Wednesday 1 February 2017

WOW: Secret Garden is Launched!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Who's got the key to get into the garden?

Secret Garden has launched and I am over the moon about it! Or perhaps over the garden wall about it is more fitting. Either way, I've got my eye on the front door as I'm expecting a fabric delivery with a lovely new background for me to begin my masterpiece.

I love all my quilts, but oh, I'm so in love with this one. 

I can't wait to show you more as I make my own Part 1 block as soon as my important delivery arrives! And of course, there's always the thrill of seeing how everyone else will make their own too. That never fails to encourage and cheer me on.

It's not too late to join this beautiful mystery BOM and although my plain pic above hasn't done this block much justice yet, just wait until you see it finished!

What's Your WOW?


  1. Dear Esther I said I was just going to be looking at SG but I have printed it off LOL I was thinking it would be only 1/4 of the size it was for some reason lots of small pieces to appliqué but its very big!!!! and so so beautiful this is going to be awesome. Thanks again for sharing it is beautiful. Glenda

  2. buenas noches sra. esther me gustaria saber si me permite
    copiar su patron,
    reciba mi cariño y admiracion en cristo jesus

  3. I can't wait to spoke about your background fabric and waiting for it to come........can you let us know if it would be better to use one fabric as background or could we do different backgrounds........what will go together better??????????????..........then the next question.........about how much..............

  4. Your patterns and finish quilts are always so gorgeous, Esther. One of these years maybe I will feel like I have enough expertise to try one!


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