Wednesday 28 June 2017

WOW: Winter Warmer

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
It's winter down my way and everywhere I go people are coughing and spluttering with a cold or flu, so I've been replacing my morning coffee with a Chinese herbal brew and taking a teaspoon of Manuka honey before heading out and also on returning home. I'm pleased to report that it's been working for me. When I go down with the flu it can take months to properly recover so these steps are going a long way to keeping my mouth bacteria on defensive against the germs that seem to be on attack everywhere I go.

Last week I was lucky enough to get a box of organic, non sprayed lemons from a farm. I'm so happy with these that I'm zesting the skins for my herbal tea blends.

I have a jam packed July and August with lots of projects, ideas and plans to get stuck into, so I'm doing everything I can to make sure nothing gets in my way! I guess you could say it's my most important prep step.

What's Your WOW?


  1. Yup, all it took was one young lad behind us in a cafe last week. His grandmother, I assume, took him out to the cafe with an obvious chest infection, and now I am onto day five. Of course, I won't do the same, so I am stuck at home, coughing, sniffing and quilting. I missed my quilt guild meeting, since it is my job to greet everyone, and tick their names off the attendance list. I'd hate to send someone to hospital with pneumonia or something!
    Quilting is bit dangerous though. I have a tendency to trim things to their finished size, or stick a hole in a block with an unpacker. Maybe I need to play with some hexies or something for a few days.
    And find some lemons

    1. Oh no I hope you feel better soon. I really detest these selfish people who go out and about spreading their illness. A cafe is hardly an essential errand, he shouldn't have been there.

  2. Hi Esther,
    I hope you are feeling much, much better now. That tea sounds wonderfully refreshing and the cure for all ailments, especially with that fresh lemon zest. ~smile~

    1. Thanks Roseanne, is there anything a good brew of tea can't fix?? Fingers crossed I'm doing fine in this flu haze.

  3. It's sweltering summer here in the Southeastern USA, but I've been fighting off "the ick" myself. Went to the doctor for antibiotics at my husband's insistence (he was right; it had turned into bronchitis), but I finished the antibiotics several days ago and now I feel it coming back again. And I'm a singer, so I'd rather get gangrene and lose a toe than catch a cold and lose my voice! :-( What kind of Chinese herbal tea is working for you? I've been drinking a lot of this Echinacea "throat coat" herbal tea that is supposed to help for singing and public speaking. I don't know that it's doing any good, but at least it's tasty and feels good going down!

    1. Hi Rebecca Grace, sorry I didn't reply sooner. The chinese tea I drink is called 'pur' which is the type of tea, not a brand, and you can find it at a Chinese Grocer's or tea shop. They know this tea, it's very common. It's a cleansing digestive tea which is very mild tasting. It's been a great tea to combine with the honey and it's working for me.

      As for the public speaking and singing a singer at a dinner party once told me that she drank red wine the night before and it made her voice perfect. I don't sing or talk, so I can only pass that gem on :)


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