Sunday 13 July 2008

I've made front cover !!

I've made front cover!!! Thank you Vic. Quilter's!

I've been selected as the Guest Artist at this year's Victorian Quilter's Showcase at the Craft & Quilt Fair from 24th July 2007 at the Melb Exhibition Centre, where my quilting journey will be displayed through 24 selected quilts. I'm honored to have been chosen and I can't wait to meet as many of you there as possible!

See you at the show!, back to finishing my latest piece, so you can all see it hanging finished on the day.....

Saturday 12 July 2008

Esther's Occassional Quote for the Day

Friday 11 July 2008

How to get off the floor

If, like me, you dont like basting on the floor (my knees wont let me...and I've received several questioning emails on this topic, so I know I'm not alone...), here is how I baste at table level.

This is a technique I've seen on YouTube.

I believe in sharing quilting knowledge, so here goes!

At my local hardware store, I
purchased a 'door frame' which is two straight pieces of wood, and that was the closest
thing I could get - it was long enough and had a smooth polished surface (V. important!). It doesnt warp or distort with age.

My two pieces are 2.10m approx.

I have a high table, its a collapsible trestle table from Officeworks. And I added plumbing tubes to the legs to give it more height.

I iron my quilt top and backing. Then I wind up on each board length one front and one back so they are both wound up. The right side of the fabric is facing inside when wound. I help myself with a bit of masking tape so that it winds perfectly straight. I wind up the whole quilt top. Same with the back. Then I place the back board first on the table. I unwind from the board about half a metre. I then position the batting on top of it. Of top of this, I unwind about half a metre of the quilt top. Now I have a 3 layer sandwhich.

I secure the edge firmly with clips. I smooth out the three layers, pinning as I go, and unwinding a little more each time. The batting is loose between the two boards so I keep this in check as I unwind the boards, constantly smoothing the layers out to ensure they are mathcing. The boards are heavy enough not to more. Then I hand baste the large areas- especially on straight seams, pin some others until the whole quilt is basted, this usally takes about a day for a 80 inch quilt. I know I'm slow, bit I like to baste more than is necessary.

I continue unrolling the quilt and I can do it sitting down because everything is secure on the table.

Today while I was basting away, my dear friend Grace rang me and naturally I was complaining about pricking my fingers with the needles...and she gave me a great tip....use an old toothbrush (pluck the bristles out) sand it into a smooth surface and VOILA this tool is ideal for hand basting! THANK YOU GRACE! This is a valuable tool for me now.....everytime you dig the needle through 3 layers and come up again, you can save your finger tips and pull up the needle easily with a rocking motion.

Visit my ETSY SHOP

Well, the time has finally come. I now have my own Etsy Shop.

I have big and wonderful plans for my shop, selling quilts and stencil items, but for now I'm starting with a Polar Bear family which have been living in a box. I think they deserve to be taken home and loved by someone, so they are the first (and at the moment only) items in my shop....

Visit my shop (via button on the left) for updates, I'm planning on adding to my shop frequently.

Basting the Quilt !

That time has finally come.... perhaps my least favourite part in the quilting process.... basting.
I baste with boards and this is much easier than the way I used to baste, which was on the floor - that was a busy process!
I'm still not convinced on whether pins or stitching is the way to go...I use pins as I think its much faster... hopefully by the end of the day I will be finished!

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Last Bits

Finally the last borders!
I had no fabric in my stash that was a near enough colour I made it myself!

White and red is very hard to match unless you work from exactly the same dye batch....and who can do that?

No, I haven't even thought about how i'm going to quilt this's going to be a surprise. At the moment, I refuse to go there....simply because I know myself - whatever I plan, I change my mind as soon as I sit down to quilt. All I know is that it will most likely be traditional (well, free hand traditional anyway). I dare not even consider marking that white / white fabric! And here is the last bit. All done. Tomorrow is assembly time.

