Wednesday 3 December 2008

UFO Progress

It's a week for getting things done. Here is a pic of my nearly abandoned brights UFO. I've nearly finished piecing, all thats left to do is the sashing and border...and some serious quilting of course!

When I found this quilt, I couldn't remember why I'd started this one in the first place. But now, I like the green coming through the pinks.

I'm sure I'm not the only quilter out there who has made or started something...and then 're-discovered' it and wondered, 'what was I thinking here?'

I really need a throw quilt. Many of my quilts are on the walls and some of them are really precious so I dont throw them about or let my cat climb or claw them.
This one will be a 'useful' quilt.


  1. this is very pretty. I am just the opposite, I have many throw quilts, not enough wall or bed quilts.

  2. This is VERY pretty! I love to make throw quilts that embrace you, nice soft colours that make you feel loved. :-)I can see your quilt doing just that too.

  3. This is very pretty and unique. I like it.

  4. Hi,
    I really like this UFO. I found myself very drawn to the green coming out of the background there....enough so that I'd like to make one! ;)
    I'm looking forward to seeing how you finish it up.
    alicia in Hawaii


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