Monday 15 December 2008

Block 2, Nightshade

It's the 15th! Where has the month gone? It feels like a few days since I was designing Red Delicious and now we're already onto block 2.

Welcome: NIGHTSHADE, block 2!

When I first had the idea to start a free mystery BOM, I had no idea that it would grow into something so rewarding. Block 1, Love Birds has now had over 11'000 downloads - more than I ever expected. THANK YOU for joining in !

Lots of you out there love your reds and have the stash to prove it...I've been really impressed with the amount of fabric and reds some of you are fitting into a single block - its inspiring!...and I love all the pics you've sent in of your finished (and almost finished) blocks, keep it coming!

Red Delicious is now a worldwide BOM, with downloads, emails and block pics from every continent! So, dust off your next batch of reds and get stuck in, January 15th will be upon us before we know it....


  1. Wow Esther! It's so exciting to think of so many people working on the same project! Thank you so much! And thanks for posting a little early :>)

  2. Aw.. no link yet. Will have to check back tomorrow...

  3. Bonus!! It's still the 14th here, I feel like I'm getting it early. Thank you. I'm just collecting the patterns at the moment, but I'm looking for something to start, Red delicious may be next.

  4. Lovely to download it...thanks for doing this Mystery for us!! :o)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Thanks!!! Sorry, but my english no is the best...
    Thsnks for the opotunity to this the BOM!!!!

  7. I can't find block 2


  8. Hi Esther, you should think to set up a blog for Red Delicious, to post pictures you are receiving, stories and finally the finished quilts. I think it would be nice. Thank you very much for the BOM.

  9. I was so excited when I visited your Blog today. I had forgotten you are in another country and it's still the 14th here in CA, USA. I get a jump start now on block 2. Thanks so much for putting your time and effort into designing this BOM for all of us.

  10. This block is beautiful also. Went to download and it is not available as of yet. Maybe it is the time difference? Will check back on tomorrow. Happy Stitching!

  11. Absolutely gorgeous! Very tempting--I didn't start last month but now..hmm!

  12. Should be a quilt show just for this project..11,000 quilts the same,how good would that be..BIG Pat

  13. I had problems finding the Block earlier, but it finally appeared. Thanks also for the other 2 documents. Helps us beginners to know what to do it one method doesn't work for us. Thanks

  14. This is such a pretty block, Esther!

  15. Thank you so much for doing this,Esther. It looks wonderful. Beautiful colors.

  16. Hallo Esther,
    Thank you so much for this BOM I just dowlaod the secont blok of your Red Delicious bom and I kant wait to start this one.The first blok is finest, you can see it on my blogspot.
    The blogspot is Dutch (sorry my english is not that good)

  17. It looks very nice, thank you

  18. Thanks for block no 2. You made my day!

  19. Esther thanks for the lovely mystery pattern.

  20. Esther thanks for the lovely mystery pattern.

  21. Last months and this months block are just beautiful. I have not had time to start because of all the holiday stuff but I will after Jan. 1 and I plan on catching up and keeping up. I have a question. On block two, how did you make the little strips between the flower and the berry (little bud maybe). I keep looking as seeing soooo small. Beautiful! Thanks so much

  22. Hi-from Costa Rica, thank you very much for this wonderful project, it is very very beautiful.


  23. Esther, thanks so much. I am so looking forward to starting this project after Christmas. I know it is a "stash buster" but I have purchased fabric for the backing and sashings. The rest will be from the stash.

  24. I love it, someday I want to make it as well. Thanks for shering this with us. A Dutch woman living in the States. Miranda

  25. This is a beautiful block. I want to go back and buy Block 1--but unfortunately it was sold out. I hope that it can be made available again.

    Can we still sign up in order to get the rest of the blocks on a monthly basis--I love applique, and if the rest of the blocks continue are of similar style, this is one of the most beautiful mysteries I've seen around!

    Please let me know if you offer Block 1 again--the lovebirds are beautifully detailed.


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