Sunday 27 February 2011

Everyone is good at something

Personally speaking, computers are my weak point. I’m not really interested in them and use them as a tool at the end of my creative process only…a means to an end.

This means that I take as little interest in them as possible most of the time. And it also means that when I want really want to do something I am often stuck.

Well, at the moment, I am stuck:

Does anyone out there know how to create
a code button to share amongst users?

You know the type where they cut and paste the code and the picture and the link magically appears and works?

I have a button pic and I link it to the right spot, but that is not what I am talking about. My ‘method’ is a bit old fashioned and I would like to provide the code to quilters making this BOM.

If anyone knows how, would you please tell me? Or point me in the right direction? I am happy to purchase software (if such software exists). Any advice would be much appreciated.


  1. Hi Esther
    I talk about creating blog buttons in this tutorial. E-mail me if you need further assistance :-)

  2. Hi Esther, Go here to see my blog and all the buttons I have then go to
    Stacy is a dear and all of her pretties are free. Need help getting them in shout out and I will help you.

    Join up with me via Google Friend Connect

    Jeanne from The Learning Curve

  3. Looks like you got some advice, I did do a post about this and had links so if they don't work, which I think they me.

  4. I found some links on google that talk about adding a button widget


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