Tuesday 9 March 2010

and the winners are...

Here's what the Quilt show had to say:

Table Runner Contest Winners are Here! Thanks to all the talented TQS members who entered our recent Table Runner Contest. There were so many beautiful pieces; it was very difficult to select the winners!

Based on your nominees for the top six entries, ARJJ chose the top three winners. All three are shown here. A big round of applause goes out to the winners for their outstanding work.

Watch this space: We'll soon be sharing the patterns for the top three winners with our TQS Star members, so you can create a winning table runner of your own...and be sure to keep an eye out for our next contest, coming in May. Once again we'll be offering a monetary prize to the top three winners.

1st Place: Esther the Easter Chicken by clhughley

Mine!! 2nd Place: Tulip Delight by EstherAliu

3rd Place: Round Robin by Bridget473

How great are these table runners?

Very happy to be placed 2nd.

Ok, I am actually Very Busy working, so back to it!


  1. dear esther,congratulations to your second place in the contest,could have been the first price ,too,happy stitching day,susi

  2. Those runners are awesome...and congrats!!

  3. How wonderful. Congratulations.

  4. Esther, I KNEW you had a winning table runner- I am so pleased for you-it is the most beautiful table runner I've ever seen. Congratulations.

  5. Congrats on second place....I think you should have got 1st tho :) hugs Vicki

  6. Congratulations, yours was my favorite =)

  7. Congratulations. All of them are so different and unique. I like the whimsy of the winner BUT I love the design of yours :)

  8. Congratulations Esther. Well done!!

  9. Congrats on your win! I love yours the best.

  10. congratulations. Your runner is just so beautiful.

  11. Yours is much nicer than the chicken. Congratulations

  12. Congratulations for your prize. I love your quilting stencils

  13. Well I am beyond honored to be in such good company! Your table runner was my favorite and I'm so happy for you! Thanks for directing me to your blog. It's wonderful! Have fun spending your winnings!

  14. Congrats to you. Also, see ya in Paducah! I love the table runners, too cute. Will there be a pattern?

    Blissfully Stitching,

  15. hi ester, congrats on a 2nd place! love all 3 table runners .love that cute chook!

  16. Congratulations! I LOVE your runner.

  17. Congratulations to the second place. - When I saw the three winning table runners.. and I didn't know the artists... I thought that this one could only be made by you. And I was right. So you have established your own way of quilting. Recognizable without any hint. Wonderful! I like your art. Best wishes from Cologne, Cordula

  18. Wow, those are wonderful! I love yours the best though!

  19. This is stunning. I agree, you should have been first. Keep up the great work.

  20. Very nice tablerunner, congratulations to your second plase!


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