Wednesday 23 August 2017

WOW: Prep & Conquer

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
People always ask me how I get so much applique done and I always give the same answer - turn edge applique is a game of preparation. You must prep. If you don't like prepping, then applique is not for you. There simply isn't any way around this - although people have asked me if there is a secret more times than I care to count. The secret is prepping. So don't be daunted, just get stuck in. And once you do, you too can prep and conquer!

This envelope is my work for the morning, here I go!

What's Your WOW?


  1. I’m currently in the middle of a big English Paper Piecing project, where there is also tons of prep work involved before sewing can begin.

  2. How do you get the papers out after you've glued like that?

  3. Ahhhh, but when they're done, they're more precious than little golden nuggets!

  4. Thank you for showing us how you prepare your pieces. Do you ever make generic pieces that could be used on almost any of your work, just to have on hand? Like leaves or flower petal shapes you use frequently. Or do you make them all specifically for each quilt?


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