Tuesday 16 November 2010

a Hex to Share

Christmas is just over a month away...(how did that happen so quickly??), so now was not a great time to find a new project to fall in love with. But it's happened and here it is: a little HEX

This is little hex is addictive, and once you get the hang of it, you can whip it out almost anywhere and get it done whilst talking with friends or over coffee or in front of the TV or anytime really. I think it would be a great scrappy but also have visions of seeing it in all cream as a light throw. The beauty is that whilst you are folding, you are also creating the front and back at the same time.

I am thinking of adding some pre-cut batting into the centre of the hex to really make it puff, but it has plenty of 'effect' already. I am also going to see if turning in the seams will create a neat centre without need for a button to cover up the raw edges. In a word, it's charming. And you can put it away and carry on with it whenever you feel like.

It's not mine. It's been doing the blog rounds lately and I just had to give it a go and you can see my results below. Of course, you could also make singles for decorations: cards and buntings- but I still see a quilt out of this. The YouTube link below is courtesy of Ane Matos (if you haven't seen it before I suggest watching with the sound on mute).

I think I have seen this hex before though (perhaps in a book??) if anyone knows...could you please let me know as I would love to purchase the book I think this design originally came from.

Thanks to Ane for posting this on YouTube, it's always helpful to see it made before trying it yourself. Now my only problem is...WHEN will I find the time to fit in another WIP????????????


  1. Hey, Esther, I'm a hexagon junkie and have made quite a few of these. They are a Mary Anne Ciccotelli design. Here's her website: http://www.sewingandbeyond.com/index.php

    Here you can see a small quilt on my blog where I used a number of these hexagons:
    http://debbiesfiberwork.blogspot.com/2010/06/qa-15.html Be sure to enlarge the photos.

    I'm not sure how to post links in comments, so I hope those links work!

  2. OOOOOOOHHHHHH! My Goodness!! I'm in love!! That is just amazing. They would make a wonderful boquet for a gift! My brain is just turning. Ornaments for a Christmas Tree. Mmmmmm! Thank you so much for sharing! I'd love to have that video on my blog so that I don't loose it.

  3. I saw this in a previous issue of Quiltmaker Magazine; can't remember the year. I think it was called "fabric folded ornament". I made a lot of them during that time, using them to decorate gifts that year and an ornament there after. They were definitely addicting.

  4. Oops! I forgot to add that I used heavy heat-n-bond that I pressed to the back of the fabric prior to making the flowers. I did not iron the flower afterwards as I did not want it to feel 'hard'; just want to add body. If I can remember correctly, it made it easier to fold as well.

  5. Awwww, man! Thanks a lot Esther! I don't need another WIP, either! LOL These are too cute! And I just happen to have 4 acrylic hexie templates in my stash upstairs!! I think I'm going to experiment with some Christmas ornaments....ooooh....

  6. Is that cat yours? I think he/she is very beautifull.

  7. Hi, Ester! These flowers are just beautiful !! Thank you for showing this vodeo, I must try this! They remind me of a flower I saw in a magazine, made by Rebecca Wat. She is an origami expert and quilter, and has written a book called Fantastic Fabric Folding. I havent seen this book, but maybe you find it interesting?

  8. That was very interesting and I am looking forward to trying some ........ after Christmas :)

  9. I'm suffering from "hexagonitis" also and I love it!
    I thought also I've seen it before and checked my books. It's in Fantastic Fabric Folding from Rebecca Wat!
    Now looking for time!

  10. Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for commenting. It seems that this fold technique has appeared in a few places - and I'm not suprised given how charming it is.

    I will be buying the book by Rebecca Wat as I think a few more nifty techniques like this wouldnt go astray...and did I mention what a superb stash buster this fold hex could potentially be?

    Yes the cat is mine. It's a 'she' and she will not be ignored during a photo shoot. Wherever I am, she chuggs along behind to see what all the fuss is about.

  11. Very pretty!! Thanks for sharing, I love it.

  12. hi esther,
    thanks for sharing this wonderful tutorial.
    You can see the link to your blog on my linkblog...hope its ok for you..greetings from germany barbara

  13. vielen herzlichen Dank, Es ist wundervoll.
    Liebe Grüße sendet Uschi

  14. Oh I just love fabric folding....like I love paper folding. Definitely will be back to look more closely and try these!

  15. Hello Esther! Great blog! I am already a companion.

    Greetings from Slovenia!

  16. What a fun project. I must try some soon. Thanks for the tutorial.

  17. I love using folded hexagons. If you want to see some of the projects I use them for visit:


    For a tutortial for making folding hexagons using the my technique visit:


    Thank you Debbie for pointing out my website.

    Mary Anne Ciccotelli

  18. Hi Esther,

    welcome to my blog and thank you very much for visiting me and joining to my followers!
    Your blog is also very interesting, your patchworks are beautiful and the reciepes too.

    Have a nice Christmas time and kind regards from Bavaria


  19. Hi, again! I had to try this technique, it is so fun!! I tried it out on pentagons, and it worked well. I would like to put a link to your post on my blog.

  20. Hi Esther,
    Thank you for posting the video tutorial on these hexies.
    I am very new to this quilting thing and have found this tutorial wonderful and easy to follow (even without sound)
    I am wondering if you have come up with anyway to cover the centre without using a button?
    I have tried something but not sure about it. You can see my attempt here http://rochellebuckley.blogspot.com/2010/11/my-attempt-at-ana-matos-hexies.html
    Thanks again.

  21. WOW, love it love it. Thanks for sharing. I linked this site on my blog.Hope thats ok. Solveig

  22. This is bril. can't wait to forward to my friends. Sue has only just begun quilting this year and I'm sure she'll love it.:))


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