Wednesday 14 June 2017

WOW: Scallops, Scallops Everywhere..

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
I adore scallops (or do you call them clamshells?) I've always thought and referred to them as scallops and now I can't get out of the habit. Anyhow, I have a whole stash of gorgeous black and white and grey fabrics that I decided to just start scalloping and stacking up to make a new quilt top.

It's a gorgeous way to stash bust and I'm loving every minute of it. Right now, it's not too demanding on my eyes or mind either which is just what I need. I have a wonderful I pattern designed for scallops and I'm using my Template from that pattern, the only problem is I can't show it to you as I don't know where it is - I simply cannot find it! It's called Shelly and when I come across it, I will be putting all these scallops to use. The only thing I know is the number of scallops I need because I wrote it on my template! For now I will just keep making scallops until Shelly shows up.

Last week I was all excited about Koi Garden and planned on releasing it but then I came down with a 2 day vertigo attack. I'm still not 100% after that and am taking it easy. It means my exciting art quilt plans for Koi Garden have to wait until I feel well enough to tackle it. My vertigo attacks and ear aches are really keeping me mostly away from my screen. I don't have the nerves to sit behind a computer for long enough to do anything with it.

So, it's all about the simple scallops for me today..

What's Your WOW?


  1. What a wonderful way to examine the principle of 'value' - I love the scallops.

  2. Not sure I have heard them called scallops before but I like it. I expect the pattern will turn up when you start looking for something else. I shall look forward to seeing your progress.

  3. love your scallops and wonder what you will use them for - I used them once all in various greens to mimic grass.

  4. Hi, Esther. I'm sorry you're not feeling well! Hopefully you'll be back to all of your projects soon. I have had clamshells or scallops dancing around in my mind as well lately. I cut out some 4" scallops but then didn't like those fabrics together, then ordered a 9 1/2" acrylic template so I could fussy-cut larger prints into scallops, but haven't gotten to using it yet. I do hope you find your pattern so you can show us your scallop project!

  5. Your scallops look fantastic; I love black and white. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. I love your scallops. I recently finished a clamshell quilt. Mine were 4" clams. The quilt has1298 clams in it and no two are alike. A true document of my stash :). Have fun with yours.

  7. All those black and white fabrics look so good together!

  8. I hope you feel better soon! that makes things very hard! Take care and Look forward to seeing your new patterns !

  9. I hate vertigo attacks. They can be debilitating. Hugs

  10. Thanks for taking the effort to still put up Wow or WIP's for us to enjoy Esther when you are feeling so sick. Hope you are back to 100% soon, Your clam shells look lovely in the black and white shades.
    Cheers Glenda

  11. I've had vertigo and it's no fun at all. Be well, Esther.
    Prayers being said,
    Angie in SoCal

  12. What a wonderful mix of fabrics you are using, Esther. Hope that you get back to 100% health soon. x

  13. Get well soon Esther! I do hope you are feeling better soon. I can recommend a naturopath/Chinese medicine/witchdoctor (well, he seemed to be able to fix anything) in Essendon. xoxo

  14. I love your scaloops and I love your fabrics!
    Get well, Marita

  15. Love your scallops, hate the vertigo. I've had it for a week now. Brought on by some physical therapy for my shoulder, but a post came across my facebook account showing I had it this time of year in 2014. Hope you're feeling better soon! Think I've got to start collecting some grey, black and white fabric.

  16. Great black & white scallops! Love it!
    Esther, PLEASE go to this video and TRY it! It works for me EVERY single time I get vertigo...caused by an inner ear issue I've had most of my adult life. You won't regret trying it!


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