Monday 7 July 2008

Stencilling away

The peeling off stage is always exciting, it's when the blob of paint above becomes the crisp and vibrant image you've planned on !
When I started this quilt, I decided to stay firmly on the 'correct' colour usage track.....before changing my mind and then changing it back again.

Now that I've stencilled the blocks, I've taken a liking to this triadic colour blend. I put the blocks up on my wall and the colours just seem to 'fit' really it just me? or have I discovered the power of the triadic colour merge?

Right now, I'm having a love relationship with this quilt, we're at the honeymoon phase where it looks so new and fresh, its exciting to work on it every day....but I know full well that I may end up changing my mind again...I usually have a love / hate relationship with my quilts and it's usually over what colours or prints I've selected, I'm hoping that as I get more adept at following the rules, these relationship problems will just disappear....

Thursday 3 July 2008

Still going

Starting early on a cold winter's morning.....

My travelling iron is handy to take around the house as I often move

my quilting into the sunniest room

Some peonies drying

When I have time, I like to wait 48 hours before I heat set as I've found this proves a truer colour
My layers are nearly done, one more colour to go

Tuesday 1 July 2008

It sure is a New Day....Every Day

I was just flicking through my email inbox when I noticed one of my quilts flicking before me.....

I was happily suprised to open my latest newsletter from The Quilt Show....and notice that my quilt, PEACE, is shown on the Gallery Tour page!

I was delighted! I love The Quilt Show I REALLY feel like a quilter! Love it...Love it...Love it

Visit The Quilt Show via my side link on the left of this page, or just click the link below...

Peonie Pride progress

The joy of beginning the journey of a stencil quilt....
Cutting out my stencil designs....

Pressing the fabric after the prewash.....
Laying the stencil on top of the wrinkle free fabric....

Positioning....positioning...positioning....until perfectly placed. It can take time!
I like to iron on the entire block, then when I stencil, it's like a jigsaw puzzle falling into place, as I remove piece by piece
More pieces.....

Peonie Pride...a sneak preview

After Sydney Showcase, and the learning curve of Manor House, I set myself the challenge of making a quilt according to 'correct' colour blending (rather than colours based on a whim which is pretty much what I was relying on...) I studied the charts and discovered two very interesting things:

A quilt I made in 2005, Not Quite Shabby Chic, is perfectly colour matched (quite randomly, but still I'm impressed)


That Red, Blue and Green is a perfect triadic colour composition. So that's the challenge I set myself for my next quilt. I was pleased to discover that actually, we quilter's have a pretty good eye for colour, so mostly, my quilts are complimentarily hued....however, there have been a few misses....and dissapointments, so it was high time to brush up on the basics.

I have had a good play with the swatch chart and next on my list is advancing to the book.....

What better time to start my new regime than with Peonie Pride, my newest stencil quilt? I had already started sketching the stencil designs a while back and I have a few ideas about colour, but this time....for once...I decided I would follow the 'rules'.

I have had a few moments of near rebellion, but I have stayed the course and this quilt will definitely be triadic.

Here goes.......

Monday 30 June 2008

Getting Ready.....

The legs are in (in the name of ergonomic correctness)......
the chaise lounge where I usually have my morning coffee is out....
and thats a sign in my household that another quilt is on its way....
and..... the COLOURS ARE SET!

Working up enthusiasm

What does a quilter do to relax?

Work on another quilt of course!

This quilt needed it's final border, and I knew that if I didnt do it today, it might never get done. So, before I can start on my next quilt, I have decided that I have to finish my old work first ( I dont know how long this will last) but at least I will finish more quilts this way. I just loes interest too quickly....

Wednesday 25 June 2008

Waltzing Pinks...published

Waltzing Pinks is published, Vol 16, No. 12. AP&Q Mag. I love the photo work they have done with this quilt, it's perfectly suited. Sometimes when you send a quilt off to a magazine, you wonder how it will be presented (no, I dont see the print photo's until its published and on the shelf.) Luckily I've always been happy with the end results....which is unusual because I'm a French Provincale fan...and they manage to get it just right.

