Wednesday 11 October 2017

WOW: 10 Years Already?

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
This is a detail from my wall hanging Lily Rose. I've posted it today because I'm in the mood for flowers. And cake. Possibly both. On the one hand, I think having reached 10 years of blogging is something to be celebrated in style. And ironically, the fact that I have continued blogging in the face of my growing fabric mountain might be my biggest WIP success story ever.

On the other hand, perhaps it was inevitable? And perhaps being online and connecting creatively via the web is such a common daily thing now, completely taken for granted, that celebrating this milestone is just silly? I can't decide. I've been thinking both these things..

..but I have a feeling cake will somehow win.

What's Your WOW?


  1. congratulations on ten years of blogging. I have been reading along with you for m ore than four years - when you first released the Love Entwined BOM. I so want to make that quilt but for the life of me, cannot decide what colours to do it in.

    1. Thanks so much Chris. I can't believe Love Entwined started back in 2013. It feels like yesterday to me.

  2. Many congratulations on your 10 year Blogging Anniversary. That is certainly well worth celebrating. With cake, chocolates, flowers and bubbles I think - that's what I would like if it were me. Do let us know how your celebrations evolve.

    1. Thanks Jenny! Yes, you're right celebrations -are- in order. Will keep you all posted.

  3. This is definitely a milestone to celebrate and I hope you enjoy your cake! Your talent and generosity are amazing. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Pieta, I have had such a good journey so far and have been so lucky to meet such wonderful people online who have the same interests I can share my ideas with.

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary! Go for the cake!!

  5. Oh definitely go for the cake! You deserve it for all you do. Love your blog!

  6. Ten years is a big achievement. You have brought much inspiration to many quilters. Chocolate cake of course!

  7. No not silly at all! Congratulations on your ten years of blogging and enjoy the cake.

  8. Dear Esther they have been 10 wonderful years been with you, what a journey it has been so many beautiful quilts lots of shared memories good and bad LOL but a GREAT journey but hard to believe it is 10 years, think what the next 10 will be like for us LOL Cheers Glenda

  9. Hi Esther,
    I think reaching the 10 year (tin or aluminum anniversary!) milestone is just fabulous and should definitely be celebrated. I have only been in the blogging arena this year - I don't know how I missed it earlier - so I regret missing all the years with you. But I certainly hope you continue on, use up some of that fabric and share what you create with us. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Congratulations. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Jennifer :) Also, you are an Udderly Smooth winner in my previous Giveaway and I replied to you there too, please email me on so I can get your cream to you.

  12. Congratulations! This is quite a feat. I hope one day to also celebrate this achievement!


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