Saturday 13 September 2008

Esther's Occassional Quote for the Day

"Say it with flowers" I created this wall hanging a while back in Pam Holland's workshop. I feel in love with the technique and promised myself that I would use it to make a whole series of flowers (on the to do list!).
I started with a Mop Hydrangea because they are so beautiful and in Melbourne when they bloom in my garden, they die very quickly because of the heat that comes quite suddenly (as well as the current water issues) I never get to enjoy them for as long as I would like.
Looking over my quilting history, I'm always drawn to nature, mostly birds and flowers and interpretations and sketches of them..... at the moment I am looking for the perfect Peony picture to create another image. It is an elusive flower.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Esther's Occassional Quote for the Day

Wednesday 10 September 2008


Going to the AQC in Feb next year?

The Website is now up and running....and I'm one of the tutors!

Visit the site and check it out !

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Much ado about nothing !

Well, because I didnt have anything to do, I was seeking inspiration and came across a marvellous idea / challenge to make a quilt (that gets listed) in an HOUR. I cant hardly wait to challenge myself in this, as I like to meander through several quilts at once.

Otherwise, I've been preparing some new workshop know, just the boring basics like instructions, etc that seem to take so long to get done on the computer.

At the moment I'm spending most of my quilting time 'journalling' as I have plenty of ideas and motivations......just not the stamina to actually do them its been a little quiet.

Staring at the design wall from my comfy chair is my favourite past time!
This week I sold my Papa Polar Bear on Etsy....and I have to admit that whilst I was packing him in his travel box....I nearly couldnt do it! I know I know, I havent even given him a thought since I made him, but sending him to his new home made me want to keep him!

I'm a bit like that with quilts can come people give away their hand work so easily? I envy their ability to de-tatch. Even when I 'only' quilt a raffle quilt I end up falling in love with at least on aspect of the design that warrants me keeping's ok though, I never do!

Yes, I'm taking things easy and just enjoying the year so far and indulging in a few new things like colour mixing and paper cutting.
So far this year I have managed to make 11 quilts...and I'm nowhere near getting through my stack of ideas....sometimes I wonder if I will get to make everything I've planned.....maybe I should start making smaller quilts?!
Tomorrow I am starting on a very special project.... I am quilting a quilt that is very dear to me and the quilting will be very personalised....I will chart my quilting progress here as it emerges.....It will be for a very dear friend ( I better not name names!)

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Really Loving Red

Today's effort.....I've noticed (like all quilters I guess) that I go through colour 'phases' where I fall in love with a hue and use it as much as possible. Well at the moment, I'm loving Red....which is really exciting becasuse in quilting, Red offers so many possibilities. There's prairie red (beautifully faded), turkey red, the harvest hues, the bright apple red shades, deep cherries, the list goes on....

Even sitting in a cafe waiting for my coffee .....and my mind wanders round to red's a little jotting I got up to whilst waiting to be served...with a little work I might just work that into something.....maybe even more reason to dine out!

Monday 1 September 2008

SEPT 1st

Well, where is the year going? I can barely believe its Sept. already! Today I posted Nightshade to Houston, I'm really delighted that its finally on its way there.

I've been very slack with my blog as I've been so busy sketching and trying out a few new ideas....and experimenting....with paints and pencils....and have nothing to report back yet. I had to stop just to make some order in my that I could keep on going...Predictably, I am back at the challenge where I have decided to use my fabric stash...but keep coming up with quilts that need new fabric, and the stash just keeps increasing as usual.

My BOM sketches which I've been turning into a pattern, 'Red Delicious' have come together really well, and I'm considering doing both a stencil and applique piece....the only problem is, all my reds are the 'wrong' reds and so I really dont think I'm going to be clearing out the red drawer of prints at all !

I found a stash of christmassy I'm considering whether I need any new things for the table / wall / sofa / bed this season....I probably do..... after all, can a quilter have too many Christmas Stockings on the ledge????

