Wednesday 23 September 2009


I'm flat out at the moment. Finishing off some designs. I have a few that I just had to pull out and complete as they are great 'stash users' and anything to lighten my shelves is getting a high priority mark.

My quilt to do list has also just increased with a wedding quilt added (family friend) so I will be starting a 'new thing' however that will be my exception this month. I will post details as they take shape.

My DD's have started collecting the 'nests' of journals and sketchbooks that I leave around the house (OK, guilty) and depositing them in my sewing room at the end of each day, so there is no chance of me lapsing into my former bad habits. There simply aren't enough surfaces in the house.
I will yet be a well organised, efficient quilter with finished quilts to show for my labors...rather than a keeper of bundles of projects on the go...

Tuesday 22 September 2009

New Habits

In the morning, my sewing room is a beautiful place to be - light floods in and it's very inspiring ( I blame the position of this room for my desire to 'start' so many things...). When my cat hears me making my morning coffee, she gallops across the house and leaps onto the ironing board with a gusto. This is one of her favourite past times.

She likes to take position there because she knows that -I- will need the ironing board and she likes to wrestle me for it. If there are fiddly bits of fabric that need to be stuck down - that is even better, she really enjoys pushing bits off the board, or re-positioning herself and sitting on them and looking innocent while I hunt around and convince myself I forgot to cut them in the first place.

In the last few weeks though, she has been a bit disappointed, as I have been clearing up, organising myself and generally 'tidying' or finally finishing work on my sewing machine, so she is a bit miffed with me and has started making sure I know she is ignoring me.

How is my studio looking? Ah, still a work in progress. However, I am getting there slowly. I feel a sense of urgency in getting all these projects under control ASAP as my daughter's are starting to take a keen interest in quilting themselves and I would like to instill in them a sense of ONE PROJECT AT A TIME. However it's hard to take the high ground when you have to beat a way to your own design table.

Monday 21 September 2009

Thank You Westalee Design

2 weeks ago, Bill from Westalee Design delivered my prize to my home. Obviously, I'm thrilled and can't wait to get started using these great products.

I had been meaning to purchase quite a few of these items prior to winning this award for Sunshine & Shadow, so it was great timing.

Thank you to Bill and Leonie from Westalee Design for generously supporting the Original Design category. I am brimming with new ideas...

For those of you who follow my blog, you won't be suprised that it took me 2 weeks to get around to posting this quilting update. And you'll notice that the items above are still in their original wrapping - that's because I have decided that I will not use them, or start playing around with them until there is room enough on my design table. I know that if I unwrap them, I will have to try them and that will lead to starting a new project... and I am in 'finishing mode' at the moment so I've had to get strict with myself.

Yes, serious. UFO is going to become a past tense in my studio.

Monday 14 September 2009

What does a quilter do with her evenings?

You have to love mondays!

My organisation skills are SECOND TO NONE!

Well, if you're anything like me, after giving the house a quick tidy and lovingly serving up dinner for your DH and two adult DD's, you settle down with your obedient mewing cat and enjoy some light reading...


you realise that it's the 14th of the month....and that favourite block you've been talking about isn't done...and you grab your most unglamerous cosy cardy and sit down and get working in your still (slightly less so, but nonetheless) messy sewing room. As you can see, I've resorted to completed this block on my sewing machine because my extra large studio design table is otherwise 'engaged' with all those great ideas I was blogging about last week. To add a touch of elegance to this scene, you may opt to throw on your favourite strand of pearls...

it's all in an evening's work....

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Sorting Through Inspirations ...update

Having read the comments to the post below has got me thinking two things....1, that I need an assistant as it just isn't likely I'll get through all my ideas in my quilting lifespan...and 2, why do we quilters always have so many projects on the go? I would love to be a quilter who starts a project, buys just enough fabric to complete it and doesn't start anything new until the quilt is finished. Are there ANY quilters out there who actually do this? if yes, PLEASE ADVISE on the secret! Until then, I'm still sorting and re-sorting my quilting and stash busting priorities.

Monday 7 September 2009

Sorting Through Inspirations

The year is not yet over (although I do keep asking myself, where is it racing to so quickly??)...and that means my New Year's Resolution to quilt my way through my stash is also not over.

