Sunday 17 August 2008

Nightshade, you're going to HOUSTON!

I'm happy to report that I received confirmation this last week that Nightshade has been juried into Houston!

Otherwise, I've just been busy dabbling in my sewing studio. Trying out a few new techniques and attempting to organise my chaos.

Something that has caught my eye is the new Inktense derwent pencils that have been advertised in quilting magazines lately, has anyone given these a go? I'd love to hear some feedback if you have.

That's all for now, I'm a little distracted as I have several sketches on the go, hopefully I will have something new in the next day or two.

Monday 11 August 2008

UFO goes back in its box

Well.... I started out with good intentions - found a UFO whilst tidying up my stash, decided to finish it to get it out of its box (and to have one less UFO to finish!)....but when I laid it out on the floor, my daughters hated it! So it got downgraded to a picnic quilt.....and now its been downgraded....right back into its box! Folded away for the next round of 'tidying up the stash'

What can I say? cleaning just brings out the inspiration in me and now I have 3 new quilt ideas that I'm furiously sketching and getting down, so I really dont have time for that UFO.

In the meantime, I did finish my blankets of love challenge and my daughter joined me and finished hers as well ('quality time' together....she stressed my sewing machine to its limit!) I'm amazed its still stitching as we went through quite a few needles..... anyway, 2 quilts in 2 says and off they were posted!

I'm not allowed to show any pics of them just yet- the rules wont let me until they have been judged. However after judging I will put them up.

I've been doing a lot of designing and sketching at the moment.... so I've been neglecting my emails and other computing stuff.... of well, sometimes creativity just gets in the way, but who's complaining?

I'M IN LOVE WITH RED, ITS MY FAV COLOUR AT THE MOMENT and thats all I'm revealing for now!

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Just remembered

I'm so excited, it looks good!

Yes, I've designed a brand new mystery BOM (I get really inspired when I'm cleaning- anything to distract), and I just had to share

It's called RED DELICIOUS. I'll keep you posted....

Turning chaos in calm

Well, I've finally knuckled down and stayed commited to tidying up my sewing area, machines, and fabric and thread stashes! And I'm not gonna blog until I've finished! Wish me luck, I'm only half way there - its a full time operation.

I dare not start on colour coding my fabris stash - thats a 6 month task!

Friday 1 August 2008

I found a UFO

I've been putting my quilts back up on my walls now that they are home and I've had some time to recover from the Show. I was doing so well that I decided to clean up my studio which has been neglected of late, and suprise suprise, I found a UFO stash! Perfect! Just what I need to keep busy whilst thinking of my next project.....I have heaps of UFO's and I need some brainless work that I can throw over outside chairs, etc and not be too bothered about. This is what I'm playing with at the moment.

This is a Cheater's a baltimore album block and border (I bought 4 panels) just to get the blocks right and I just added two fabrics, green and beige to finish the top. I've never made a panel quilt before, to be honest, I dont know what I was thinking when I started it! But you can never have enough quilts (well, my family is always complaining that for a quilter, we dont have enough quilts (theyre always on show, or touring or somewhere....) so I'm commited to finishing this one. Although - my daughters hate it, they think its really ugly - so it may end up being the PICNIC QUILT!

I've decided that I have to finish some UFO's, its simple, but a good canvas to practice new quilting techniques on.... I have one 'real' baltimore in me, maybe in the next ten years.... I really love well made traditional Baltimore's and I've promised myself that I will do one before I retire from quilting (whenever that is!)

This is a large quilt, its 90 inches. Thats pretty big for a UFO.... it'll give me something to play around with next week as I mostly keep my weekends quilt free.

Yes, another excuse not to clear up my sewing area - it doesnt take much!

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Thank you everyone

Thank you to everyone who has commented on my blog, its always encouraging to receive so many well wishers - especially as quilting can be a very focused and individual art....its nice to reconnect after all those hours behind a quilting foot!

Brenda, your phonecall last week made my day! I would have called you back, but I couldnt find the phone! (thats the problem with cordless....)

I'm still recovering from being hyper active at the Show, today I've really felt run I'm giving myself a few weeks before deciding on my next quilt.

I know many of you would like me to blog everyday (thank you to everyone who goes to the effort of emailing me....yes, I always make the effort to reply ....eventually....)... but sometimes my mind wanders and I get fed up with my computer skills (or lack of).

I dont know what I'll do next....I've seen too many beautiful quilts and my mind is racing with motivation and ideas..... will keep you posted.....soon....
Above is a pic of the bookmark I had printed to hand out at the show, its a detail from Secret Garden.

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Ah Serendipity......

You have hundreds of quilts at spend hours finishing your quilt to exhibit...then you spend a day setting up...and then your daughter visits you at Showcase (and what does she do??) She admires someone elses quilt! and then takes a photo of her favourite block to let you know what kind of quilt she'd like next! Yes! Really!

Luckily enough though, I know the creator of this beautiful quilt and I know she wont mind me publishing this pic...

Dear Grace, just so you know, this is the much admired block!

In particular, the two stars and vine detail make it that extra bit special (as well as your use of pink!)

Yes, this quilt is a winner too:

Excellence in Domestic Machine Quilting - Amateur

Congratualtions Grace!
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