Saturday 2 June 2018

'Queen's Garden' by Jenny Henry

WOW! You might already know and admire Jenny Henry, she's a Moderator in my Facebook BOM Group and has delighted most of us with her stunning quilts. Jenny is prolific and whatever she makes is swoon worthy. Somehow, Jenny has an eye for fabrics. I say 'somehow' because it's a marvel to me that her choices are always so good. I can't boast of the same talent, so I just admire Jenny and give credit where it's due.
How fabulous is her Queen's Garden?
I think this combination of fabrics simply sparkle. I love it. 
Now the Queen's Garden BOM is not actually finished and all these Parts are not yet available. But as a Moderator, getting patterns ahead of time is a perk and I do encourage all the Moderators to show off their work, even when it's ahead of schedule, because it's so inspiring to see.
And the other thing is, if you type 'Jenny Henry" in my search bar, multiple posts will come up of Jenny's quilts that I have shown off over the years. Like I said, Jenny is prolific and inspiring. I genuinely wonder how she gets so much work done. I don't know how she does it, I'm just glad she does. Thanks for allowing me to show off your work Jenny, it makes my day when I can see my designs created by such a talented quilter.

Queen's Garden is my current free BOM
Yes, it's completely free.
We are currently up to Part 6
Jenny has finished her Queen's Garden quilt because she is a Moderator and gets patterns early. 
The complete pattern is not available, it is being released in parts. 

You can download all missed parts and catch up right now, it's not too late to join.
Parts are downloaded from my BOM Group on Facebook (image above).

Friday 1 June 2018

Morning Glory: Part 6

This month it's time for the quilt's namesake block: the trumpeting morning glory block.
It's a beautiful and hopeful block that marks the four directional points around the frame.
Here's how I made mine:
As usual there's a production line. You know I love my applique production lines..
I've chosen to break down my morning glory head into two parts, a larger 'windmill' shape background and smaller pieces to insert between the spaces.
Here I'm pinning my larger windmill shape into position
And adding the in between pieces neatly and carefully. 
I am actually glue basting tiny dots of glue on the overlap area to hold it all in position. 
 As I add each shape, I double check the pieces against the pattern shape to make sure it hasn't grown.
 Somehow this leaf has grown, so I will pull back the turn edge and wiggle it smaller, back into shape with the pattern outline.
 And here are my 4 Morning Glory blocks ready and set aside
 I stitched the red applique shape just for a bit of texture and I'm very happy with it.
Finished and set aside!

BOM 2018, My Biggest Year Ever! 

Morning Glory is my current paid BOM. It's an applique and pieced quilt. 

You can start this BOM today! 

Simply click the quilt image to learn more.

To see some of the breathtaking examples that are taking shape, simply visit my Free BOM Group on Facebook where progress images are being shown all the time. It's a massive inspiration and I warn you, it's addictive!

Wednesday 30 May 2018

WOW: Making Hearts

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Today I've dedicated the whole day to making Healing Hearts.

These are blocks that quilters and sewers send out to others in the community who are going through a trying time or difficulty; it's our way of sending a hug. Although small, it's such a comforting gesture to receive a heart that's been sent with love (and via the post too!) when you're feeling down. 

I don't know about you, but I've just realized that I don't get much 'heartfelt' mail these days. Somehow email and Facebook messages have taken over. But you know, there are times in life when only a posted item will do.

The last time I handled healing hearts was when my mum unexpectedly died. That was two years ago. Honestly, I'm still somewhat in shock over the whole thing. I haven't even thought of hearts since then, it's all been too painful. In fact I still have all the healing hearts that were sent to me in a special box. When I'm ready, I'll sew them up in a special memory project.

Last week I realized I was out of my own hearts to send out to others. I added it to my list of things to do and waited until the right moment. You see, I like to make Healing Hearts when I'm in a good mood, I really think it makes a difference to stitch them up when you're feeling grateful, inspired and hopeful. 

So it's me, my hearts, a big mug of coffee and some beautiful music as I prepare my own stash of stitched up 'hugs'. It's cold down my way and it's the perfect day to cosy up and create.

What's Your WOW?

Wednesday 23 May 2018

WOW: Indulging in Fabric

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
So, I've been indulging in some fabric treats recently. I have 6 new designs all drawn up and I'm bursting at the seams to start making them up. Or at least prioritize a list to start making them up. So really, this IS a WIP.. it's just a WIP  before the work begins.

It's cold, dark because it's so early and gloomy down my way, that's why this image is so yellow from my indoor lights. I know it's not the best quality pic, but I just wanted to share my happiness with you. I love it when a new fabric parcel arrives, it gets my creative inspiration flowing..

What's Your WOW?

Saturday 19 May 2018

Falling In Love With 'Oma's Blues' .. Again!

With so many new blog readers suddenly joining me this year (hello and welcome), it's really no surprise that many of my patterns are enjoying a revival. I have to tell you, I'm over the moon about it. I'm so busy that it doesn't even take a year for a pattern to become 'back catalog', so seeing my designs get some love seems only fair! I could work slower.. but it's not in my nature. I feel like I have so many designs to release, I simply can't stop now. So, these 'revivals' and spikes in popularity are really music to my ears.

Oma's Blues is one of my quilts getting some love and attention just lately and honestly, I'm not surprised. I mean, who doesn't love a blue and white quilt?