I have made some headway through my mountains of fabric and I have been very good (except for the very odd occassion!) and tried not to add anything AT ALL to the rule has been - it can be purchased if it is going to be used immediately - which is not the same as the 'immediate' or 'near immediate' future. I have had to get quite tough on myself as I really do have a weakness for collecting beautiful fabric and convincing myself that I am going to use it....and then convincing my husband to install another shelf.

As stash busting years go, I think I've done OK so far, but I could definitely improve. So with just a few months left of the year, another round of birthdays coming up (have I completed last years birthday batch of quilts? No they are all still UFOs!) I took out this years batch of journals ( I have filled 8 so far) crammed with ideas and have spent the morning writing up a list of what has to be done and picking over my designs and opting for ideas that would best suit my stash shelf.

Naturally, I was attracted to the designs that required lots of lovely new fabrics but they will have to go on the backburner. I am still commited to seeing my shelf lighten to 4 rows of neatly folded fabric and 1 or 2 tubs of colour assorted fat quarters. This is my goal and I am still working towards it.

At the moment my shelves are groaning with fabric - just going through it is an event as you have to remove so many layers to get to what you want. When I feel like some fabric shopping would be 'just the thing' to kickstart a quilting session, I only need go through a single shelf - every time I do, I find fabric I forgot I had, it's really quite amazing how much a quilter can collect.

Another afternoon of organising ahead, I'm hoping this will be one of the last as it's really time I got into some serious near year's end busting.

Friday 28 August 2009

Civil War Bride Quilt

I’ve been an admirer of the Bird of Paradise quilt which was made during the American Civil War in 1858-1863 and have always wanted to create a replica of this amazing quilt.

However, Corliss from Threadbear has beaten me to it and this year at Showcase I found her beautiful pattern. It is not an identical replica, it is her interpretation of the piece which is just as lovely and I am sitting in awe of this quilt, thinking about how to go about deciding on fabrics. Vintage? Hand dyes? Or my all time favourite….reds. I am tempted.

My stash hasn’t diminished to a single shelf yet and I have a lot of beautiful reds that need a good home and should see the light of day. When this pattern arrived in the post, I rushed out and bought two suitable backgrounds…

although now I’m not so sure anymore. I really don’t know what way I will go with this quilt. I do have an instinctive feeling for red and making it different in this way…however print are so charming….dilemma!!!

I have sent in my request to join in the fun of this quilt with like minded people at The Civil War Bride Quilt Blog.

There are some great examples up there….so I will make a decision (or maybe just flip a coin) and get into it.

If you’re interested in seeing the original, you can do so at the American Folk Art Museum Textile Page

Thursday 27 August 2009

What have I been up to?

Lazy days and much ado about nothing I’m afraid. I’ve been pottering around from one chair to another with some great books and just relaxing with some new ideas and inspirations.

It’s been a hectic year and it’s time to reboot. My mind is full of new ideas. Red Delicious my mystery BOM is coming to a close next month and with that I’ve been thinking about the next BOM. Of course I still have a backlist of quilts to get through as always.

Every time I finish a quilt I have to put my studio back into order….it starts out neat but when my inspiration runs wild, I charge through fabric stashes, open boxes and it’s all gets very messy. Somehow, whenever you clean up, the inspiration starts to flow out of all the little nooks and cranny’s you’d forgotten about.

I am delighted to have found an old Lone Star quilt (cut up and everything!!!) waiting to be made. I will post it when I am closer to finishing it. Right now I have temporarily diverted my creative energy to the Civil War Bride Quilt…ahhh

Friday 14 August 2009

Ruby Tea is launched

Ruby Tea is launched!

Every month I feel like I'm repeating here I go again - where is the year going? I can't believe that next month will be time for the final block. I have mixed feelings about reaching the conclusion of this Mystery BOM - first and foremost, I'm delighted, it's so great to know that you are out there taking part in this mystery and making each block each month your very own. This is just so rewarding. Secondly, I am suprised how quickly the months have flown by. I admit, there have been some late nights each 14th of the month and some software and printer glitches - but it's all been well worth the work and learning curve, thank you so much to everyone out there taking part in this BOM.

Now's a good time to sit down with some red tea and think about where Red Delicious is going to take pride of place - a wall? a bed? a table? I have the perfect spot in my home and my red scrap shelves are now a little lighter thanks to my Use The Stash commitment.

For those of you who have joined Red Delicious late, there will be a Red Delicious complete pattern pack made available when the Red Delicious mystery is completed.

