This is 'Little Hazel' by Louise Thomassin Kahr
of Ayers Cliff, Quebec, Canada
Something that's interested me for a long time is the way a single pattern like Hazel and little Hazel can look so different depending on the fabrics used. Here is a pattern that can look downright reproduction when made in dusty hues or thoroughly modern when worked in simple, clean tones.
Louise has made hers beautifully and of course, I love it.
How fabulous is this pallette? When I first designed Hazel and Little Hazel, I loved the idea of a restricted pallette - limiting myself to 3 or 4 colours and in those options, I has a scheme very similar to this one, so I'm extra lucky that I get to enjoy seeing my vision 'made up' in this way.
If you'd like to read more about Hazel and Little Hazel, you can check out the Hazel post archive right here on this blog by clicking the image below.
Read more about this quilt by clicking here now
--------------------------- Open Quilt Gallery---------------------------
Thanks to Louise Thomassin Kahr for sharing her finished quilt with us all to take inspiration from. If you'd like to see more finished quilts made from any of my patterns, visit my Open Gallery. It's a place for all quilters who make any of my quilts to show off their creations in a central online gallery. It's new and I hope you'll join us by adding your own quilt there. Submitting your quilt pics is easily done via an upload screen directly on my website. Clear here now if you'd like to submit your own quilt.
What a striking colourway! Well done LTK!