Thursday 14 May 2009

Red Delicious Update

It's the 15th again!
This month it's time to work on the filler blocks: 'Swirly Give & Take Blocks'
The perfect opportunity to get through some more reds!
And....only 4 blocks to go...
Apologies for the 'quality' quilt image above: as you can see, my EQ6 studies have NOT progressed since I started this mystery BOM and my example above is simply a cut and paste job! Yes, I know that EQ6 can create lovely quilt diagrams...I'm just not there yet

I've used the same fabric for all 3 blocks, please do experiment and change if you wish - I just know that there will be some great reds to swirl with...I think smaller print work best. Once again I'm looking forward to seeing what the Red Delicious Yahoo Group members do with this one! The photo albums are just a DELIGHT, absolutely inspiring


  1. Gorgeous!!! Thank you so much for these blocks - what fun. I am doing mine in machine buttonhole stitch and they are coming along great. Carol

  2. Gourgous quilt!! I see it every where in blog and forumland and it is always a hit. What hit me was the picture of your beautiful Maine Coon cat staring at your stash. LOVE, Maine Coons! Have 7 myself!


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