Wednesday 24 May 2017

WOW: Linky Fun For Everyone

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
This week I did the most important seasonal thing possible for my WIP pile: I resisted the urge to start knitting an afghan. I love knitting and crochet and have lots of ideas for a crazy, colourful yarn eater afghan for the corner of my lounge room. My favorite chair is in a cold spot and my existing ripple afghan has been keeping that chair warm for 5? 6? 7? years now. I feel like it's time for a new one. And given that it's so cold down my way, the temptation to put away my applique prep board and start knitting is very strong. It doesn't help either that Anne Marieke, one of my Group Moderator's has just hooked up some gorgeous crochet blocks that have my fingers twitching. You can see her blocks by clicking here. 

But I cannot start yet another WIP.  Even if it is impossibly warm and cozy at this chilly and gloomy time of year. I'll just have to rely on my quilt blocks to cheer me up and keep me warm. I don't need the distraction. Or an excuse to buy yarn. I'll just have to make do with a warm cup of coffee and a browse through my favourite knitting blogs for those feelings of cosy inspiration and satisfaction.

Speaking of blogs, if you haven't added your blog to my Creative Blog Directory, then you really should. It's simply a linky blog list to link creative blogs according to interest - to help us all find and enjoy them. It's free to link up your own blog so be sure to stop by and let your favorite creative bloggers know too. 

As for me? I have a quilt block to finish..

What's Your WOW?

Thursday 18 May 2017

Bloggers, Let's Connect & Create !

I've gone ahead and started another blog! 
It's actually a blog for other bloggers to join 
It's called 'Creative Bloggers' and it's now open. 

You simply add you own blog to the creative linky list the best describes your blog. If your particular interest isn't there yet, simply let me know (via the comments on the page) and it can be added. Sounds simple? It is. The site is completely free and it's purpose is to list creative based blogs only. It will be moderated to keep out spammers and inappropriate content, but that's it.

Sometimes it's hard to imagine my creative schedule before blogging. When I started out, I had no idea how much it would become part of my daily routine. Now I just snap images as I work without even thinking about it - I just assume I'll be blogging it.

I've been doing it so long now that I can keep my screen time to a productive minimum without feeling like a slave to the computer.  There's something so satisfying about having a record of work practices at the click of a button.

I did think I would outgrow blogging, but it hasn't happened yet and I doubt it will. In addition to my own blogging habits, there are hundred's of blogs I love to visit each week on a whole range of topics - from gardening to painting to rug making. It really has become a kind of worldwide 'meet up' of creative people sharing what they love.

Blogging has had a huge impact on my creative process - it's kept me accountable to WIPs, reminded me of my progress and most important, it's been the reason why I've met so many wonderful new friends. So, to celebrate creative blogging spaces  I've started up a Blogger's Linky Site devoted to Creative Bloggers. 

So if you're a blogger interesting in finding other creative bloggers, or if you're a keen reader looking for inspiration, go ahead and visit Creative Bloggers!

Wednesday 17 May 2017

WOW: Blooming Wednesday Again?!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
How do Wednesdays keep coming around without feeling like it's been 7 days in between? I can't believe it's been a whole week since my last WOW and yet here I am. On Sunday, I rolled out of bed for Mother's Day which was very nice as I didn't have to do a thing. I've been battling a nasty cold and ulcer for the last 2 weeks and have been generally under the weather, but managed to get up for lunch on Sunday and just generally take it easy. All the flowers in the house have been an inspiration and I love having them around, but they always make me a bit sad because it's cold down my way and with the heating on, they simply won't last! My DD's always complain that -I- complain about this, but I can't help it. I like seeing flowers in the garden! And on quilts :)

Otherwise, I've been working on my DD's wedding wall hanging - prepping all the pieces so I can just WOW them into position one lovely afternoon (and make it all look so quick and easy!). People always ask me how I get my applique done so quick? There is no quick, I just prep at every available opportunity and it somehow comes together.

I also unwound Lily Rose this past weekend and had a little 'changing of the quilts' on my walls. I missed Lily Rose and like having her back up on my walls (behind me in this pic). Now I just have to buy a different mounting system so I don't have to look at the hanging stick. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while but never find the time. Anyway, speaking of time, I have applique prep to get on with!

What's Your WOW?

Monday 15 May 2017

Diamond Hill: Part 5 is Launched

Diamond Hill is my Current Free BOM for 2017
It runs from Jan - July 2017
You can take part in this BOM by joining my Facebook BOM Group (which is free)
Or by downloading the pattern directly from my blog on the 15th of each month

Members of my BOM Group over on Facebook have access to Part 5 of Diamond Hill via the 'FILES' area of our Group. For those of you not on Facebook, you can download Part 5 right here and right now by clicking the Diamond Hill Part 5 button above. The download (in PDF format) will automatically begin downloading.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

WOW: Back to Block 3

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
There are already stunning examples of Block 4 of Secret Garden being shown over in the Group as marvelous progress shots, but I am still playing with Block 3. I don't mind. I went enthusiastically into stitching my peeking cat face. A bit too enthusiastically as you can see from the buckling around the cat ear! I will fix that up today and also get my vase finished which will see my block finally done.
I'm so addicted to applique, I could just keep on like this each month indefinitely. But that is not the plan - next month Secret Garden takes a different turn and I can't wait to share the next step of the mystery with you. But for today, it's all about finishing Block 3.

What's Your WOW?

Monday 8 May 2017

'Mia May' Three Other Ways

Once I design a quilt, I just can't stop swatching all the options!
Here are three completely different colorways for Mia May:
Stone Pink

Antique Pink

Aqua Newsprint

OK, now I have to step away from the computer and get some actual quilting done...

Saturday 6 May 2017

Fancy Some Modern Chic? Meet Mia May!

Look what I just launched! Mia May is everything that’s bright and fun about new fabrics and uncomplicated applique. Whilst I’ll always love designing intricate applique, some fabrics demand a ‘let loose’ modern twist in the design to show off cheerful prints and Mia May really fits the bill. The applique is simple and the finished quilt size is perfect for a weekend project. Finished size:  49 x 65 inches

I know most of us have a stash of gorgeous prints we want to showcase with minimal fuss and whether you’ve fallen in love with these tones or have a completely different fabric scheme in mind, this lovely design is sure to please.

Releasing patterns from my folio is always such an exciting venture, I'm thrilled to launch Mia May today and hope you'll love her bright enthusiasm for fabric as much as I do.

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