Monday 28 January 2019

The Heartfelt Centre Fabrics

I'm having so much fun selecting my heartfelt centre fabrics. 
This print was calling me, I'm so glad the flower head fits within the template!
How's this for perfect leaves? They're already veined. Perfect!
I feel in love with this fabric for the second layer because of this romantic detail
I thought would be perfect for the hearts
but it didn't work!
It's lovely but the mood changed! So I kept playing and auditioning those fabrics
Wonderful indecision.. so many fabrics, so many possibilities.. 

I'll let you know what I select.. just as soon as I do!

Sunday 27 January 2019

1 Quilt = 2 Colour schemes

I know, I can't believe it either. 
Hold Onto Your Heart is pulling me into two directions.. and I'm taking both roads!

Resistance is futile. My quilts have a mind of their own, I just follow their lead. Each pattern has a 'feel' to it and I can only audition fabrics until a 'fit' happens. Sometimes this is completely unexpected and different to what I envisioned. With Hold Onto Your Heart, I've been going back and forth and getting muddled with the in-between, so I'm going into two distinct ways:

The first calling is a gently romantic breeze in an almost monochromatic hue, it's subtle and sophisticated - and to that end, I'm still pulling the pallette together. I'm expecting the final delivery to arrive this week. I already have the base fabrics and they are just what I want to achieve. I've never made a monochromatic quilt before and this is something I want to challenge myself with. 

The second calling is a full colour 'love it as I go' selection and I've already made a start. There's much less pressure getting this one 'right' which is something I overthink and stress about a lot. I'm just going to have fun with bursts of colour. I love the idea of having a robust full colour quilt and a subtle sophisticated twin as well. They're both going to be fabulous and you'll be seeing me work on both. 

I'm also working on 3 x Love Always colourways I guess I'm going to have to find a few extra hours in the day. Ha! What else is new?

Saturday 26 January 2019

BOM 2019: Look What Arrived!

When you open a box and are greeted with a sight like this, you know you've made a good decision. Those folks over at Craftsy know what they're doing. And phew, am I glad! I went a bit crazy and shopped their fabric clearance sale, picking up fabric ranges from a manufacturer I'd never heard of. I know, it's crazy. And I knew it would either be fabulous or .. a mistake. Gladly, I'm delighted with my purchase. Not only did I get slashed prices, but the fabric quality is excellent too.

I have been in such a pickle over selecting fabric for my latest quilt, Hold Onto Your Heart. I am so in love with this quilt and feel that a gentle colour scheme in antique reproduction tones (as used in the pattern which is a French General range by Moda) would be perfect. But by the time I went to purchase the range, the prints I wanted were sold out. It's still possible to pick up certain prints but the exact ones I had my heart set on are out of stock everywhere. This was a huge disappointment as I was really 'feeling' the fabrics and was sure my selection was set. Ha! as if! You know the course of my fabric selections never run smooth!

I spent days looking at fabrics everywhere and not feeling anything. I just couldn't see my pattern made up in them. That is, until I stumbled across the Craftsy clearance sale; suddenly the almost monochromatic idea I has been playing around with as a colourway option was coming into focus.. and this fabric seemed to fit the bill. I love how these tones work together..
and now they have arrived
and actually, I'm really impressed by the quality and the whole shopping experience in general
but I think you already know where I'm going with this - I'm not fabric ready yet.
The range as it currently sits in my kitchen doesn't give me enough scope to create the gentle, harmonious, romantic vision I have in mind. I need a few extra prints to expand these and create a fuller selection that still stays within the boundary of my gentle vision. 

So I went shopping again. And I expanded a bit into some blues. And now I'm waiting for that delivery to arrive before I make a start on my romantic beauty. Which leads me to my next point, I'll be making two Hold Onto Your Heart Quilts this year. I hadn't planned to, but I'm being pulled into two directions- fabric wise, so to be satisfied, I simply have to.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday 16 January 2019

WOW: Book Day

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
I'm having a book day today. It's stinking hot down my way and I'm cooped up inside with the aircon on, hoping my newly planted herbs survive the extreme heat. It's days like today that I like to take a moment to just take it easy. This gorgeous book arrived yesterday and I've been enjoying every page.  I love Yoko Saito's work, she is a hugely talented woman.
This arrived in a package (it's not THE package) whilst I was waiting on another one. Although it's not what I was eagerly waiting for, it's been a welcome distraction. 

At some point today, my Craftsy fabric is due and I'll be able to make a start on my Hold Onto Your Heart design. I can't wait!

