Friday 16 October 2015

Oma's Blues: Part 10 is Launched!

I was so busy 'playing' with fabric yesterday that I simply forgot to post Part 10 of Oma's Blues! Sorry everyone. I do actually have a planner, whether I bother reading it day to day is another matter entirely!

I think one of the reasons it slipped my mind is because I have already completed these blocks. For the first time ever, I'm 'ahead' of my quilt BOM schedule. I did this so that I could have Oma quilted and finished completely before my birthday which is just round the corner. But then, unexpected machine issues with my ever troublesome Bernina 820 meant that I've been without a machine for 2 weeks and I've been all over the place, ready to quilt but unable to quilt. Distracted

To see my blog post on how I created these corner block in Part 10, please click here, or simply read through my post links in the 'Oma's Blues' quilt archive above this post under my header banner. 

This is where I am up to, my top is done, ready for quilting
I'm so in love with this quilt

Oma's Blues is my current FREE BOM

You can still join this free BOM right now - all parts are available over in my Group

Thursday 15 October 2015

Playing with the Jinny Beyer Palette

In between drafting my patchwork star, I watched a Jinny Beyer class on Craftsy where she chatted a bit about her Palette - although I've had mine for months, I haven't really been using it as much as I thought I would. I get stuck in the 'samey' kinds of colours sometimes and I can't decide whether that's a problem or not?
On the one hand, I obviously feel drawn to the same kinds of colours and tones over and over again - which makes sense. But sometimes I think I could have used a little more zing - even when I'm not feeling it during the fabric selection. As I'm testing out my draft pattern anyhow, I decided to raid the stash and find fabrics in accordance with the palette, not my eye. This is new for me. I've followed schemes before, but I always somehow end up going off on my own path anyway...
Even though I'm trying to follow the rules, I strike out purple as an option because I don't want it in my 'autumny' star even though I know this almost defeats the purpose of the exercise.
I selected fabrics from my stash that were 'close' to the palette 
because obviously I don't have exact matches
and although I love all these fabrics on their own, I would never have paired them 
 but I can instantly see that it does work and it does, well, zing
and maybe I should have used some purple after all....? Hmmmm I don't know.

It's only a 'play quilt' but I'm really loving just taking the time to experiment with colours and prints in new ways and not have a set destination in mind (the background fabric belongs to another project I'm working on)
I'll be making up some more stars before the weekend and will post my colour options when they're done. How do you decide on a scheme? Do you follow your eyes and moods...or do you follow a formula?

Wednesday 14 October 2015


WOW = WIPs On Wednesday

I am bursting with pride and happiness for Nancy Jones Hansen who is the talented maker of this extraordinary, beautiful and 'Best of Show' winning Love Entwined. I first saw this image over on Facebook and I asked Nancy if I could share it on my blog. She's sending through a better image (which I will update and show off here as soon as I get it).

---and it doesn't stop there---

Earlier in the week, I was sent a link showing that Valerie Harmer of QLD had also shown her own Love Entwined and it is breathtaking - and completely different colour scheme wise and oh soooo beautiful. Two different LE's showing their splendor all in one week. WOW! I haven't asked for Valerie's permission to show her quilt on my blog, so here is a link for you to see it for yourself  ---click here---

When I designed this pattern, I really had no idea that so many talented quilters would make it into their own masterpiece and I am so happy to see that each quilter brings a new, unique style to the pattern - and I'm in love with them all.

WOW! If you're making Love Entwined, please remember that we are all super keen to see the results! (and yes, I am especially). It's so wonderful to see the diversity and workmanship out there. I know uploading images is a time consuming pain, but when you do, it really makes a difference to those of us who get inspired by seeing the finished quilt. Thank you so much :) Oh! And don't forget, we have a Love Entwined Gallery (link on the sidebar) and --anyone-- who has made LE is welcome and invited to join.

Phew, what a great start to Wednesday!

What's Your WOW?

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Creative Patchwork Pattern Play