For those of you who are having ongoing troubles with, may I suggest that you join the Red Delicious Yahoo Group? It's free, downloading is EASY and you have an opportunity to share, discuss and upload Red Delicious related pics. The next Mystery BOM will be through this Yahoo Group exclusively, so there's never been a better time to join in!

If you've missed out, all missed blocks can be purchased via my Etsy shop. All links are on the left side of this page.

Happy 15th ! Happy Quilting!

Saturday 8 August 2009

Workshop Work

This weekend I'm tutoring a workshop at the Ouyen Retreat. It's a 6 hour drive, so I have to be really organised as there's definitely no chance of popping back home to collect some forgotten item....

So, what do we teachers do before a workshop? We prepare, prepare, prepare!

Kits, packing, weighing paint, preparing laser cut stencils, etc.... it feels like I always forget how much work goes into pre workshop work - but it's always worth it and always rewarding. I can't wait to meet the ladies attending Ouyen and getting down to some serious and inspiring stenciling.....

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Vic Showcase is over

Sunshine and Shadow

Ring of Roses

Dream Fountain
Vic Showcase is over for another year. I can't believe how quickly it passes.
Thank you to sponsors and organiser's who never fail in making each year better than the last. I was really impressed with all the quilts exhibited - there were some great examples of bold color which I loved, and lots of hand quilting and traditional quilts. A great mix and definite inspiration for anyone interested in quilting and design. And of course, quilter's make the best company - it was no nice to put some faces the names of some Red Delicious Quilters and bloggers generally.
What now?
Well, I have a few pieced quilts I'm thinking of, and as always....I really have to try and find some time to get to grips with EQ6! No I still havent gotten around to it....even though it would probably speed up the back catalogue of ideas I have. Anyhow, you have to aspire to something!

Monday 27 July 2009

Thank You Westalee Design

Thank you to Leonie and Bill at Westalee Design
for sponsoring this year's Best Original Design Award
How appropriate to have an original ruler designer sponsoring this award!
They also have a great website - why not visit via the link?

Ah!... my heart skipped a beat when I saw all the design tools and nested templates on offer which I could use in my next quilt, which of course I am already busy thinking up. Well, it is about time I made my next pieced quilt and now it's even easier. I have no excuse!

Friday 24 July 2009

Sunshine and Shadow

Sunshine and Shadow
The Vic Quilter's Showcase opened on Thursday and I am delighted to announce that Sunshine and Shadow won the Best Original Design Award.
Congratulations to everyone taking part in the show this year, as usual the work is just inspiring. Also, a big congratulations to Linda Steele who won Best of Show for her quilt Star Crazy.

This is a quick pic of Sunshine & Shadow during quilting. If you've been following my blog, you'll know that I was working through this quilt step by step, so it's nice to finish this process and be recognised for the work put into designing an original stencil quilt. There are so many great original designers out there that I feel honoured to be recognised in this way.
Unfortunatley due to unforseen circumstances, I wasn't at the Presentation on Thursday, so I dont have a full size pic yet, however I plan to head in tomorrow and will post an updated image then. Also hanging in the show is Ring of Roses and also my fantasy challenge wall hanging "Dream Fountain".
For those of you going in tomorrow - Saturday- hope to see you there, do come by and say hello!

Sunday 19 July 2009

Back Home

What a week!

Last week I was honored to be a tutor at Quilt Encounter 2009
Thank you to the organisers and of course students - the days just flew by in the company of such talented quilters. I really appreciate the love and support that shone throughout the encounter. The end of day get together of tutors and meeting new people was a definite highlight and reminded me again just how rewarding sharing quilting techniques can be. I cant wait to see some more examples of stenciling shining through in upcoming showcases...stenciled blocks: I know you're out there....
Now I'm finally home and finishing off my quilt (more pics early next week)
Vic Showcase (Jeffs Shed) is around the corner - doors open Thursday morning
Do come and say hello, I will be there everyday milling about

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Cherry Blossom

Block 9: Cherry Blossom
Block 9 is now available. For those of you who have been experiencing trouble with (or just don't like using it), have you considered joining the Esther Aliu BOM Yahoo Group? It's free to join and you have access to the available blocks easily once you are a member. It's also a great place to discuss ideas, techniques, and post pics of your fabulous finished blocks (my favourite bit!)

