Wednesday 23 May 2018

WOW: Indulging in Fabric

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
So, I've been indulging in some fabric treats recently. I have 6 new designs all drawn up and I'm bursting at the seams to start making them up. Or at least prioritize a list to start making them up. So really, this IS a WIP.. it's just a WIP  before the work begins.

It's cold, dark because it's so early and gloomy down my way, that's why this image is so yellow from my indoor lights. I know it's not the best quality pic, but I just wanted to share my happiness with you. I love it when a new fabric parcel arrives, it gets my creative inspiration flowing..

What's Your WOW?


  1. Comme vous Esther,je suis toujours si impatiente quand de nouveau tissus sont comandés
    Belle journée a vous

  2. Gosh, Esther -- that Kaffe Fassett floral with the damask background is STUNNING! I zoomed in on my screen as much as I could but I still could not make out a pattern name. Is it something current or something you've stashed for awhile?


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