Wednesday 14 February 2018

WOW: Showing My DH Some Love..

WOW= WIPs On Wednesdays
"Roses are red, see how I bother
I used up some Tilda to make good your collar"
It must be true love. I have three WIPs sitting on my design desk, but instead of working away at those, I'm behind the iron, spending my precious quilting time updating the collar of my DH's shirt. 

It's a lovely shirt in a muted pink shade. It's new, but somehow I ruined the collar. I blame the washing machine, because although I don't know how, the tips of the collar were suddenly frayed, in really no time at all. Perhaps 4 washes. With no way to match the collar which looks shabby on an otherwise excellent shirt, the only real way to save the shirt is to replace the collar. 

There's no way I'd ever be able to match the fabric, so I opted for some Tilda from my stash (above). I think it's a perfect match without looking too feminine. So this morning I'm fixing up the collar, using the original collar as my template. 

And being a pink shirt, it'll be perfect for my husband to wear this evening when I send him out to collect some TakeAway. No cooking or dishes? Now that's something I love!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

What's Your WOW?


  1. Hmmm... If it was a new shirt that began to fray immediately as soon as it was laundered, I think I'd blame the manufacturer and return it to the store where I bought it instead of blaming myself or my washing machine! Did it look like they had trimmed the collar point too much, or what? Very strange. But now your DH gets a one-of-a-kind, designer original shirt, so it's all good in the end!

    1. Hi Rebecca Grace :)Definitely trimmed too much and turned too tight, and I should have taken it back, I agree. But I figured the rest would probably be made the same way. And you know, any excuse for a Tilda collar ;)

  2. You're so good. I'd have taken the shirt back, myself. Happy Valentine's Day to you.

    1. If there's a long way around and if it involves fabric, you'll find me taking it :)

  3. Oh my goodness, Esther. That is exactly our plan for tonight. Takeout and mushy romantic movies. Hope your Valentine's Day is the best ever.


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