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Finding out about the Flange

Thank you to everyone who left comments on my previous post. I really appreciate the insight.....I think I now know what a 'flange' is, its the border width, which I never noticed was the judge sheet stated it is.
Taking out the quilt, I still couldnt see any uneveness with my eye, but I measured it....and there is a minor difference! My eyes are opened!
I've included a shot above of the border edge, where the flange is....I'm assuming its the edge sliver of gold trim just before the binding. So there you go, you learn something new every day.

Monday 18 August 2008

The meaning of excellence??

I know this is a can of worms that I probably shouldnt even open....but I cant help it (what can I say? I dont like keeping secrets!), reading quilt appraisals is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Now, don't get me wrong, I often disagree....(I mostly disagree)...more often than not, I feel that I dont get frank or informative feedback from judges....but no matter what, when a judge's statement comes through the door, I'm all over it, reading every line. This is a good and a bad thing - for me, I want to know what the judges honest (good or bad!) opinion is, because I think it helps me improve. I look back on quilts from a few years ago...and their comments....and remember not agreeing at the time, but in hindsight, I can now see a bit more clearly and actually agree on where there was room for improvements. This is a good thing.

On the other hand, my daughter hates judges appraisals, she says theyre a waste of time and tells me off for reading them. "Who cares what someone's opinion is?" she asks (well, demands....) And I can see her point, but I dont think I'll change, I really love (and need) critical feedback. I think a lot of quilter's wait for these sheets with anticipation.....or is it just me?

Above is my most recent judges sheet....its a glowing report...and its the first one that is...I've also posted a sheet with my most favourite judges opinion of all from a few years back. The (translation is : "COURAGEOUS QUILTING") ??

It only took me an hour to decipher that....and I'm still working on the bottom comment - I have no idea what it says, if you can read it, let me know please!

Sunday 17 August 2008

Nightshade, you're going to HOUSTON!

I'm happy to report that I received confirmation this last week that Nightshade has been juried into Houston!

Otherwise, I've just been busy dabbling in my sewing studio. Trying out a few new techniques and attempting to organise my chaos.

Something that has caught my eye is the new Inktense derwent pencils that have been advertised in quilting magazines lately, has anyone given these a go? I'd love to hear some feedback if you have.

That's all for now, I'm a little distracted as I have several sketches on the go, hopefully I will have something new in the next day or two.

Monday 11 August 2008

UFO goes back in its box

Well.... I started out with good intentions - found a UFO whilst tidying up my stash, decided to finish it to get it out of its box (and to have one less UFO to finish!)....but when I laid it out on the floor, my daughters hated it! So it got downgraded to a picnic quilt.....and now its been downgraded....right back into its box! Folded away for the next round of 'tidying up the stash'

What can I say? cleaning just brings out the inspiration in me and now I have 3 new quilt ideas that I'm furiously sketching and getting down, so I really dont have time for that UFO.

In the meantime, I did finish my blankets of love challenge and my daughter joined me and finished hers as well ('quality time' together....she stressed my sewing machine to its limit!) I'm amazed its still stitching as we went through quite a few needles..... anyway, 2 quilts in 2 says and off they were posted!

I'm not allowed to show any pics of them just yet- the rules wont let me until they have been judged. However after judging I will put them up.

I've been doing a lot of designing and sketching at the moment.... so I've been neglecting my emails and other computing stuff.... of well, sometimes creativity just gets in the way, but who's complaining?

I'M IN LOVE WITH RED, ITS MY FAV COLOUR AT THE MOMENT and thats all I'm revealing for now!

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Just remembered

I'm so excited, it looks good!

Yes, I've designed a brand new mystery BOM (I get really inspired when I'm cleaning- anything to distract), and I just had to share

It's called RED DELICIOUS. I'll keep you posted....

Turning chaos in calm

Well, I've finally knuckled down and stayed commited to tidying up my sewing area, machines, and fabric and thread stashes! And I'm not gonna blog until I've finished! Wish me luck, I'm only half way there - its a full time operation.

I dare not start on colour coding my fabris stash - thats a 6 month task!

Friday 1 August 2008

I found a UFO

I've been putting my quilts back up on my walls now that they are home and I've had some time to recover from the Show. I was doing so well that I decided to clean up my studio which has been neglected of late, and suprise suprise, I found a UFO stash! Perfect! Just what I need to keep busy whilst thinking of my next project.....I have heaps of UFO's and I need some brainless work that I can throw over outside chairs, etc and not be too bothered about. This is what I'm playing with at the moment.

