Monday 2 June 2008

Still Stitching Away.....

She's given up trying to sit on my quilting as I'm stitching, but I started so early this morning (5am!) that I forgot to put on the heating....and I hadnt noticed how chilly the house was until I just stopped to have a coffee.....and I just had to snap a pic of Mooshi, waiting patiently (and hopefully) for me to remember to heat the house! Her look says it all......
Well, back to work.....

1 comment:

  1. Moggie says, comiserations Mushi
    I have to sleep with my Mum to keep warm and sometimes she leaves me to go and sit at that computer and I have to snuggle in bed all on my own.
    But she did eventually relent and put the heater on today.
    Have you ever tried reaching up a paw to Mum's rear. It works with my Mum. She jumps and squeals and finally she works out I need something.
    Good luck. These quilting Mumma's are not always with it are they?


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