Sunday 27 February 2011

Red Delicious in Down Under Magazine

It's so nice when people tell me things that you might think were obvious, like-  'you're in a magazine!'

This month I was really delighted to discover that Red Delicious was in Down Under Magazine.
I'm so glad someone told me because I purchased the last copy on the shelf!

As usual, the photography is excellent. My scanning has diminished it somewhat but in the magazine it appears as 'true'

I don't know how they managed this during show lighting (which is usually so poor) but I am so happy with the picture.

Thank you Down Under Magazine!


  1. What a magnificent quilt. Not only 1st place but also pictured in a magazine. How wonderful. Hugs

  2. I bought the magazine the other day and hadn't even open it yet. Congratulations Esther, very much deserved, it looks amazing...

  3. Hi Esther, Well done you very much deserve to be recognised. My Red/Raspberry Delicious is still a WIP ☺ . So many quilts I want to make so little time xx Chrisb.

  4. Love your red delicious....and congrats!!

  5. Congratulations Esther..
    I will look for the mag at the shops..
    Julia ♥

  6. Congrats...Red Delicious certainly deserves time in the spotlight!!!!

  7. Toute les félicitations pour l'article dans la revue.Le Red Delicious est superbe, j'y travaille actuellement.Comment peut-on se procurer la revue en sachant que j'habite en France.Bonne continuation dans vos oeuvres qui nous font toujours autant rêver. Amicalement

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow, I'll look for a copy here in the US to purchase, your work is just so beautiful, D.


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