This is a Cheater's a baltimore album block and border (I bought 4 panels) just to get the blocks right and I just added two fabrics, green and beige to finish the top. I've never made a panel quilt before, to be honest, I dont know what I was thinking when I started it! But you can never have enough quilts (well, my family is always complaining that for a quilter, we dont have enough quilts (theyre always on show, or touring or somewhere....) so I'm commited to finishing this one. Although - my daughters hate it, they think its really ugly - so it may end up being the PICNIC QUILT!

I've decided that I have to finish some UFO's, its simple, but a good canvas to practice new quilting techniques on.... I have one 'real' baltimore in me, maybe in the next ten years.... I really love well made traditional Baltimore's and I've promised myself that I will do one before I retire from quilting (whenever that is!)

This is a large quilt, its 90 inches. Thats pretty big for a UFO.... it'll give me something to play around with next week as I mostly keep my weekends quilt free.

Yes, another excuse not to clear up my sewing area - it doesnt take much!

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Thank you everyone

Thank you to everyone who has commented on my blog, its always encouraging to receive so many well wishers - especially as quilting can be a very focused and individual art....its nice to reconnect after all those hours behind a quilting foot!

Brenda, your phonecall last week made my day! I would have called you back, but I couldnt find the phone! (thats the problem with cordless....)

I'm still recovering from being hyper active at the Show, today I've really felt run I'm giving myself a few weeks before deciding on my next quilt.

I know many of you would like me to blog everyday (thank you to everyone who goes to the effort of emailing me....yes, I always make the effort to reply ....eventually....)... but sometimes my mind wanders and I get fed up with my computer skills (or lack of).

I dont know what I'll do next....I've seen too many beautiful quilts and my mind is racing with motivation and ideas..... will keep you posted.....soon....
Above is a pic of the bookmark I had printed to hand out at the show, its a detail from Secret Garden.

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Ah Serendipity......

You have hundreds of quilts at spend hours finishing your quilt to exhibit...then you spend a day setting up...and then your daughter visits you at Showcase (and what does she do??) She admires someone elses quilt! and then takes a photo of her favourite block to let you know what kind of quilt she'd like next! Yes! Really!

Luckily enough though, I know the creator of this beautiful quilt and I know she wont mind me publishing this pic...

Dear Grace, just so you know, this is the much admired block!

In particular, the two stars and vine detail make it that extra bit special (as well as your use of pink!)

Yes, this quilt is a winner too:

Excellence in Domestic Machine Quilting - Amateur

Congratualtions Grace!

Monday 28 July 2008

Vic. Showcase 2008

Peony Pride:

Runner up to Best of Show

Excellence in Domestic Machine Quilting - Professional

1st, Mixed Technique - Professional

No... the Bernina's not for me....but it is leaning towards me...yes, I want it as bad as it wants me...

Next to Peony Pride is the Best of Show Winner, congratulations Anthea! Both of us are proud members of the Patchworkers and Quilters Guild of Vic.

I've been Runner up to Best of Show three years in a row now, I'm beginning to think stenciling might be ahead of it's time. Oh well, I quilt for myself, not awards.
The back of Peony, which I'm proud to say, hangs straight as a pin and is super neat
Quilting detail
I cant help it, here's some more quilting detail

I can proudly announce - that I have conquered quilting circles - I didnt mark a single line and my white than white pristine fabric is happy for it! But there's more good news: I didn't only win 3 rossettes, I also won:

Highly Commended in Australian Machine Quilting Exhibition for MANOR HOUSE (how about that?) I gave Manor House another chance and this time round, it hung obediently and shone in it's place (perfectly placed spotlight), its all the luck of the draw, although sometimes you have to wait a few shows to see your quilting hanging just right...its always worth it in the end...


Back home.... and exhausted but happy. My walls are bare and the house is considerably cooler...quilts on walls are great insulation! Showcase was great this year (ok, I'm baised!). Here are a few pics of setting up.