Saturday 4 July 2009

Unpeeling the Stencil

Unpeeling the stencil!
Yes, it all turned out just right
I love peeling back and revealing
It's seeing your design fleshed out for the first time
and you never really know how
it will turn out until this moment
I don't do 'drafts' so I love the unvealing

Thursday 2 July 2009

Busy Working

Stenciling has begun and I am hard at work
I like to build up a flow and finish an entire piece in one sitting
and it looks like I wouldnt be able to walk away anyway,
as my cat has an intent look in her eyes,
which is following the tip of my brush

"honestly I am not planning anything!'

Stencil Day!

Today is stencil day. This is always such a fun and exciting part of designing - getting it down. Even my cat can sense something interesting is happening as she's given up her spot by the heating duct to see what I am up to!

I finalised my design and centre panel stencil yesterday. It's moving quickly and taking on it's own shape- but still no name has come to me. Oh well...

I have prepared the fabric and am just about ready to start. This is a picture of the stencil being arranged on the fabric. I can't wait to see the result. This is the part of stenciling I like the most - total control over your design and of course the anticipation as you start working with your brush...

Tuesday 30 June 2009


This year is apparently a yellow year, so it's fitting that I have found inspiration in my stash....yellow and grey.

Just perfect for the sketch I have in mind. I was thinking all yesterday, and was torn between applique or stenciling for this quilt and I even dug out some great greys to applique with...but as I spent more time working on the design, it was just so obvious that it had to be a stencil quilt! The yellow is a beautiful rich butter tone in silk linen, and I am excited with what will come of it. I also can't believe how good stash busting still feels...and what treasures can be found tucked away and forgotten.

I am inspired and ready to stencil. This quilt is taking shape quite quickly so I will keep you posted...

Monday 29 June 2009

Morning Inspirations

It's nice to have some sunshine to work with in the morning. I've been busy designing my latest quilt - as yet still unnamed. I do consider that quilt names are important and sometimes I know the title right away, and other times, like my latest design I think I'm going to have to decide only when I've seen it finished on the wall! What is it? Well, it's still a sketch, but it's one of those quilts that seem to be in a hurry - I'll be working on it right away until it's finished.

This is what my designing morning looks like: a bit of a mess! Just leafing through ideas and finding ways to link new ideas to existing fabrics. Whenever I see a fabric I love in a shop, I am just so sure that I will be using it in a hurry - and you know what happens - it's so predictable. It sits on my shelf! Well I'm still commited to stash busting, so I'm going to work through my stash today and FIND and DIG OUT some serious inspiration!

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Ring of Roses

This is a front pic of Ring of Roses.

I've been a little lapse with my blogging I'm afraid - I'm in the zone of designing at the moment and the days are going past!

I really can't believe that I just posted the 8th block in the Red Delicious Mystery BOM! How has the time flown! I've enjoyed seeing what so many quilters have done with Red Delicious, so as we draw closer to to finishing the Mystery, I become more and more excited.

Unfortunately, 8 blocks also means 8 months that I havent managed to brush up on my EQ6 skills.....yet......

Monday 15 June 2009

Having Difficulty Printing out Block 8?

I've heard that some of you are experiencing difficulties printing from the website. I'm sorry to hear this and have been looking into it today.

I don't know why this is happening as the file is fine and I've had it double checked. I have been advised that if you want to easily print out the block, simply select the "download" tab and select PDF. The file will then download to your PDF reader for easy printing.

Hope this helps!

Wednesday 10 June 2009

RIng of Roses

Ring of Roses is finished (phew, just last week!) and is having it's first outing at the Sydney Quilt Show!
What can I say? I love last minute quilting! Now you know why my blog has been a little quiet - I have a habit of working in waves...
Thought I'd share some pics.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Manor House

There is something I look forward to everytime a quilt of mine is featured as a project in a magzine - and that's the professional photo that gets taken.

I am really a bit too lax with my quilt catalogue, often it's just to hard to snap everything hanging nice and staright with good detail. When I photograph at home, there's always the issue of size (and getting a straight shot) as well as I really like it when I can get that shot in a mag!

If anyone is interested in making this applique quilt - it's being featured over two issues

Monday 1 June 2009

Dream Fountain

It's always nice to flick through a magazine and find your quilt there!

Dream Fountain is in AP & Q AQC Challenge Quilt Finalists Page

This is a nice start to the day, but now I have some serious quilting to get back to!

Sunday 31 May 2009

Sneaky Peak!

