Wednesday 25 November 2015

WOW: Doll Making

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Over the years, I've made many cloth dolls and this year I'm thinking about releasing a Christmas Glad Tidings Cloth Doll to go along with my Table Runner, Throw and Bed Quilt. You see, I've made many over the years, including a few angels...but can't find a single one! Where have they all got to? My DDs have been on the hunt for them too, but none have re-surfaced. I must have a box somewhere with beautifully hand made dolls lovingly tucked away. Sometimes, I take too much care when packing away my things so this year I've just decided to go ahead and make a replacement for Christmas. I do miss my usual cloth doll angel and it's time I did something about it.

But first I'll have to decide on the size and body type, so I'm playing around with my doll patterns - they're all quite different and I can't decide between them. I'll let you know how I get on...

What's the strangest thing you've packed away...only to never find again? Or perhaps you've been lucky enough to find something you hadn't realized was packed away?!

What's Your WOW?


  1. Whenever I go away I always buy a Christmas decoration. Have a box of beautiful hand blown glass baubles, still can't remember where I put them, probably in that "safe spot". Thank you for your post, it has jogged my memory, must go look for them AGAIN!!

  2. There are quite a few things I"m looking to find. Look forward to seeing your doll.

  3. Nice leg! I'm busy doll making too, a doll my dl (16 months old) can play with.

  4. Esther, angels have wings... Maybe they left? :)

  5. I hope that you find your box of dolls! Last month I was cleaning out a kitchen cupboard and moved a 'special' bottle of wine, only to find that underneath it was a letter to me from my husband. It was written on our 10thwedding anniversary to be opened on our 25th anniversary - which was just over a year ago! It was a lovely letter and made the grunt work of cupboard cleaning much sweeter!

    1. That's beautiful, what a reward for doing chores!

  6. Hi Esther, I have a lovely long string of pearls that my hubby brought me back from Japan many many years ago, I put them away carefully were no one would find them but me, well I could not find them either for around 15 years, every one said they were gone but I just knew they were in the house some where. One day my DGD wanted to play with granddads clown he is made of china and is a collectable not a toy, but I picked him and gave him to her to nurse then her mum took him before she dropped him and while she was looking at him she pressed his floppy red hat and said Mamma there is some thing in here????? I took him and felt the hat and sure enough here was some thing in there, I unpicked part of the hat which was sewn to his head and slipped my finger inside and pulled out a very long string of pearls????????? LOL Glenda PS I don't hide the pearls any more I just wear them!!!!!

    1. Oh we're just the same! This is the kind of thing I did with a pair of opal earrings. Well, I didn't like them much but knew they were valuable so I tucked them into the sewn up pocket of a doll I had made for my DD when she was a girl. Well, I didn't find them for YEARS. What a ridiculous thing to do, I still can't believe I ever thought of doing that?!

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  8. Sounds like you have the beginnings of a plan. When we moved from Texas back to Oklahoma I lost my largest quilting ruler. It wasn't in with the rest of my sewing stuff. One day I was in the attic going through a box of baby things, somehow it had gotten packed with all of that stuff.

    1. I bet it was your favourite one too. I packed all my favourite quilting tools in a very special box when we moved just over 3 years ago...which I'm yet to find. I still get frustrated about it now actually!

  9. When I moved into my first house in 1979, I lost 6 yards of maroon fabric I had just bought! I never did find it, and I have moved 5 times since.

  10. I'm always putting things awa in a "safe" place and then not being able to find them. I packed away silk threads and a pattern for a complicated needlework piece before I moved. Three years after the move, I'm still looking for them. I have faith that someday I'll open a box and there they'll be! Looking forward to seeing how your doll progresses.

    1. Of course you did...just like I did. And I can tell you, there's a beautiful alpine scene tapestry out there somewhere...I should know because I'm the one who started it, packed it away until the new DMC catalog was to arrive (I had run out of a shade) and it's never been seen since.

  11. My daughters and I each chose a tea cup and saucer from my Mothers collection. They are packet away in a white bakery box. That was at least 30 years ago. DH and I have not moved in 42 years. They are somewhere in our small home. Or not....I've been looking for a loooong time.


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