Here's how I stitch embellished my bird eyes.
I stitched around the eye with a brown thread, and then created a larger inside eye circle with that same brown and finished it with a white dot.

I just think that white dot adds a spark of life

And I did the same thing for the second bird

They're such characters, I love them
Morning Glory is my current paid BOM. It's an applique and pieced quilt.
You can start this BOM today!
Simply click the quilt image to learn more.
To see some of the breathtaking examples that are taking shape, simply visit my Free BOM Group on Facebook where progress images are being shown all the time. It's a massive inspiration and I warn you, it's addictive!
It definitely brings them to life, and draws our eye in. No more flat birds. Thank you for sharing the how to tip, Esther.