WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

This week I did the most important seasonal thing possible for my WIP pile: I resisted the urge to start knitting an afghan. I love knitting and crochet and have lots of ideas for a crazy, colourful yarn eater afghan for the corner of my lounge room. My favorite chair is in a cold spot and my existing ripple afghan has been keeping that chair warm for 5? 6? 7? years now. I feel like it's time for a new one. And given that it's so cold down my way, the temptation to put away my applique prep board and start knitting is very strong. It doesn't help either that Anne Marieke, one of my Group Moderator's has just hooked up some gorgeous crochet blocks that have my fingers twitching. You can see her blocks by clicking here.
But I cannot start yet another WIP. Even if it is impossibly warm and cozy at this chilly and gloomy time of year. I'll just have to rely on my quilt blocks to cheer me up and keep me warm. I don't need the distraction. Or an excuse to buy yarn. I'll just have to make do with a warm cup of coffee and a browse through my favourite knitting blogs for those feelings of cosy inspiration and satisfaction.
Speaking of blogs, if you haven't added your blog to my Creative Blog Directory, then you really should. It's simply a linky blog list to link creative blogs according to interest - to help us all find and enjoy them. It's free to link up your own blog so be sure to stop by and let your favorite creative bloggers know too.
As for me? I have a quilt block to finish..
What's Your WOW?
Dear Esther
ReplyDeleteWOW, I had a look at those crochet blocks, they are beautiful It is one thing I never mastered. Knitting and especially crochet is not something I can do. Thank you for the Creative Bloggers. It is a great idea!
Hi Esther
ReplyDeleteI did add my blog to creative bloggers, Love this initiative! I made a linky picture on my right sidebar of my blog to invite other bloggers to join! Hope you'll like that?! greetings Conny
So hard to keep focused on a project in the making with so many other enticing projects luring us in! Remain steadfast, Esther! LOL!