Wednesday 19 September 2018

WOW: Working On Cherish

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
So many designs, so little time! It's hard picking and choosing between what to work on, what to design and which sketches should make it to the pattern drafting stage. And to complicate matters further, I'm constantly changing my mind. Oh well, I suppose it's all part of the creative process. And I can't complain because I do love it so much.

It's been months since I worked on my about to be released design 'Cherish', so I'm double checking the fabric requirements and getting it all ready for release. I love this design - it's so lively and happy that even working on it puts a grin on my face.

I can't wait to share it with you..

What's Your WOW?


  1. Looks enticing Esther and i like the name Cherish!!!! This year has flown past so so quickly, i have managed to finish a few UFO's but not as many as I planned, your lovely designing enticed me to many times LOL ?

  2. What an exciting teaser you have given us for your new design 'Cherish', I am eagerly anticipating it's release. Your designs are beautiful and I can totally understand how sometimes the process goes in fits and starts as it develops and then later it just 'jells' and there aren't enough hours in the day to complete it. It looks like you've now reached that ...let's double check everything and figure requirements stage. Oooo, what a milestone this is. :)


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