What's Your WOW?

Tuesday 15 January 2019

HOYH: Part 1 is Launched

And so the journey begins..

The first thing to do is put the heart of this quilt into position. That place where the eye rests and returns and draws from. It's the centre of the scenescapes that surround it and it's the heartbeat behind this quilt. 

This is a flower with a star at it’s core that blooms out into three layers of expanding petals. The first layer consists of ‘heart’ shaped petals that come together circling the star. The second layer is perfectly sized and rounded for intricate fussy cutting or embroidery details and the third layer is a ring of leaves framing this beautiful, floral portal. 

This central focus reminds me of circular windows on old buildings and I love the possibility of how this motif can be transformed by fabric selections. Perhaps you also see a window, or maybe you see a town square or a floating and expanding flower head. Perhaps even, this is a kind of seasonal floral compass guiding all the elements that spring out from it. Who knows? This quilt design will be shaped by your love and your visions, so enjoy each step.

As for me, I'm still waiting for my fabric to arrive. It's actually due today, so as soon as I have it in my eager hands, I will be blogging my own process for creating Part 1. So if you'd like to wait until then to follow my lead before starting yous,  it will only be a few days. 

See you then!

'Hold Onto Your Heart' is a paid BOM 

It's a breathtaking quilt full of meaningful symbols and beauty. The floral border is a triumph which offers an additional  pieced option - making it versatile for all skill levels. Perfect for lovers and enthusiasts of applique. 

You can start this BOM today! 
Simply click the quilt image to learn more.

Be sure to visit my Online Quilt Group on Facebook where progress images are being shown all the time. It's a massive inspiration and I warn you, it's addictive!

Saturday 12 January 2019

Tick Tock! 3 Days To Go..!

'Hold Onto Your Heart' is a sentimental quilt: it's full of evocative motifs that represent all those values I hold dear to my heart; love, abundance, perseverance, sanctuary and journey. 

The middle section consists of applique scenes before the eye reaches outward and rests in the calm borders. At first glance, the design creates an impression of a life map (..or perhaps a treasure map?) before searching for and finding all those wonderful details that make this quilt so special. 

The floral border is a triumph; full of rose heads tumbling through the vines and spilling over into the previous border. For anyone not interested in the blooming rose border, there is also an alternative pieced border included in the pattern that has been designed to zig zag any gorgeous fabrics you may want to use instead.

Finished Size: 87 x 87 inches for the full floral border. If you opt for the alternative pieced border, the Finished Size will be 85 x 85 inches.

The BOM 2019 runs for 12 months: January 15th 2019 - December 15th 2019. 

All the BOM 2019 patterns will be available in PDF digital format, ready for home printing. Throughout the year, members of BOM 2019 will have access to download the blocks as they are released via an exclusive Members LOGIN page over on my website. 

BOM 2019
Early Bird Discount*
Single one time payment
$83.00 USD

*Normally $95 USD single one time payment.


Wednesday 9 January 2019

WOW: Impatiently Waiting for the Post

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Well, you already know I'm waiting around for the post to deliver my new fabrics. I'm all excited about this new colour scheme I've opted for and I can't wait to show you. I love it when a new stash of fabric arrives. You can basically smell the possibility and excitement of those beautiful threads sitting there in the box. I know I'm not the only one who loves a new fabric arrival. In fact, I think I like oooohing and aaaahing over other people's fabric stories just as much as I do my own. 

I've already seen a few fabric selections over in my Group and I can already tell that Hold Onto Your Heart is just going to be one of those knockout quilts. Yes, yes, I do love ALL my quilts but I know you know what I mean. Sometimes, a real treasure stands out and you know it's somehow different to all the other beautiful patterns. And for me, Hold Onto Your Heart is my best quilt ever. That's a big call and I have no hesitation in making it. So, the fabric colouring was super important to me. This isn't just a quilt, it's one of 'those' quilts and I have to be completely in love with the fabric before I can be completely at ease about making a start. And you know, I'm itching to make a start. So my fabric delivery really can't come soon enough!

Anyhow, I will take this moment to remind everyone reading this WOW post that the year is going to be a fabulous and creative one. So don't forget, if you have made any of my designs, please be sure to add your finished quilt or project to my online Gallery. You can upload your pics on the spot and then I'll do the rest. The gallery is a great place for others to get inspired and share their talent. I really wish I'd thought of it sooner. 

Here's the link: 

I can't wait to see your work!

What's Your WOW?

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