Look at this! My Zig Zags don't match my pattern..
and they're over sized when I put down on my background fabric by a whole unit.

What happened?!
I prepped all the pieces accurately and they look completely gorgeous

When I get into a 'sewing zone' all sorts of things can happen, but I never thought I'd sew the wrong edges together. URGH!
Look at this perfect point..
what a shame that it's all wrong!

I can't believe I just wasted a whole day's sewing.
The pattern is fine, this error is all mine.
I should have paid attention to which edges I was sewing together.
I simply picked them up by my eye.. and started sewing..

This is what trouble looks like..

And of course, I have gone and sewn them ALL wrong.
Ok, now I need a little lie down.
Option wise, I could just use the rows I have now. It's bigger than it's supposed to be, but it still looks great and no one will probably ever know, except that I know .. and can't stand it.
I can unpick all these rows and resew them. Or I can make them again.
I'll look at my fabrics and see if I have enough to start again. Otherwise, I'll unpick.
Morning Glory is my current paid BOM. It's an applique and pieced quilt.
You can start this BOM today!
Simply click the quilt image to learn more.