Monday 17 February 2014

Prepping LE Fabrics

Love Entwined: 1790 Marriage Coverlet BOM

So many fabrics, so hard to choose between them all! Since creating Love Entwined, I've been thinking and re-thing my fabric options almost nonstop! It's been difficult. Over in the Group there's actually so many styles and schemes being made that I've been able to satisfy a lot of my curiosity - what would a dark background look like? what about brights? what would 1930s prints look like? What about moody mid tones? I've seen so many styles and yes, they all work!

I'm making my Love Entwined on a white background -I decided on white because I'm being drawn to many antique tone fabric prints and I think the white will work so well alongside them. It has light detail in the print, its not really a french toile but I do love this affect as it adds depth without distracting from all the applique that's coming.

I'm starching my fabrics and making sure that the grain is straight: I do this to prevent buckling or pulling on the fabric once all the applique is applied. It's a small detail which makes a big difference to the overall finish of the quilt top.  

Preparing all the pre-cut borders. As I'm starting in the 9th month, I'm making the quilt in different order from the monthly BOM parts. I'm creating production lines and today I'm working on getting all my fabrics ready.

No matter how long prepping takes, its always faster and more efficient than creating applique that warps on the background or bleeds during steaming after being sewn down. Fabric preparation is an insurance against this kind of preventable disappointment later on.

This post is related to my current BOM: Love Entwined 

If you'd like to read more about it, you can do so by visiting the Love Entwined Page at the top of this blog, underneath the header. If you're making the quilt yourself or are enjoying the journey, please leave a comment. If you are making the quilt and would like to share your progress and ideas with other quilters who are also taking part: you can do so by adding a link to specific blog posts. See the Love Entwined Page for more info. 

Saturday 15 February 2014

Love Entwined Part 9 is Launched

We're past the half way point on the BOM this month, but for me it still feels like such a new quilt!

What do you think? Time flies when you're having fun? or have you been too busy applique-ing to notice?!

It's another busy month! Part 9 sees the 2nd flower basket borders (the left and right side) take shape in border 2. There's still some committed work ahead, but the quilt is starting to look like the beautiful coverlet we all know it's going to be in about 8 months time.

This is where we're up to

As you know, I've only just made a start on this quilt myself. This is a quilt that wants to take its time, so if you are working at your own pace - or like me, only just making a start, we're all in this together. You don't have to keep up with the release dates, just keep in touch.

I've been amazed at the wonderful and varied LE's being made and shared over in the Yahoo BOM Group and if you haven't shared your own journey, please feel free to do so!

Also, if you are creating and blogging at the same time, why not share your ideas / tutorials and techniques with quilters now or in the years and months to come? By adding a link in the archive at the top of this blog on the Love Entwined page, you can link to any specific LE posts that might be helpful to future quilters.

It's so heartwarming to see how many quilters are sharing their knowledge through the archive and through the Yahoo BOM Group. Talk about a friendship group!

And, just so you know - this pattern is still available for free. Yes, all 9 parts. This is unusual for one of my BOMs; but as we all know, and as I've said before, this is no ordinary BOM - it's a historic revival and the most important thing as far as I'm concerned, is allowing any quilter who wants to, the chance to make it themselves, for free.

It's not too late to make a start...

                            See you over in the BOM Group!

‘Love Entwined 1790 Marriage Coverlet’ is a Free 18 Month Historic BOM.
Each ‘block’ of the month is released monthly, on the 15thof each month. All ‘blocks’ are available for free during the month of their release. Any missed ‘blocks’ may be purchased.
All ‘blocks’ are available for download via my Yahoo BOM Group only.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

WOW: Signs of Starting

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays 

Of course, the journey started last year when I created the pattern and launching the BOM was a exciting time, but I just didn't feel ready to make a start on it. There was always something amiss. The timing was hectic for me, then I was torn between endless colour scheme possibilities and finally I suffered real disappointment with my Bernina 820. I lost a lot of enthusiasm for sewing during that time.