I'm making the most of my quilting 'down time' by getting some computer work done on my new designs, tidying my shelves and sorting through my titles. Look what I found! I hadn't looked at this soft cover for about 10 years before today. Boy, had I been missing out!
It has some really interesting information about creating certain quilting designs. What I really love about it is the 'realness' of the advice and sketches offered. It's been a long time since I was pulled into an instructional book like this. I was just compelled and inspired at the same time, it was such a great feeling. I wonder if titles today are 'too' polished and just so 'computer generated' that they have lost this connection? I definitely feel that sometimes, even when I can't put my finger on any particular 'faults'. Reading, I felt like I was having a conversation with the writer and I really understood what she meant - the diagrams are 'just right' in my opinion.
 and I love that they are hand drawn, not computer graphic-ed
So, inspired by the advice I decided to start a new quilt top to test it out for myself
I'm surprised at how easy and quickly it all came together. I get frustrated more often than not when I create quilts nowadays because I create them on the computer with the purpose of sharing them. I'm not a natural on the computer - in fact, I usually put the pattern drawing aside until the last moment for this reason. I don't like negotiating with software or finding ways to make it understand me. And this is no complaint against the software (which is excellent), the problem is all me! I'm a natural hand drafter and that's when I feel most comfortable - getting things done by hand.
Yesterday I watched a Jinny Beyer class on Craftsy and she was explaining her pallette tool. I purchased it a few months ago and I've looked at it a few times since then, but always ended up doing whatever I wanted fabric colour wise anyway, so I wasn't really utilizing it. So I've decided that I will do it the pallette way on this new pattern I'm playing around with and see if I learn anything new or find a new way to pick fabrics. 

I'll let you know how I get on..

Monday 12 October 2015

12 Days of Christmas Bauble Update!

Each December 1st, I unroll my festive wall hanging '12 days of Christmas'. It has a special spot in my living room, and it really brightens up the wall. Something I really love about it is that the 'baubles' on the tree are attached by button, meaning they can be changed and updated.
Like so...
And I'm aiming to release a new set of 12 x baubles for the tree each year. This year. I've just released the latest 12 new baubles 'Festive Florals' and they look like this:

These festive florals are now available over in my BOM Group and are free to members.

If anyone missed out on making the wall hanging '12 days of Christmas' when it was released for free the first time around, the pattern is now available in my shop and it's currently 50% off!

Sunday 11 October 2015

Fixing Necklines

Although I have the skills to make my own clothes, the fact is, I'd rather be quilting. So, the only thing that gets me behind a machine clothing wise is alterations for my DH (re-attaching that irritating loop on jackets that he insists on using!) and shirts for myself. Quilting fabric is just too lovely not to turn into a shirt or 5 and of course, my collars. My favourite collar is my Kaffee Fassett collar which I added to an otherwise neglected black jumper. Now, I wear it all the time. That is the allure of wearing quilting fabric. Well, I have this top and I love the print but when I sit down or reach over, the neckline gapes and exposes me. I was considering buying a second top and cutting it up for the matching fabric, but it's been a while since I purchased it now and it's no longer available.

So, I've been hunting for the right shade of blue. Well, I found it at last and finally added a collar to this shirt. I'm in two minds whether or not this works. I think collars make everything better and they certainly do a lot for me, but I may have reached my first exception. I  hope I haven't ruined the whole thing. Right now, it feels a bit, well, ugly. I don't know. The fact is, I couldn't wear this top without some kind of add-age so I might just live with it regardless.

I had no one around to snap me in my new red shirt, but I can tell you it's finished and it looks just fine, I'm really happy with it.
With just 10 weeks to Christmas, I think it's about time to get my popular pattern 12 Days of Christmas back up in my shop. I took it down to fix a typo...and somehow forgot about it! I'll be getting my patterns Christmas ready, even if I'm not.

And I'm not.

10 weeks feels like tomorrow to me.

Friday 9 October 2015

Lazy Pattern Making

With quilting out of the question, I'm determined to be productive. There's only so many hours a day I 'allow' myself to spend on the computer, so although I have several patterns lined up for release shortly, I decided to "do" something. My wardrobe needs an overhaul and a clear out but whenever there's domestic duties to be done, I usually find a way out of them... and today's been no different.

Whilst I was packaging a bag of clothes to drop off at my local op shop, I found this green shirt.
Does anyone else remember wearing fabrics like this in the 90's?
Anyway, I love the shirt, just not the fabric, so you know what that means: time to draft another shirt pattern. I've drafted many shirt patterns in my life and I'm totally over it, so I decided to draft the lazy way, and unpicked the shirt, ironed it onto a sheet of stabiliser and hey presto - pattern.

 Then I decided to take over my kitchen (of course my sewing room is completely chaotic with quilting patterns at the moment) and stash busted some red fabric I'd actually wear
 I love it and soon it's going to be a shirt I'll enjoy wearing
 Once you have the pattern, the making just flies by
 I'll probably pull out my over-locker for this one, 
but first I stabilised the front to make sewing even easier
Years ago I would have laboured hours over a shirt pattern, now I'm taking the path of least resistance. Hopefully I'll be able to show you tomorrow. Let's see what the final result has to say about it...

Wednesday 7 October 2015

WOW: New Pattern Sneaky Peek!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Talk about unexpected! This is me, drafting my new quilt project. I've had the design at the back of my mind for a while now. Then when I got Di Ford's new fabric range into my house, I draped it over some chairs as was constantly looking at it. I wanted to use it up in a quick project (by my standards) so a wall hanging felt ideal - Lily Rose size or thereabouts. I wasn't sure if I had the time or motivation to fix another pattern - but last week I found both!