Being this years guest artist with 25 quilts from over the last 8 years was a rewarding experience - I spoke to hundreds of people and even had to convince a few that my stencilled quilts were in fact stencilled and not needle turn appliqued! Now thats a compliment!

As well as my exhibit, there were another 4 of my quilts being exhibited - three in the show and one in the Flynn gallery section.

I was busy talking to visitors and enjoying myself so much that I really didnt take that many photos - it's been a busy week with plenty of early starts and late nights, but it was all worth it!

Here's a quick shot from the third day...I was fortunate enough to secure the length of an entire wall to hang my quilts, it was such a thrill to see them all hanging there! Even I cant believe that I did all these quilts in 8 years (maybe I should spend more of my time cleaning, or cooking?....)

Well, 25 quilts dont just hang themselves - I would like to thank Robyn and Val and Desley for helping me so much, it would have taken me days without you!

The 4 of us could take the world by storm if we set out to do some serious interior decorating together! It looks easy, but deciding the where and hows of so many different quilts (I've done plenty of experienting and my styles are diverse!) is no mean feat!

Thank you all so much!

Monday 21 July 2008

The joy of late night Quilting !

A lot can happen in a day...for me, I hope that means finishing my quilting, binding my quilt and driving myself to the Victorian Quilter's Showcase on time!

I still have to take some quilts off my walls, and pack all 24 into my car to hang for display. As I've been quilting Peonie Pride, I've been thinking about my first quilt, and my second quilt and all the fun I've had quilting, trying new techniques and meeting so many great people.

I can't wait for Showcase to start..... well, maybe a few extra days would be nice.....

Friday 18 July 2008

A sneak preview

Too busy to blog, so here's a sneak preview of how my quilting is coming along....I'm focusing on one area at a time, and quilting freehand...since I didnt want to mark anything, I cannot leave my machine until all 4 sides or corners are done.

Still a long, long, long, long way to go.....

When I'm quilting, I pick up a rhythm....and if I stop for any reason (like a well earned coffee!) when I come back, I loes consistency...and I can always see where I left off and started up again. It also means I forget what I was planning to quilt! I like to stick it out and let my mind race ahead whilst I quilt!
I hope to be finished next week....well I'l have to be as it is being judged on Wednesday....Yes, a mere 3 days away ( I need a day off on weekends).
ONE DAY I will NOT leave my quilting to the last minute...its a scary thought to imagine what will happen if I dont make it in time....

Sunday 13 July 2008

The Quiet of Quilting

The time to quilt has come. I have a few ideas, but nothing certain yet. Today I am getting stuck in and wont be doing anything else.... until this quilt is quilted! Wish me luck!

I've made front cover !!

I've made front cover!!! Thank you Vic. Quilter's!

I've been selected as the Guest Artist at this year's Victorian Quilter's Showcase at the Craft & Quilt Fair from 24th July 2007 at the Melb Exhibition Centre, where my quilting journey will be displayed through 24 selected quilts. I'm honored to have been chosen and I can't wait to meet as many of you there as possible!

See you at the show!, back to finishing my latest piece, so you can all see it hanging finished on the day.....

Friday 11 July 2008

How to get off the floor

If, like me, you dont like basting on the floor (my knees wont let me...and I've received several questioning emails on this topic, so I know I'm not alone...), here is how I baste at table level.

This is a technique I've seen on YouTube.

I believe in sharing quilting knowledge, so here goes!

At my local hardware store, I
purchased a 'door frame' which is two straight pieces of wood, and that was the closest
thing I could get - it was long enough and had a smooth polished surface (V. important!). It doesnt warp or distort with age.

My two pieces are 2.10m approx.

I have a high table, its a collapsible trestle table from Officeworks. And I added plumbing tubes to the legs to give it more height.

I iron my quilt top and backing. Then I wind up on each board length one front and one back so they are both wound up. The right side of the fabric is facing inside when wound. I help myself with a bit of masking tape so that it winds perfectly straight. I wind up the whole quilt top. Same with the back. Then I place the back board first on the table. I unwind from the board about half a metre. I then position the batting on top of it. Of top of this, I unwind about half a metre of the quilt top. Now I have a 3 layer sandwhich.