Also in this edition, as well as the project, is a profile on me!

I was delighted to receive this magazine in the post today. It inspires me to keep on with my many studio projects.

Thank you Marianne and the AP&Q Team for such a wonderful job.

I know lots of you have been thinking of trying stencil quilt, for maybe the first time. It's very rewarding and well worth it, I urge everyone to buy this edition and give Waltzing Pinks a try! Send me a pic of your finished quilt and I'll post it up on this blog.....happy quilting!


Last time I left my quilt making to the last minute (and was unhappy with the results), I promised myself that I would consult a quilters colour tool and work according to 'the rules'.

Now, I dont like working to the rules, but after 80 or so quilts and projects, it's time I put my foot down!

Today I started my next quilt. Its a stencil quilt. It's also based on a perfectly acceptable TRI COMPLIMENTARY. All I can say is, I'm using the Red Yellow-Green and Blue colour chart.

I'm finishing up my design today and will start the colour mixing hopefully tomorrow.

I'll keep you posted. This is the only way I will actually get it done and stay on schedule. Yes, this quilt will be exhibited at Vic Quilters Showcase in 4 weeks (dont worry, this quilt has been in the 'making' -in my head- for a year) it'll get done....I hope

Craft Fair Friend

The Craft & Quilt Fair is coming up..... and I'm in the brochure!!

It's starting to sink in now, that I have to get ready!

I'm digging out all my quilts to display, including my first ever real quilt, which is in my daughter's room (not sure what state it's in)....

July seemed so far away when it was May. But now it's just around the corner. AND I have a quilt to finish.....again.....

Monday 23 June 2008

Green Leaves Published In Down Under Quilts

Vol 121, 2008
I know, I know, eventually I will get around to demonstrating a stencil tutorial here on my blog as promised.....I'm just a little behind, and a little busy to get around to it at the moment.
In the meantime, I have 2 quilts to finish by the 21st of July. If you're interested in trying some stencilling before then, I can HIGHLY recommend Down Under Quilts this month for they are featuring my project Green Leaves ! This quilt doesnt photograph as well as it is in real life, it's one of 'those' quilts that are just more impressive in real life. It's quilted in a high sheen thread which just doesnt show up in print....
Lets see if THIS edition makes it to the Canada Rockies!

Green Leaves ! Detail Pics.....

Sunday 22 June 2008

Esther's Occassional Quote for the Day

Manor House

Here are some close ups of Manor House from the Sydney Show. I wasnt organised enough to take them myself... so many thanks to Rachelle Denneny for emailing these through to me.

Friday 20 June 2008

Liz You Made my Day!

Well this made my day! There I was, scurrying out to salvage the mail from being flung onto the middle of the road (our postman is notorious for delivering to the wrong address, on the wrong day....if he delivers at all) and amongst the bills and cheap adverts...there was this!
I havent been to this little town in Canada, but I feel somehow connected to it, because a magazine with me in it was sold there, and Liz who is on holiday there, saw me in a quilt shop on a magazine shelf! Wow! It made my morning coffee break extra special. Thank you Liz, for keeping in touch AND for making me feel like a globe trotting famous quilter (...I wish....)
Hello to any readers in Whitehorse, Canada!

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Sydney Show 2008...reflections before taking off AGAIN

I had a wonderful time at the Sydney Show this are some pics from day to night shots of the inside.

The view here is from the Sydney Committe room, what a great view they have from up there!

Thank you to every single person who came up to me and let me know that they read this blog - its so nice to hear positive feedback.....please dont feel shy to leave comments or email me, its always nice to share what we know...

I saw some great quilts and I was very impressed with Sydney's PROMPT taxi's (nothing like Melbourne's) so that made it all the easier. The Show display looked really vibrant and the colours used in quilts on display were so alive.

