Wednesday 18 August 2010

Spring Cleaning the Studio

Thanks to SeaBreeze Quilters who took my Tulip Delight Table Runner workshop this past weekend. Each time I teach this table runner, I just want to get stuck in and make one myself! I had a great time teaching the talented ladies in Altona.

Here is a pic of me preparing the paints ahead of the class. It's a messy business and it's also that time of year when I think about clearing out any 'non essential' supplies in my studio.

Spring Cleaning Time is the only time of year that I suddenly become attached to things I havent used in I don't often part with as much as I should. My DD's have loudly suggested a major throw out. But I don't know if I'm up to it. If feels like I need 'everything'.

What works for you?

I have also updated my workshop 'trolley' as my trusty old model died the night before. Luckily my DH went out and found me a replacement.


  1. that even a word?!

  2. Hello Esther,

    Gosh, I have been in your shoes, as I am sure many of us. For me, something had to be done when I could not walk from the sewing machine to the computer. So I purged, big time! At first, I was unsure. I asked myself, what are the three things that I do the most and that make me happy. Everything else went to Goodwill. Crochet, knitting, painting, etc. I kept scrap booking, quilting of course, beading and my drawing.
    It was truly liberating, now, I am more focused as an artist and it is a joy to walk into my studio every day.
    Check out my blog, there are even a few organizing how-to ideas.
    Good luck to you, it is a challenge, but so worth the effort.
    You will love the results!



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