Monday 29 March 2010

It's Easter

I love Easter and I love birds. As we have entered the Easter season, I’ve been thinking about how important it is to stop and enjoy the beauty and wonder of creation more.

I have a morning ritual involving a cup of coffee, a window and a tenacious birdy. Finally I have managed to snap a shot (it’s a bit blurry) of the morning ritual unfolding.

You can see how tall the conifer is, it dwarfs nearby roof houses and each morning a bird comes along and tries to perch on the topper most branch.

I love this moment. Every day I watch on with baited breath. And always there are some not so brave bird spectators that come to a nearby roof and jealousy watch. It’s a great moment when the birdy finally manages to get some balance. Often he will sway wildly in the wind on that little branch. I’m amazed it hasn’t snapped. I hope it never does.

I'm back at home and un-packed after 2 great workshops this past week....what a week it's been. Both workshops were warm and inviting and as for the students...well I couldnt have asked for a nicer group of ladies. Teaching is so enjoyable! Thank you !

Not only did I get to spend three days non stop doing what I love, but I also met an incredible inspiration of mine:

Kathy of Material Obsession!

Yes, after reading her books...and drooling over her stunning designs...I met her in the flesh! And she's so much more than I could have ever guessed. Also, my DD has been on at me to make a Dresden Quilt...and now I see a Desden quilt in the horizon, but rather than a traditional affair it will be inspired by Kathy's Garden Party. Do go and have a look yourself!

Kathy, your work rocks!

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Early Starts, busy March!

It's another early morining start for me. I'm up, my DH is packing the car and I am about to head out for a 2 hour drive to today's workshop!
March has turned out to be a seriously hectic month, so apologies for the few posts.
I feel like I've been spending all my time in 'preperation' or 'recovery' or 'on the road' as I have had several workshops back to back. I have also had lots of organising and ordering to do. And of course, there's always the family things we all know so well that have to be taken care of too.
As I make my morning coffee and look over my sleeping monitor each morning I know that time is ticking...
Many of you are eagerly waiting for the next BOM to start...I know, I know, apologies for the delay, but it couldnt be helped...and I just won't launch until I am satisfied. The good news is that its coming, next month.
So hang in there!

Monday 22 March 2010

Red Delicious takes it's first prize

Congratulations to: Laurie Schoenebeck, North Wisconsin, USA
Third place ribbon in the Appliqué Wall Quilt-Quilted on Home Sewing Machine Category

I do believe that this is the first Red Delicious quilt to have won an award…and I am so happy to know about it!
If anyone else has won or exhibited Red Delicious, please share. It makes me so happy to know that Red Delicious is out there being enjoyed and that each quilter makes it their own in their own unique way.

Thanks so much Laurie for sharing this!
How is your Red Delicious coming along? Are you finished yet?

Tuesday 9 March 2010

and the winners are...

Here's what the Quilt show had to say:

Table Runner Contest Winners are Here! Thanks to all the talented TQS members who entered our recent Table Runner Contest. There were so many beautiful pieces; it was very difficult to select the winners!

Based on your nominees for the top six entries, ARJJ chose the top three winners. All three are shown here. A big round of applause goes out to the winners for their outstanding work.

Watch this space: We'll soon be sharing the patterns for the top three winners with our TQS Star members, so you can create a winning table runner of your own...and be sure to keep an eye out for our next contest, coming in May. Once again we'll be offering a monetary prize to the top three winners.

1st Place: Esther the Easter Chicken by clhughley

Mine!! 2nd Place: Tulip Delight by EstherAliu

3rd Place: Round Robin by Bridget473

How great are these table runners?

Very happy to be placed 2nd.

Ok, I am actually Very Busy working, so back to it!

Sunday 7 March 2010


Sunshine and Shadow has been accepted for Paducah this year
Congratulations to everyone
(and especially Lisa Walton- another from Australia who made it in)
UPDATE: Wow! what a great response, thank you for your well wishes. I've never won anything in Paducah, however I enter because I feel that more important than winning - is being present. Especially with stenciling which is not a well known quilting technique. For me, just hanging amongst the big names I so admire is exciting!
Of course, I'm always trying to better my work, but making my own original designs and showing them is reward enough.

Thursday 4 March 2010

The end is in sight!

Finally the end is in sight!

Whenever I 'plan' something, I can be sure that my idea will be diverted into something else. I had some pretty strong ideas for the next BOM...and no matter what I do...or how I work it, the same design elements continue appearing, demanding to be the centre focus. What is this insisting design? Where is the BOM?? All will be revealed soon.

At the moment I'm finishing up and playing around with details to make sure everything is just where it's supposed to be.

I've been somewhat preoccupied in finishing this stash busting bed BOM quilt these last few weeks. I've gone through my fabric piles, I've been designing and re-designing and pinning blocks on any available wall.

My DD's (who are both all grown up and perfectly capable of moving out and running their own homes) left me this nice postcard on the fridge earlier this week. I thought I'd share it with you as I'm sure many quilters can relate.

More soon....

Sunday 28 February 2010

Totally Delighted!

The Quilt Show: is running a Table Runner Contest!
I have entered my own Tulip Delight and have been really delighted with the positive feedback.
There are some great table runners there, so if you'd like a look, stop by The Quilt Show site and check it out by double clicking on this post title or via my side bar. Log in and look under the"contests" tab at the top of the screen.
In other news, I'm working busily, very busily to get the next BOM launched (it has a mind and a will of its own) - I'm always struck by how determined a stash of fabrics can become - design wise.
More on that soon....
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