Thursday 27 August 2009

What have I been up to?

Lazy days and much ado about nothing I’m afraid. I’ve been pottering around from one chair to another with some great books and just relaxing with some new ideas and inspirations.

It’s been a hectic year and it’s time to reboot. My mind is full of new ideas. Red Delicious my mystery BOM is coming to a close next month and with that I’ve been thinking about the next BOM. Of course I still have a backlist of quilts to get through as always.

Every time I finish a quilt I have to put my studio back into order….it starts out neat but when my inspiration runs wild, I charge through fabric stashes, open boxes and it’s all gets very messy. Somehow, whenever you clean up, the inspiration starts to flow out of all the little nooks and cranny’s you’d forgotten about.

I am delighted to have found an old Lone Star quilt (cut up and everything!!!) waiting to be made. I will post it when I am closer to finishing it. Right now I have temporarily diverted my creative energy to the Civil War Bride Quilt…ahhh


  1. I know exactly what you are talking about and I have to clean up so that I can find that "orange" fabric that I know I put in here your quilts!

  2. Loved the photos of your quilt room. My husband said you learned your organization skills from me! How wonderful to see someone else's quilt room looks "lived in" at the end of a big project. Your quilts are absolutely wonderful as are your original ideas. So refreshing.
    Jane Poore - Columbia, MO

  3. That room looks like mine as of this morning and when I tidyed it this afternoon I found all kinds of treasures.

  4. Your room looks like mine. I've given up calling it the sewing room I call mine the "store room"

  5. Enjoy these last days of summer!
    I keep meaning to comment on the "Ruby Tea" block. This whole project speaks to me in so many ways. My mother's name was Ruby.
    Thanks again for the wonderful generous of you.
    Best regards from Gail in Washington State

  6. Thanks for visiting my site. You have some very beautiful quilts. I have made a few in my life but they were not quilted but tied. I don't have the patience to quilt or tough enough fingers. I love the peek at your table with your notebooks to show how you plan your quilts.


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