But most of all, I was really hoping that we might uncover something more of the mysterious quilter who poured so much love and detail into the original quilt in 1790. It seemed a far reaching idea...yet possible. After all, finding the quilt was an enormous achievement in itself, so I dared to hope in my heart that we might be able to at least give her a name... but she is still a mystery and she is still out of our reach.

It's true, I was waiting. But now I can wait no longer.

Are you a member of my Yahoo BOM Group? Have you seen the amazing quilts members are making? I am astounded with the quality, ingenuity and difference between the LE's. Honestly, there are so many different styles, seeing them just makes me so happy and proud. The idea of so many beautiful quilts out there, reflecting each quilter in their own unique way is wonderful.

This year I've decided to focus on Love Entwined. This is hard for me as I have over 50 WIPs on the go, but I have to focus because I can't let another year pass without having this quilt made! It's too much of a Must Do! It's such a precious heirloom, even at these early stages it feels special to be sitting down and devoting the time needed to create it. It's not a quilt you can rush.

Today I can look over my sewing room in the morning light and say, this is it, the beginning of a very special journey.Yesterday I printed out the center square pattern in order to start a production line, I'll keep you posted as I work my way through, I aim to get the compass finished today.

Is there a special quilt project you're waiting for the right time to make a start on?

What's Your WOW ? 

Wednesday 5 February 2014

WOW: More Quilt Changes

 WOW = WIPs On Wednesday
I've finally settled on Sunshine & Shadow for my kitchen wall. You'll know from last week that it was actually my first choice, but I played around with different quilts before going back to my first idea! I often do this with fabrics too, if I could only be satisfied with my first impressions I'd save myself a lot of time.

Yellow can be a difficult colour to photograph, I knew that when I created Sunshine & Shadow, but what I didn't expect was how different this wall looks at different times of day when the yellow in the quilt looks as light as butter and sometimes as dark as daffodil. It's definitely a moody quilt that changes the light of the room all day long.

Actually I would have left Peony Pride (left) up for another season as I do love it so much, but it's background is pristine white and lately I've noticed dust settling in the quilting grooves, so I've taken it down to give it a clean. It's too hot at the moment to wash this quilt, but as soon as the weather cools from steaming hot to mildly warm, I will wash and dry it outside. I never hang my quilts from the washing line, I dry them flat so I need good weather - but not too hot - to dry them perfectly. I like to wash all my quilts at once just a few times a year and I wash most of them flat, by hand, so it's a time consuming workout!
Now I just need to decide on a quilt for my bedroom wall. I have Hearts Desire hanging in there right now and the morning light shows up all the details beautifully. I really enjoy sipping my coffee and admiring the fabrics before I face the day. But on the other hand, I do have so many quilts and not enough walls - so I will take it down this year for a change. But it can be hard when you have so many quilts to choose from...

What's Your WOW ?

Wednesday 29 January 2014

WOW: The Changing of the Quilts

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

I like to rotate my quilts at least one a year, sometime more depending on my mood! It's amazing how a quilt can change the feel of a room.

With the current heatwave, I've seen enough red which is what I themed my living room décor on (left) over winter. This is my before shot, it's messy, but you can see the quilt I'm talking about!

I love my warm red quilt and matching cushions in winter when it brightens and warms the room instantly - but it's time for a cool toned quilt to calm the room right down...

I started out by thinking I could do the quilt change myself,  but after a few dizzy moments on a chair, realised I should leave it to my DH! For some reason I always think it will be a quick and easy change, but there's always something extra to do..

And now that I'm happy with my Nightshade room, the kitchen entry quilt doesn't work anymore,
so I'll be changing it over today, as you can see below I've taken Peony Pride down and am thinking seriously about sunshine and shadow...but the rod is too long. I'll let you know how I go...
How do you use your quilts?
On beds? On walls? Both? I'd love to know... 
What's Your WOW ? 
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