Oma's Blues is the only blue and white quilt I have. I knew when I designed it that it would have to be special because when it comes to two colour quilts, red and white has stolen my heart. Still, I knew my design collection would not be complete without a loving ode to Delft Tableware.

I designed Oma's Blues with Delft in mind. My childhood is hemmed in with memories of being seated at a table full of Delft and of cabinets laden with the beautiful heirloom pieces. It's been a sadness to me that I didn't inherit any of those childhood pieces. Thinking back, I really have no idea what happened to them. They live on in my memory now.. and of course in Oma's Blues.
I love this centre, surrounded by charm plates
and the borders add a touch of piecing to balance out all the applique. 
Together, the pieced blocks represent stacked dishware and I love the overall look.
Like most of my quilts, I need better pictures, but you can see here that this is a quilt ready for hanging. My own Oma is currently rolled up, but it belongs on a wall and when I next change over my dining room, that's where it will take pride of place. I'm even selecting dinnerware to match. Because, why not?
Oma's Blues is perfect for Groups and Sewing Bees. 
You can purchase the pattern on a monthly basis - this means you get your download link delivered to your email at the same time each month. As you're making the blocks, you can check through my Oma's Blues Archive listed at the top of this blog. It lists ALL my Oma's Blues related posts so you can 'stitch along' with me, back when I was creating my own blocks. 

There's also an Oma's Blues Facebook Group where you can meet up (or arrange to meet up) with others at a regular time to share pics, ideas and friendship. Or you can share you progress in my main Facebook BOM Group. Whatever suits you best. 


Monthly Payment

The pattern is just $4.95 USD per month
delivered to your email address each month, for 10 months

Start any time - you will receive your block at the same time, each month

The date of your monthly delivery will depend on the date you first paid. For example, if you join on the 11th of the month, you will receive your next installment on the 11th of the following month, and so on. Your subscription starts at Part 1. Individual parts cannot be purchased out of turn. 


Complete Pattern (NO BOM)
buy and receive the complete pattern at once (no monthly installments)

You may buy the complete pattern outright. This is not a BOM and you will receive the complete pattern via instant digital download, allowing you to make the pattern at once. 

The pattern is just $49.95 USD


Wednesday 16 May 2018

WOW: Cabbages, Orchids or Roses?!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
This past Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day and my DDs brought me this gorgeous cabbage. Isn't it picture perfect? (ignore my messy bench!) The week before I had been moaning about taking care of three potted indoor orchids we have. They always worry me. I either over or under water them and them wait around anxiously for them to die. It's awful because I really do love plants but sometimes I think a cabbage would be more useful. Well, I must have said this out loud during my orchid watering spree because they reminded me of it on Sunday when they gifted me this vegetable. I know it seems unlikely, but I was over the moon about it. I haven't been able to find any nice one green enough  at the grocer's and it's the perfect weather for some cabbage rolls. As of today, I haven't made any so that will be today's task, in the slow cooker.

I got some cut roses too, but honestly I think this cabbage head is the real beauty!

As for me, I've been stretching and seeing a bone setter to get me back on track. I can sit in the car now but I still can't walk down stairs. Walking up them is fine, but going down is too hard. Still, I am improving every day and happy about that. I've been catching up on some blog work, patterns and emails too, so it's been nice to start getting on top of my never ending list of things to do.

But for the rest of today, I'll be cooking for the week ahead. It's cold my way and perfect some some slow cooked soups.

What's Your WOW?

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Hazel & Little Hazel are (finally) Launched!

  Hazel & Little Hazel  
Little Hazel: 62 x 62 inches
Who loves piecing?! These blocks are stunning as they show off your favourite fabric; flowing in and out of each block beautifully. It's a strong visual design waiting for your own mix of gorgeous fabrics to make it shine. 

Hazel and it’s simplified version Little Hazel is a pieced quilt made up of blocks that challenge and inspire. Overall, the design is harmonious, especially when restricted to 4 or less fabrics. But, on closer inspection, there is much activity. 

The design moves the eye around a central compass that expands out into interconnecting pathways that course and then return back into the centre. This is how I imaged the design when I sketched it and when coloured in just three of four tones, you can really see this connectivity between the blocks. In my example, you see the blue fabric streaming through as a theme. 

I’ve always considered Hazel to be a quilt of travel and journey, so perhaps the blue is a fitting tribute to water or sky or both, depending on what fabrics you personally opt for.
Hazel: 88 x 105 inches
Back in 2016, I released Hazel & Little Hazel as my free yearly BOM. Both BOMs finished in 2016, however the pattern is for both sizes is now finally available for sale. When you purchase either Hazel or Little Hazel, you get access to both patterns (so there's no need to buy both if you are undecided!).

Hazel & Little Hazel Full PDF Pattern
$19.95 USD

What you need to know:
Payment is securely completed via PayPal
You don't need a PayPal account to pay as PayPal also securely processes Credit Card payments 
Pattern downloads are INSTANT and followed up with a live link to your email inbox
Check your email for the follow up email (and check your spam / junk folders if you can't see it)
The pattern will download to your computer directly
You REQUIRE an UPDATED PDF Reader in order to open and print the PDF Pattern

When you receive your download, be sure to SAVE it to your computer.
If you print it directly from the browser download screen, it will not be backed up to your computer. 

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