Wednesday 9 August 2017

WOW: Slow Down August!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays 
I have so many exciting piles and nests around the house, each one a 'project' or WIP in progress that I'm playing with and tinkering on. Today I'm deciding what to commit to before the end of the year, and what to pack away as projects for another day.

Next week, my new Free BOM begins, so be sure to keep an eye out - I'll post more about it on Friday. That will take us up to the end of the year and before then, I'll have another free surprise to share too. Today, it's all about pulling out my diary and getting organized.

I must admit, I feel like the year is now basically charging head first into Christmas and before I know it, a whole New Year will be knocking on my door before I'm ready. Time to get busy!

What's Your WOW?


  1. Looking forward your new project!

  2. Esther, I'm looking forward to your BOM. I'm with you that it feels like it's almost time to start charging towards Christmas. Happy sewing! Andrea

  3. My WOW: Today I must cut out more pieces for my Millifiori Ballet pattern. I'm enjoying doing the running stitch on this project like I first learned hand piecing years ago. It's a leisurely project I don't expect to have done anytime soon. Taking my time in between other projects. Wishing you an enjoyable day also!

  4. Hi Esther,
    How exciting - a BOM. I will definitely check that out on Friday. Thank you for hosting the linky party, and c.u.t.e glasses! ~smile~ Roseanne


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