Wednesday 21 March 2012

WOW: Chilli Update!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays!

Today is a WIP update of sorts. I'm very happy to report that that chillis I planted a few months ago for my DH have grown nicely and are supplying the kitchen with chillis. The only suprise is that chillis above are sweet and have no heat at all, they just add a dash of colour to things. The rest of the chilli's are hot hot hot. Too hot for me!

This last chilli has mysteruiously refused to give us anything but leaves. Hopefully it will change it's mind next year!

Saturday 17 March 2012

Forget Me Not: Sun & Corn Flower Block Up Close

You asked for here it is...details!

Here are some close ups from my Sun & Corn Flower Block
This applique design is 1 option of 2
from this month's Mystery BOM
Forget Me Not, Part 2

I created the sun and corn flowers with raw edge applique. I double fused the fabrics with fusible webbing in between. again, like the Peony block, this block is finished but not completed. it wont be completed until it's quilted at the end. it's also missing some embellishments. Like french knots in the sunflower head. And lots more thread work on the petals as they are currently unfinished.

If you've wanted to try colouring with pencils as an embellishment option, this is the block to try it on! The petals were beautiful before, but they really came to life when they were enhanced with just a few shades of yellow and orange. Make sure that you heat set your work if you do this. You can use any quality coloured pencil. I used Prisma. It's permanent once heat set and will not wear off.

Hmm...I do think this this sunflower is missing a little ladybug somewhere!

For The leaves and stems I used Floriani and bobbin work (thicker thread in the bobbin and then top stitched all the lines from the back, even the outline of the floriani edge so that the stitches on the right side show through, as you can see.)  This also helps me to turn the edges. At a later stage this will still be quilted...when I'm ready in the final stages.

Why the different techniques?
I love trying new things and I'm not afraid to experiment and seek out new ways of doing things. If there's a faster way to get something done, I'll try it. This doesn't mean that quality of workmanship and technique doesn't most certainly does! I love quality work, every inch should be 'just so' in my opinion. What it does mean is that there are several ways to achieve the same result in most things and in applique this is also true. Yes, you can mix needle turn and raw edge. You can use the freezer paper method with what works for you. Most of all, don't be afraid to try!

Esther’s Free BOM

Friday 16 March 2012

Forget Me Not: Peony Block Up Close

You asked for here it is...details!

Here are some close ups from my Peony Block
This applique design is 1 option of 2
from this month's Mystery BOM
Forget Me Not, Part 2

There are still more details and embellishments to come. As I work through my 12 blocks in this Mystery BOM,  I will be creating each one to this 'finished' stage. When all 12 are finished, I will view the quilt as a whole before deciding on how to complete the blocks. By 'completing' I mean extra embellished stitches, embroidery and whatnot. I think there will be room for a few ladybugs or hidden things here and there...but can't say for sure until they are all lined up next to each other.

This is just how I work, if you have a vision for your own block - go for it!

This is also why my scrolls are being left blank, I'm still deciding how to script inside...and if I do it by hand, I want to do all the writing in one day so that my script doesn't change. You know, details, this quilt is all about details. Each month is about bringing 1x flower block to life and really taking care in whichever applique method you have chosen.
The applique method I used in this block is the Applique Freezer Paper Method, however instead of freezer paper, I used "Floriani Stitch N Wash Fusible, Water Soluble Tearaway"

To see a tutorial of the Applique Freezer Paper Method, it's right here on my blog,

The peony petals have been enhanced and highlighted with pencil. See the pattern for brand info. It's such a simple touch which really gives the head depth. Simple and effective.

The Peony is an applique block from PART 2 of
Forget Me Not, my 2012 Mystery BOM
No, it's not too late to join in...go ahead and get in on the mystery!

Esther’s Free BOM

Thursday 15 March 2012

Forget Me Not ...Part 2... is Lauched!

And this month in the mystery,
you will be choosing between two applique designs.



Sun & Corn Flower

You can only choose 1
Which will it be???

I know, I know, today's close up of the purple-ish stem was to throw you off the scent.
Those leaves and stems belong to the Peony. More close ups of both blocks tomorrow.

Have you decided on which applique method
you'll be using for this quilt?

If you'd like to view my Applique Freezer Paper Method,
click here and it will open up for you in a new window.

Part 2 is launched: available on my website Yahoo Group only

Esther’s Free BOM
Forget Me Not
is my current free mystery BOM

Wednesday 14 March 2012

WOW: Sneaky Peek...what is it???

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Well, a funny thing happened to me this morning.

I sat down to work on my WIP and I was so absorbed in my work that when my DD just walked in the door a few minutes ago, she couldn't believe I hadn't moved! 5 hours. That's what happened!

Too busy WIPPing to post about the WIP!

Completely lost in my work. Oh, the satisfaction! So, what's got my undivided attention this morning?? Only Part 2 of Forget Me Not, so here's a sneaky peek. You're all ready for Part 2 aren't you? It's launched tomorrow.

What do you think it is?
Any guesses what the first applique block might be??

Monday 12 March 2012

Monday Already?

There's no time like the present time (or in my case, there's no minute like the last minute) to get things done. So today I decided that I better 'convert' the last of the remaining items from my personal patterns and turn them into something that other people can understand and use.

It feels like I have been preparing for Forget Me Not for months, which I suppose I actually have! Now that we are in Part 2 of the Mystery BOM this month, it's dawned on me that as I am making two at once, I had better get organised... I still have some other quilts and WIPs I'd like to finish this year as well. Hmm, that's the plan anyway.

So, who's ready to start the applique in Part 2 this month??

Esther’s Free BOM
Forget Me Not
is my current Free Mystery BOM

Wednesday 7 March 2012

WOW: Secret Quilter's Business

WOW= WIPs On Wednesday

This morning finds me burning the midnight oil (or should that be early morning oil?). 

My DD snapped a picture of me working away before breakfast to get it done in time. But I can't complain as I do love these quilting traditions. Well, I am on secret quilty business, but I can share a tiny bit of it here. More will be revealed in a few months. I think my last group quilt was a wedding quilt. I always love the special feeling that comes from 'secretly' making these...

Making freezer paper circles is fast and easy. I am becoming a pro at these after making 25...

Looking pretty...and glad to send this quilt to it's next quilter.

Now, time to get back to the BOM, Forget Me Not

Happy News:
I am a semi finalist for AQS, Paducah with my quilt Hearts Desire! So all of you in the US and visiting Paducah can have a close look at last years BOM close up!

How's your WOW this week?

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