Tuesday 9 January 2018

Applique Q & A

It's a new year and with 3 new BOMs now in full swing, it's only natural that I'm being asked about my applique preferences on a daily basis. So many of you want to improve your applique and my email in-box is full of questions and requests for recommendations. I've said it before and I'll say it again. My own recommendation for applique is 'Simply Successful Applique' by Jeanne Sullivan.

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you already know this. I've praised this book many times over the years. In fact, it's the only publication I purchased 3 of - one for myself and one for each of my DDs. Although my daughters are not quilters, I know that if they ever want to take up applique for quilting or any other reason in the years to come, this is the only real guide they will need. Everything you need to know is in here. If this book isn't already in your library, it should be. 
Next on my list of most asked questions is my preference for wash away fusible. I'm always looking for new products, but I haven't found anything better than Floriani Wash Away Fusible Webbing. This product is currently my preference. Unfortunately, I'm finding it difficult to source. This means that I can't direct you to a spot where you can buy it quickly, easily and affordably because I haven't managed to do this for myself. I'm just always on the lookout for it and am currently working from a stash I stockpiled a few years ago. If you have any advice on this, I'll happily receive it.

Do you have any burning questions you'd like me to answer? Go ahead and ask!

In the meantime here are some applique related posts you  might find helpful / useful to browse through:


  1. I was able to source the visible from red rock threads

  2. I just did a search and found it here https://redrockthreads.com/floriani/stitchnwashfusible.asp

  3. Thanks for the book tip Esther!
    I bought it a year or two ago!

  4. So much to learn and so many things to get done first. Thank you for all of this information and techniques. Love learning.


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