Wednesday 24 August 2011

WOW: the morning after

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

My WIP today is getting back into the swing of things
It's the morning after a long day of car driving. How long? 1400 kms in a day!

Can you guess where we drove to? This is a random picture taken whilst we were having a about to go back again coffee. Yes, the ACT (on essential but uneventful family business). No art or quilts I'm afraid. Actually I didn't even go to the Capitol Theatre, it was just located outside the cafe we stopped at and I was fiddling with my phone when this random picture snapped. I don't have any photos of the trip as it was so fast paced. Today, at some point, I will unpack the car. I haven't got to it yet. The boot is full and we are all too tired. I have much to do, so I seriously need to get back into my routine and

UPDATE: 10:04 Typing this post has encouraged me to venture to the driveway and take a pic. Why? did? I? Pack? my? design? journal?? Are quilter's eternal optimists?


  1. Yep, we're all eternal optimists!! I can't go out of the house without some sort of stitching in the car and it has been known to sit for weeks and never be touched..!

  2. Well for sure we never get bored LOL. How can some people never have anything to do.. I enjoyed your post. Hugs

  3. You drove to Canberra and back in a day? I think I would be wiped out for a week after that sort of trip.

  4. Grief, that is a LONG way to go in one go. Pfew.

    Looking forward to seeing what you were doing there :o)

  5. This is my first time linking to your blog for W.I.P. - I'd love if you'd take the time to check out my blog (i'm very new to blogging) and consider following me back! Thanks for setting up the link party I'll be sure to be back next week!

  6. Loved all the WOWs this week, thank you everyone for posting them!


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