Tuesday 10 October 2017

10 Years With Red Delicious

This week marks 10 years since I started blogging. As I sit here typing this, I can't even believe that I've been doing this for a decade. A decade!  And the reason I started blogging? This cherry basket:
I'd drawn up this basket design.. and then decided to create a whole quilt around it. And this ended up being a quilt of 'red things that I love.' And blogging seemed the best possible way to share my first every block of the month. Sure, I also wanted to keep my stash mountain contained and keep my WIP pile manageable (failed on both those accounts). But primarily, I wanted to share my designs. And it all started with a cherry.

I'm really pleased that I still love this cherry basket. It doesn't feel dated to me. Certainly it doesn't feel like it's a decade old. And if I had the time, I'd make it all over again.
This was the most commented on block -  mushrooms, forest berries, a capsicum, tomato and ladybug.
My teapot, teacup and fresh strawberries
my heart and fresh cherry blossoms
some long stem roses
some flower heads swaying in the breeze
a vase
apples and pomegranates 
a fan
and some birdies, of course.
I always find a spot to sneak in a bird..or two 
Phew! How could I have known I was kicking off a decade of blogging and BOMs with these sweet motifs? I can still remember a normal life without the internet. Goodness, I feel old saying that. I had no idea that being online would become a daily fixture in my life. In fact, I wouldn't have believed it if you'd told me. I didn't even like the internet back then. Look at me now! 

Wow, times change..
What were you doing 10 years ago? 
Has the internet changed how you quilt now?


  1. Oh this is lovely! I have a red and white on my list of to do! This would have been totally perfect.

  2. I hated computers and only learnt to blog to be able to join in with This beautiful quilt. RD when I saw it lOL. Cheers Glenda

  3. Thank you for teaching us for 10yr. I only wish I had found you blog earlier. You have shown me a way to enjoy applique. Without reading blogs and email I would and did complete more machine & hand sewn projects. Even on my phone the electronic social world takes a lot of time.

  4. 10 1/2 years ago I started to blog - we had just begun a new stage in our life of early retirement and traveling - plans changed after awhile and hubby went back to work contracting working 6 -10 months at a time and then taking a year or so off -and on the off time we would travel- now - 10 years later he is almost ready to go back to full retirement and maybe we will start to travel again - but never full time I wouldn't like that, too much to do at home

  5. Yes Esther it changed my life, l have made friends all ovrr the world with your wonderful designs. You have taught me so much thanks for your generosity and for sharing your tips and techniques..

  6. And Red Delicious is the quilt that caused me to fall in love with your designs Esther. I saw a group of them at the Adelaide quilt show when visiting Adelaide. My mum was also much taken with the design. A good memory now she is here in Canberra in a nursing home with dementia. Elaine

  7. Amazing that it is 10 years already! I remember suggesting to the Melbourne CBD SCQuilters group that we do your BOM when you first announced that you would be running it. Several people from the group finished it back then. I finally quilted my RD this year and it will be in the Ballaarat Quilters show in November. As will my Little Hazel. Thank you for all the designs you have released over those 10 years!

  8. This stands the test of time. Gorgeous!! Congrats on 10 years.


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