Monday 9 November 2015

Re-Organizing Inspiration

It's been a few days since my birthday which I think is enough time of 'hands off' enjoyment, so now it's time to pluck out my inspiration and to get into those bunches and start chopping, selecting and pressing interesting items. I just love these oak leaves which have been conveniently assorted in all sized from very small to large - a perfect study for me, I try to keep files on as many different leaves as possible.
All bouquets that come into my house end up looking something like this. I'm quite fond of this little white vase because when I'm seated at the table, it's the perfect height to bring to flowers to my eye level - useful when I'm sketching.
And of course, thorn inspiration. I always add thorns on my designs because I just feel they belong there!


  1. Beautifull, Esther, have a nice day.

  2. Hmmmm what are you up to I can see a new design coming up here LOL. Stunning in red and green I've been wanting to make a red and green quilt for years LOL. Cheers Glenda


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