mountain might be my biggest WIP success story ever.

On the other hand, perhaps it was inevitable? And perhaps being online and connecting creatively via the web is such a common daily thing now, completely taken for granted, that celebrating this milestone is just silly? I can't decide. I've been thinking both these things..

..but I have a feeling cake will somehow win.

What's Your WOW?

Tuesday 10 October 2017

10 Years With Red Delicious

This week marks 10 years since I started blogging. As I sit here typing this, I can't even believe that I've been doing this for a decade. A decade!  And the reason I started blogging? This cherry basket:
I'd drawn up this basket design.. and then decided to create a whole quilt around it. And this ended up being a quilt of 'red things that I love.' And blogging seemed the best possible way to share my first every block of the month. Sure, I also wanted to keep my stash mountain contained and keep my WIP pile manageable (failed on both those accounts). But primarily, I wanted to share my designs. And it all started with a cherry.

I'm really pleased that I still love this cherry basket. It doesn't feel dated to me. Certainly it doesn't feel like it's a decade old. And if I had the time, I'd make it all over again.
This was the most commented on block -  mushrooms, forest berries, a capsicum, tomato and ladybug.
My teapot, teacup and fresh strawberries
my heart and fresh cherry blossoms
some long stem roses
some flower heads swaying in the breeze
a vase
apples and pomegranates 
a fan
and some birdies, of course.
I always find a spot to sneak in a bird..or two 
Phew! How could I have known I was kicking off a decade of blogging and BOMs with these sweet motifs? I can still remember a normal life without the internet. Goodness, I feel old saying that. I had no idea that being online would become a daily fixture in my life. In fact, I wouldn't have believed it if you'd told me. I didn't even like the internet back then. Look at me now! 

Wow, times change..
What were you doing 10 years ago? 
Has the internet changed how you quilt now?

Wednesday 4 October 2017

WOW: 'Udderly Smooth' GIVEAWAY!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
My own WOWs this week are extra special. I wish I could show you the exciting new designs I'm finishing up for next year right now, but I'm keeping them under wraps until the big reveal at the end of the month. What I can tell you is that 2018 is going to be my most beautiful, creative and inspiring yet. Phew, I can hardly wait. Those of you who have snapped up the Early Bird Special are in for a real treat. 

Now, I can't show you what I'm getting up to behind the scenes, but I can do the next best thing. How about a Giveaway?! As a quilter I look at my hands a lot. My hands are busy active hands. Most of the time I'm so absorbed in my applique that I don't notice my neglected nails until I have to post  pics up here on my blog. Then I get a bit taken aback and remind myself it's time to get around to a long overdue manicure. But you know, creative pursuits get in the way. At least, I have found the most perfect hand cream for quilting. Yes, I'm serious! Udderly Smooth is a quilter's dream. It deeply moisturizers hands without a hint of greasiness and within just minutes I can go back to handling fabrics without any worry of staining or smearing. It sounds too good to be true, so I suppose you'll have to test it for yourself.
Today I'm giving away 10 x Udderly Smooth Hand Creams to 10 x lucky readers. And I'll ship it anywhere in the world. It's a somewhat underwhelming looking cream, but I assure you, once you try it, it'll become a staple product in your sewing studio. 

Fancy winning one yourself? Simply leave a comment below. 10 winners will be drawn by random number generation on Friday and announced at the bottom of this post as an "update". Goodluck! 

What's Your WOW?

Update: Winners Selected 6 October!

Karen Quilts
Wattle Girl
Sylvie Jourdan
Angie in So Cal
Jennifer Fulton
Dianne Kummelman

Congrats everyone! Please check your email. Those of you without a blogger account linked to your email, please contact me directly - see my reply message below your comment. 
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