Thursday 15 March 2012

Forget Me Not ...Part 2... is Lauched!

And this month in the mystery,
you will be choosing between two applique designs.



Sun & Corn Flower

You can only choose 1
Which will it be???

I know, I know, today's close up of the purple-ish stem was to throw you off the scent.
Those leaves and stems belong to the Peony. More close ups of both blocks tomorrow.

Have you decided on which applique method
you'll be using for this quilt?

If you'd like to view my Applique Freezer Paper Method,
click here and it will open up for you in a new window.

Part 2 is launched: available on my website Yahoo Group only

Esther’s Free BOM
Forget Me Not
is my current free mystery BOM


  1. Oh Esther! They are both beautiful!!! I'm thinking sunflower though.... =^..^=

  2. Esther you have outdone yourself this time. These are fantastic

  3. Esther -- these are stunning -- Peony for me !! Whoohooo !!

  4. I just love that peony pattern, it is not a common flower for applique and your design is stunning!

  5. Love them love them!! I have printed out my patterns now will get going with my tracing paper today! Thank you for your hard work!

  6. Wow. Did a lot of flipping back and forth but am going with the Peony just hope I can do it justice.

  7. Looks beautiful Esther! I love the sunflower! I think I missed the first one but hope I can make this one! Thanks!

  8. They're both beautiful, but I think I'm partial to the reds in the Peony.

  9. These are beautiful. I am going to collect the steps of the mystery and follow along and just may get this wonderful project started when life permits.
    The Sunflower sings to me , it is so cheerful . The Peony is elegant and serene, which will I choose?

  10. I love all 3 plants, but since sunflowers and bachelor's buttons grow easier here in Central Texas than peonies, I'm going with the first one! Thank you so much for yet another lovely project.

  11. Gorgeous! It would be hard to choose... I'm doing to much other projects, so I'm not going to start on this one - but I love to see it!

  12. You are a temptress!If I do give in and make this one, it would have to be the peony. Stunning!

  13. Such beautiful blocks, Esther. I'm so glad I decided to do this BOM. In fact, over on my Applique Thursday blog , you're sort of featured with a. I'm deciding on fabric for Red December so I show what I did with a block for that, and b. I mentioned your BOM is starting today!

  14. How amazing that you not only offer us one gorgeous design - but you offer us 2! Thank you so much Esther - you are the best!!

  15. They are both so beautiful!!!

  16. It is such a hard decision....

    I choose Peony.....or..



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