Wednesday 30 November 2011

WOW: Creating the border

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

So here we are. It's nearly December and I always go one of two ways:
1. Speed up and work non stop to get my WIPs done or
2. Start with intentions for 1... and get distracted by Dec 5th and move WIPs to the New Year list.

So I have been buckling down and working all day to get Red December finished. I've finally created the border (see below) since last wednesday and I intend to finish this beautiful red and white quilt this week. Yes, time is ticking. There's still plenty to do as we all prepare for festivities.

How are your WIPs looking?
Are you full steam ahead?
Or have you set your WIPs aside for next year now?


  1. Interesting what the eye see's in one design and not another. I did not notice the wee circles in the centre but when I looked at the border today Esther they jumped out at me and I thought oh that flower is fantastic I love those wee circles in the centre of the petals!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great great border Esther. Cheers Glenda

  2. Wowwza! Looks beautiful... What is that tool you are using in the picture?

  3. I hope you weren't also planning to have the quilt quilted this week. Wow that would be a lot of work! I am steadily working through the customer quilts I have committed to this year, and looking forward to working on some of my own projects over Xmas.

  4. This quilt is totally incredible I just love love love it..and to see you in action designing is a thrill. Bravo on such wonderful talent

  5. It's called a 'math o matt' and I use mine all the time!

  6. How beautiful! You are so talented.

  7. I rearranged the living room to accomodate the new TV so now I see my pile of WIPs bins from the couch. Since I'm not getting to them fast enough, I'm considering moving some of them to the garage ;-)

  8. I love to see your design work in progress. It is all so awe inspiring. I want to take the time today to tell you how much you have pushed me to do things out of my comfort zone in quilting. YOu work is so inspiring and beautiful. Thank you so very very much for your sharing of these wonderful projects. I'm still not very good at applique or quilting but I am improving and enjoying every minute of it. : ) Bless you Always Esther.


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