Friday 26 January 2018

Paintbrushes at the Ready!

There's a new hot spot to learn everything you need to know about painting on fabric, making and using stencils and creating quilts with paints.

So, if you've ever thought about quilt stenciling or painting, I have a new Group over on Facebook that you might be interested in. It's called the Stenciled & Painted Quilts Group and the whole point of this group is to share, teach, encourage and learn all about quilt stenciling and painting.

Sounds good? It gets even better because it's completely free to join and I'll be adding new projects and sharing skills in this Group throughout the year, so whether you've been stenciling for years or are a complete novice, it's a great place to take part and build up a skill sharing community.

Why? I've been stenciling for over 15 years and painting on fabric for over 30 years. I love sharing stencil designs and projects and I need a hub where anyone who's interested can connect with other like minded people and learn, explore, create and make all year round. A Group is the perfect place to make this happen.

So go ahead, pull out those paint brushes and get set for a year of creativity skill share. And you know me, there's always an interesting project just around the corner..and now that I have a Group to share my stenciling and painting ideas with .. well, the sky's the limit!

See you there!


  1. Thank you,Esther! What a perfect idea-we can all learn together and share our experiences. There are so many exciting painting ideas and products now. Personally, I have tried several concepts and products and, while I know one learns by playing, it will be so helpful to share ideas and breakthroughs! I have joined the group and thank you again for your leadership on this interesting aspect of quilting.

  2. How intriguing! When you mentioned painted details for the Queen's Garden BOM I was surprised; did not realize anyone painted on their quilts. Now I'm looking at all of these not-quite-fabulous fabrics in my stash with an eye for fresh-painted possibilities!


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