WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
The table length is 118 1/2 " or 3m |
It started the night before my birthday. My DD’s wanted a table cloth for the big day. Honestly, I’m not that fussed. We have one for Christmas and Easter of course, but otherwise – and especially with a table this big, I usually opt for a runner.
I don’t know if you think about new table settings the evening before the morning they are required, but in my house this is actually a reoccurring theme!
It just so happens that last week right until my birthday I was sorting through my fabric stash and doing some tidying of my studio, and came across this beauty:
I purchased this fabric because I fell in love with it on sight. The roses are painted and although these images don’t do it justice, they are superb. The problem was that when I brought it home, I couldn’t cut into it. I didn’t have the heart. Also, the positioning of the design on the fabric meant that whichever flower I cut (if I decided to fussy cut) would cut into another bouquet, so that wasn’t a good use for it.
In the end, I decided to use it as a quilt back. But then thought it was too pretty not to be seen. So then I thought I would upholster a chair with it or maybe even create a screen.
Does anyone else have these fabric moments??
Well, Thursday night I pulled it out and we both fell in love with it as a table cloth. But covering the whole table was a bit much, so we experimented with a wide table runner. Well, I loved it.
Next, we agreed that we needed matching napkins and that the table runner should be plain – with maybe prairie paint binding in a matching yellow or peachy pink to the roses.
Just for the day, I folded it into size, ironed it down and made use of it unfinished until I have a moment to get it done properly.
So there it was – 5 hours until my birthday and another WIP started…oh well…
I will keep you posted and share the finished piece…when I get there myself!