Today's effort.....I've noticed (like all quilters I guess) that I go through colour 'phases' where I fall in love with a hue and use it as much as possible. Well at the moment, I'm loving Red....which is really exciting becasuse in quilting, Red offers so many possibilities. There's prairie red (beautifully faded), turkey red, the harvest hues, the bright apple red shades, deep cherries, the list goes on....
Even sitting in a cafe waiting for my coffee .....and my mind wanders round to red ideas...here's a little jotting I got up to whilst waiting to be served...with a little work I might just work that into something.....maybe even more reason to dine out!
Not only that, but red looks beautiful with crisp white, nautical with royal blue, suprising with yellow and dramatic iwth black. What's not to love baout red!