Sneak peak at what's been keeping me busy and away from my computer
Of course I'm running late again, but it's still a delight to be quilting
This little beauty has been keeping me busy all week
Yes I know....more ROSES!

Craft Fair Friend

What a nice suprise! My Challenge Quilt, Dream Fountain is featured in the Craft Fair Friend booklet which is out now.

I'd love to go to Sydney again this year - I have some tentative workshop bookings that I'm waiting on so I'm still not sure if I'm going to be able to make it this year....but I will try. It's great catching up with everyone and seeing the quilts of course!

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Tulip Delight

Tables runners can't be too interesting in my opinion ...and in my case, they also help me keep my tables clear from clutter. But who needs an excuse to try their hand at a beautiful stencil project anyway??
If you've wanted to try stenciling, or have been looking for a rewarding project, Tulip Delight is a lot of fun. You can buy the pattern for this project via my Etsy shop. Why not start a stencil project today?

Workshop at Home is Launched

The next best thing to a stencil workshop, is a stencil workshop at home.

I'm always being asked about workshops, and many of you have asked about the best way to start stenciling if you can't make it to a class.

Well, I've created 'Workshop at Home' : an instruction guide that you can download in PDF format (just like your blocks) and work from at home and at your own pace.

I simply love stenciling, it's a great technique and if you haven't yet given it a go, why not make today the day to start?

You can purchase Workshop at Home: Stenciling via my Etsy shop. As well as Workshop at Home, I will also be new creating stencil pattern projects so that you can use your new stenciling skills!

So now there's definitely no excuse...stencil brushes at the ready!


For everyone taking part in the BOM: I’ve had a few queries about this latest block

About downloading blocks: It’s important to ensure that your printer (or whichever printer you use) prints at 100% ratio. Although this seems obvious, it does happen that some quilters are printing off blocks that are not full sized.

Don’t worry if this has happened to you. If there is a discrepancy between the document sizing and your printer’s print outs, I suggest that you enlarge/reduce the image to bring it to size. Each block is a specified size. Therefore ensure that your shapes are the same size as the block.

There have been some comments about the Give & Take Swirly block and the issue of a ‘1 inch’ shortage. If this has happened to you, simply continue the curve to the edge.

For those of you who are still a little bit confused, I have scanned in an image of the block showing this ‘add on’ to assist you.

Feel free to post any questions you may have, I will be checking in to answer any as they arise.

Saturday 16 May 2009

What have I been doing all month?

Ok so I am still working on getting my studio a little neater...but every now and then I get distracted. This is a detail of my new project! Yes I started it a while ago, packed it away and have re-found it, so technically it's a completed UFO!
Why? Well it's a suprise...more info this weekend!

Thursday 14 May 2009

Red Delicious Update

It's the 15th again!
This month it's time to work on the filler blocks: 'Swirly Give & Take Blocks'
The perfect opportunity to get through some more reds!
And....only 4 blocks to go...
Apologies for the 'quality' quilt image above: as you can see, my EQ6 studies have NOT progressed since I started this mystery BOM and my example above is simply a cut and paste job! Yes, I know that EQ6 can create lovely quilt diagrams...I'm just not there yet

I've used the same fabric for all 3 blocks, please do experiment and change if you wish - I just know that there will be some great reds to swirl with...I think smaller print work best. Once again I'm looking forward to seeing what the Red Delicious Yahoo Group members do with this one! The photo albums are just a DELIGHT, absolutely inspiring

Monday 27 April 2009

Thanks Pam!

Pam Holland has added a gallery of Paducah images on her blog - and it's fantastic. If you are interested in seeing some of the creativity and talent on display, drop by: you won't be disappointed!
I am very happy to see that Peony Pride was hanging nicely this year- I always wonder if my quilt will hang thanks Pam for sharing this great resource with us all.

Sunday 26 April 2009

Thursday 23 April 2009


Renaissance Revival, Mariya Waters, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Congratulations to Mariya!
For those of you lucky enough to have seen this quilt up close, you'll know just how much work and dedication has gone into this magnificent quilt. You can read all about it here on Mariya's website:
I'm doubly lucky as I know Mariya personally and it's so nice to know someone who has taken out this prestigious award...congratulations to all the quilters who received at award at this years show.
As for me?...oh well, there's always next year...and frankly, I'm just happy to have hung at such a prestigious show
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