Monday 29 December 2008


A few years ago (after exhausting all the flavours and types at the local patisseries, cake shops and bakeries), we wanted to enjoy some new cakes, so my daughter's took up the challenge of beginning to bake all our cakes - for every occassion.

I think this was the best cake decision we've made, it's really enjoyable to watch my girls bake and realise again and again just how much work goes into a good cake. This was a first attempt at croquenbouche, and it tasted delicious. The only thing missing was the spun sugar nest - which just didnt come together (she lost patience with the candy thermometre and decided to glue the stack together with chocolate instead!).

It's so nice to finally be able to delegate some cooking!


  1. Chocolate glue! What a fabulously deeeelicious idea! That cake looks so festive with all the candles around it. I'm sure it was scrumptious!


  2. Looks beautiful and you can't go wrong with chocolate!

  3. What a great challenge, what a great idea! And isn't it just wonderful to see your daughters enjoying it and doing their very best (O:>

  4. Looks yummy!!! I have finished #2 in redwork. Love your designs.

  5. I must admit, I've never heard of that cake before. It certainly looks yummy! And I'll take chocolate over a nest any day! Compliments to the baker.

    Alice I.

  6. Hmm mouthwatering. I think the chocolate glue is a great invention. The best recipes are born from cooking with substitutes for the right ingredients.
    Tonight I hope to finish block one of the RD. I'm now going to print block 2. I am really going to love this quilt. Thank you again for sharing.


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