I secure the edge firmly with clips. I smooth out the three layers, pinning as I go, and unwinding a little more each time. The batting is loose between the two boards so I keep this in check as I unwind the boards, constantly smoothing the layers out to ensure they are mathcing. The boards are heavy enough not to more. Then I hand baste the large areas- especially on straight seams, pin some others until the whole quilt is basted, this usally takes about a day for a 80 inch quilt. I know I'm slow, bit I like to baste more than is necessary.

I continue unrolling the quilt and I can do it sitting down because everything is secure on the table.

Today while I was basting away, my dear friend Grace rang me and naturally I was complaining about pricking my fingers with the needles...and she gave me a great tip....use an old toothbrush (pluck the bristles out) sand it into a smooth surface and VOILA this tool is ideal for hand basting! THANK YOU GRACE! This is a valuable tool for me now.....everytime you dig the needle through 3 layers and come up again, you can save your finger tips and pull up the needle easily with a rocking motion.

Visit my ETSY SHOP

Well, the time has finally come. I now have my own Etsy Shop.

I have big and wonderful plans for my shop, selling quilts and stencil items, but for now I'm starting with a Polar Bear family which have been living in a box. I think they deserve to be taken home and loved by someone, so they are the first (and at the moment only) items in my shop....

Visit my shop (via button on the left) for updates, I'm planning on adding to my shop frequently.

Basting the Quilt !

That time has finally come.... perhaps my least favourite part in the quilting process.... basting.
I baste with boards and this is much easier than the way I used to baste, which was on the floor - that was a busy process!
I'm still not convinced on whether pins or stitching is the way to go...I use pins as I think its much faster... hopefully by the end of the day I will be finished!

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Last Bits

Finally the last borders!
I had no fabric in my stash that was a near enough colour I made it myself!

White and red is very hard to match unless you work from exactly the same dye batch....and who can do that?

No, I haven't even thought about how i'm going to quilt this's going to be a surprise. At the moment, I refuse to go there....simply because I know myself - whatever I plan, I change my mind as soon as I sit down to quilt. All I know is that it will most likely be traditional (well, free hand traditional anyway). I dare not even consider marking that white / white fabric! And here is the last bit. All done. Tomorrow is assembly time.

Monday 7 July 2008

Stencilling away

The peeling off stage is always exciting, it's when the blob of paint above becomes the crisp and vibrant image you've planned on !
When I started this quilt, I decided to stay firmly on the 'correct' colour usage track.....before changing my mind and then changing it back again.

Now that I've stencilled the blocks, I've taken a liking to this triadic colour blend. I put the blocks up on my wall and the colours just seem to 'fit' really it just me? or have I discovered the power of the triadic colour merge?

Right now, I'm having a love relationship with this quilt, we're at the honeymoon phase where it looks so new and fresh, its exciting to work on it every day....but I know full well that I may end up changing my mind again...I usually have a love / hate relationship with my quilts and it's usually over what colours or prints I've selected, I'm hoping that as I get more adept at following the rules, these relationship problems will just disappear....

Thursday 3 July 2008

Still going

Starting early on a cold winter's morning.....

My travelling iron is handy to take around the house as I often move

my quilting into the sunniest room

Some peonies drying

When I have time, I like to wait 48 hours before I heat set as I've found this proves a truer colour
My layers are nearly done, one more colour to go

Tuesday 1 July 2008

It sure is a New Day....Every Day

I was just flicking through my email inbox when I noticed one of my quilts flicking before me.....

I was happily suprised to open my latest newsletter from The Quilt Show....and notice that my quilt, PEACE, is shown on the Gallery Tour page!

I was delighted! I love The Quilt Show I REALLY feel like a quilter! Love it...Love it...Love it

Visit The Quilt Show via my side link on the left of this page, or just click the link below...

Peonie Pride progress

The joy of beginning the journey of a stencil quilt....
Cutting out my stencil designs....

Pressing the fabric after the prewash.....
Laying the stencil on top of the wrinkle free fabric....

Positioning....positioning...positioning....until perfectly placed. It can take time!
I like to iron on the entire block, then when I stencil, it's like a jigsaw puzzle falling into place, as I remove piece by piece
More pieces.....
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