These pics are from last week and I'm looking forward to releasing the pattern here in the next week or so. I'll show it off properly just as soon as I work out how to get around my scanning issues.

What's Your WOW?

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Soothing Love Entwined Hours...

I've been a bit stressed since my 820 got taken away for repair. Of course, it had to happen just when I'd packed most of my other machines into storage - so I'm at a complete stop, machine quilting wise. And LE2 and Oma's Blues are still waiting to be quilted, draped over in the living room.
It's one thing to get the time to actually quilt without interruption...and quite another to watch that time slip away. WIP wise, it's so frustrating. My solution? Hand work.
There are still hundreds of hours of hand sewing left in my original Love Entwined top, so I'm tackling it the only way I know how - an hour at a time. It's been a few weeks since I spent a a few hours on LE and I must admit, once I find my stride, it's soothing.
I've reached that point of progress where you can actually see it 'taking shape' and it's getting rewarding to see the changes after each session - it's happening that quickly now. 
I know it's mine, but even so, I really have to say how much I love this quilt.
Just in case I've left you in any doubt?!
I know I always go on about this quilt, but it really is oh so special. 

Wednesday 30 September 2015

WOW: Forced Pause :(

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Well, I have to admit I'm rather frustrated and somewhat annoyed. By now, my quilt Oma's Blues should have been finished. Would have been finished - except for one thing. Let's just say that due to technical difficulties, my favorite state of the art sewing machine is currently indisposed. I'm going to leave it at that for now because I am rather upset about the whole thing...

Here I have Oma's Blues on top and Love Entwined 2 beneath, both waiting for my attention...
so much for my schedule :(  Hopefully you've managed to be more productive than I have since last week. How's your WIP pile going? I went to the supermarket and suddenly it's time for Christmas everywhere so my mind has turned to thoughts of wondering what I can get done before the end of 2015.
What's Your WOW ?

Friday 25 September 2015

Tree of Life: Variations on a theme

I've cut up my panel. Now it's time to play...
 and re-frame and maybe even introduce something new
I've grafted a branch
 re-located some birds
 and settled on a new background that is very close to the original in tone
I find that no matter how busy I am, there's always room for another WIP.

Do you have this panel? What are your plans for it?

Wednesday 23 September 2015

WOW: Pinterest Fail

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

I found a recipe on Pinterest whilst I was admiring some other stuff on there. A lot of people are down on Pinterest but I like it because endlessly pinning things is easier and cheaper than buying them. I actually think I buy less since I started Pinterest boards. I wonder if that's true for anyone else? Anyway, my DH was complaining that I never bake. And this is true, I rarely do. But then I found a recipe that promised to be fail proof, so between my quilting and preparing dinner, it seemed effortless enough to whip up something for my long suffering DH and I trusted Pinterest instead of opening one of my hundreds of cook books.
And this is what happened. 
And it's still sitting in my kitchen, just like this. Because it isn't just dry or a bit bad. It's inedible. 
I told my DDs about it and they informed my that just anyone can post anything and that if I actually hung around on Pinterest long enough, I'd be curing people with coconut oil and losing 10kgs per week in home body wraps. So that's my baking fail sitting right there.

I'll definitely stick to quilting for the rest of the day...

Have you made anything from Pinterest? How did it go?

What's YOUR WOW?

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Love Entwined 2: the Hand Sewn Top

After months of countless handwork, I wanted a post to document my completely hand sewn applique top before I quilted it. Hand sewing has definitely bonded me to this quilt in unexpected ways. We all know what a mysterious background it has and the constant wondering of the woman who designed it in the 1800's is always there, lurking n the background. And, true enough, each time I took up my top to sew a little more, there was always a brief thought of her, the unknown woman, as I set about completing her extraordinary motifs in the pattern. 
looking at it now, I can barely believe I did all this work!
I can tell just by looking at it, what time I did the work
The small neat stitches were made during the day, the larger looser stitches were made during the night, I have two stitch speeds, daytime and nighttime :)
now all that's left is to quilt it...
The original Love Entwined Coverlet was designed to revive interest in the lost original - a cause many quilters around the world took up - managing to finding the original and reigniting interest in it's origins by taking part in the pattern. Thanks to this effort, this design is no longer forgotten and by the looks of things, will be around for many more years. 
This second version LE2 is a focus on the original centre panel but as a wall hanging and is therefore much more achievable for many more quilters.

This pattern is currently not available, however I may make it available for publication in a magazine next year, depending on their interest to run it. My hopes are to have it published so that it may be professionally photographed - something I am unable to do myself.

I'll keep you posted..
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