Sunday 14 February 2016

Sweet 2016: the Mystery Begins!

Our dessert this month is effortlessly chic and comes in all tantalizing hues from deep dark red to the lightest speckled vanilla. This makes it the perfect starter block as you’re thinking about your cake dome colour scheme, background and borders. These can be difficult to settle on, so our classic must have sweet comes in to help us with at least one decision—do you like yours brightly jewel toned or softly pastel? 

Me? I haven’t decided yet, I’ll let my fabrics tell me which way to go. I’m glad I have my domes and cake stand scheme decided on —I opted for 'silver' service because it felt so right and colours really pop on grey chambray which is what I’m after.

What about you?

This is where we are up to in Part 1

I'll be making my macaroons and sharing my progress as I do right here on my blog. If you're taking part in this Mystery, be sure to join my Facebook Sweet 2016 Group where we're all getting together to show what we've created. 

Haven't joined yet?! What's stopping you! 
---it's just $3.95 per month---


  1. Baking! Cake stands! What a great way for a snowy February day!
    Thanks Eshther for sharing helpful tips and tricks along the way!

  2. I too, subscribed last month through PayPal, and have not received my pattern either. Should it have come through by now?

  3. Macaroons! What a fun idea to put into fabric. You are one talented lady!


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