Sunday 14 February 2010

Giving and Receiving: My Thoughts

Quilters worldwide really are the best of people. I’ve been thinking about this lately. I feel that I have an obligation to give, since I am such a great receiver. What do I mean?

If we would all share our time and knowledge freely with each other, how great a place would the world be? I know we all have to make a living, but if we all stopped and decided to give something (whatever we can – I believe we are all blessed in some way to benefit others) it would make life so much more rewarding.
I am not asking for people to give away their livelihood or something that they don’t have, just being generous with what they can afford to share – like time, information or a skill.

It might ‘only’ be a smile…or an apple (!) or a recipe (I have used many of those!) whatever it is, it makes a difference.

The other day I was taken aback by a stranger’s kindness. Then I was shocked that this deserved a comment. It seems that we are living in a consumerist – selfish- time where any act of kindness and generosity is so extraordinary that it feels like an exception rather than a daily reality. That’s a really sad place to be.
When I stated blogging I had no idea that there was such a rich community of givers out there – sharing their time, sharing their passion and freely allowing others into their inspirational space.
It is so wonderful to be able to glimpse into someone else’s kitchen, or studio or chooks or just appreciate another’s handwork. I feel like I know so many of you out there even though we have never met or maybe even communicated with each other.
Sharing the things that matter most to us really gives an insight into how different – and similar- our lives are, wherever we are in the world.
I am indeed lucky to be part of this world of friendship.


  1. Sharing is a human need. If I compare with a big family household as I experienced it in Turkey, there was company, generosity, joy; "mine is yours". This is something we seem to be missing. Yes, it is wonderful that this need finds it way.

  2. Esther, you are so right! Since I started quilting about a year and a half ago I've been overwhelmed by the community: people have freely shared their techniques, personal preferences on technical questions, their patterns and their affection. You're a terrific example of this kind of giving, and there are lots of people like me who are grateful every day even if we neglect to comment as we should. Thanks again, Esther, and all the other wonderful souls out there stitching!

  3. It is a bit strange, that here in bloggland, it is all about sharing, and yet, the more we share, the more we receive. Hope you understand what I mean. Wish you a nice week!

  4. A lovely and thoughtful post. It is interesting that we are more surprised by an act of kindness than not. But so often it is the little things, small kindnesses, that can uplift us the most.

  5. I love the blogging world too!!!!

  6. Oh Esther, I agree with everything you said in this post. And I have to add that you are a most wonderful and giving person. You give of your talent so freely to the quilting community. Thank you for the wonderful blue fabric that has made its way across the pond to be placed in my moms quilt. Each piece is so lovely and will go towards making her a very beautiful quilt.

  7. I do so agree Esther,

    As I said to someone recently, people in blogland are a nice bunch :)

    I have certainly been enriched by the generosity of others leaving comments, offering support or providing information or generously sharing their creativity (as you have).

    I love to leave comments as well as I know how much I have appreciated receiving them.

    Many hugs,

  8. Dear Esther, How right you are. Giving makes you feel so good, that it's a bigger high than receiving! The amount of "free" information online is truly amazing. Michele

  9. I appreciate what you share. Your work is beautiful.

  10. Your lovely framing of what is best in the land of blogs resonates with my experience. Your words are as tender and eloquent as your fabric art, and that is saying something.

  11. Thank you for such a wonderful post! I agree with you in that it is an act of kindness that surprises us these days. It's not the only example, but it's the one that comes to mind first...if a gentlemen holds a door open for me I'm always shocked, but appreciative, and that used to be the norm. I hope we are heading back in that direction...I miss it.


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