Some of my favourite quilts on display this year were just wild with colour... I envy everyone who manages to colour match this well....I always umm and ahh over my colour's something I've realised I just have to work on....

I do actually own a 3-in-1 colour tool by Joen Wolfrom, so my next challenge is to use this nifty device on my fabric stash.

I noticed that the shop and store holders didnt really have anything new on offer.... it's all been on display before, so maybe we're inbetween trends at the moment? Mind you, that didnt stop me buying some things....and then going back for more. I made the hotel and show dash back and forth a few times, always picking up something extra.

I have a great time on Saturday when I quilted away at the Charity Quilts, it's so nice when someone sets up the sewing machine for you (and bastes for you) and all you have to do is sit down and get quilting! I need my own personal staff at home too!

I was worried that I wouldnt be able to finishing the quilting by lunchtime, but I managed was a lovely feeling being able to quilt and chat with well wishers the whole time. Good company makes for good quilting.

Looking forward to the next show now.

Will I finish a new quilt on time? Will I start a new quilt? Have I learnt my 'last minute' lesson yet? (actually, I already started my new quilt - just this morning-. HERE WE GO AGAIN!)

This year, I'm very proud to have been selected to be a Guest Artist of the Vic Quilter's SHowcase and exhibit my quilting journey so far. I'll be showing my quilting progression in the last 8 years since I started ( the time has just flown by)...

You Quilt, You Learn.....

Well, at the time it always seems worth plan, you end up spending your nights in an effort to finish your quilt. Of course YOU love it, because it's yours.....and then you post it off. Finally, you're finished.

Then, you walk past your quilt at the show, and its crinkled, and its nothing like you remember....what was I thinking? Where did all the gold go? It just looks beige! Is it the lighting? Is it the surrounds? Am I colourblind?

This quilt looked so beautiful at home. It glowed and had a real old fashioned beauty about it. But now, I'm wondering what all the fuss was about.

I am beginning to question my designing skills and this quilt fell very short of what I had planned. On the positive side of things, we do finally have a quilt to throw over the sofa..... it's not gonna make it to the wall, or 'important quilt' cupboard. It's disappointing when this happens, expecially when you have high hopes, quilt ....and you learn.

I have learnt my lesson, when you have a lot of gold fabrics in your stash - leave them there, dont try to use them all up in a quilt just because you love gold.

I wonder how many other quilters experience this, is it just me?

It's a Winner !

Waltzing Pinks!
Well, I never thought I'd win anything with this quilt, but there you have it!
You can make this quilt yourself in an upcoming edition of Australian Patchwork and Quilting Magazine.

To see the full list of Sydney Quilt Soow's 2008 winners, click here....

Wednesday 4 June 2008

I'll never use varigated threat EVER again

Ah, finishing touches, and its only 2am!

Morning Photo....

Quilting detail photo

Thought for the day:

Variagated thread looks beautiful on the cone. But not on my work!. It appears to be a perfect colour match. However once you start stitching, it looks inconsistent....and you cant go back, because unpicking the stitches will disintegrate into little tears on the fabric (on a domestic machine).... this quilt taught me a lot about last minute disasters and late nights. At least for my work and style of quilting, this thread does nothing to assist!

Also, I DO NOT recommend Glad press and stuck so heavily to the fabric that I had to tear it away and then pick at the stubborn strands with tweesers. I never mark anything, but for once I wanted to try a quick tip I'd been let in on....and it was a disaster. I finished (and will now stick to) freehand, like I always have. Thank goodness I only commited this technique to 1 border.

Well, now that I've highlighted all the positive experiences of quilting I will finish by saying that I am greatly relieved that Manor House is packaged and travelling as I type. In fact, it's probably already in Sydney. I just hope that when I see it at the Show that it will be the way I remembered and that I wont be too embaressed. I always like to let quilts sit a few weeks so I can view them with fresh eyes....and with my late night finishing marathon I didnt get the chance.

I will put all this down to 'experience' and move on....

Stencils at the ready!

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