Wednesday 7 February 2018

WOW: Tracing Love Always

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Talking about WIPs, did I mention that I'm making 2 x full size Love Always quilts at the same time? Crazy? Maybe! Perhaps all this bright and cheerful Kaffee Fassett stash surrounding me is giving me renewed enthusiasm?!

I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in, but I feel determined. Oh, and I've decided that I'm going to turn edge applique both of them because otherwise I know it will drive me crazy later on if I don't. So today I'm getting some preparation out of the way. 2018 is going to involve a lot of prepping, so I may as well make a start.

What's Your WOW? 


  1. Dear Esther those flowers on your desk are stunning what a colour I can see a quilt evolving out of them? Glad you have found time to play. Very wet and a lot of flooding up here but we are dry, I'm happy as it means I'm house bound so lots of time to sew LOL Just loving working on Morning Glory part 2. Not sure how you keep organised making two quilts at once LOL I have trouble keeping all the pieces together for one LOL Cheers Glenda

  2. Esther, your BOMs this year are ALL amazingly gorgeous. I can't believe you're doing two Love Always, and turned-edge even. I know just how you feel, though, about needing to make it work out to do them that way. I have been wishing-wishing-wishing I could cram more time into my days to be able to do all of your BOMs this year, and all of them turned-edge. :)

  3. Oh my goodness! Two versions at once! And turned under! Well, I have decided that to finish things this year I am going to machine them. Yes. I have subscribed to BOMs, and will machine away happily and have some finishes. Hurrah! Go us! I love this time of year when we are full of motivation. x


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